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Consciousness (Read 388408 times)
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Christ Light

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The Pyramid of LIGHT
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Re: Consciousness
Reply #225 - Mar 9th, 2011 at 7:33pm
So do not be alarmed, dear ones, if you notice some rattling occurring in you. Gently notice it. See particles of old rattle up to the surface, and float away into the cosmic ethers . . . cleansed by the increasing in-flow of Source Light in the Earth’s new atmosphere. And gently smile within, breathing deeply each moment, each time this rattling is felt and known to you, that the new Light Codes now have a new space within you . . . to anchor the new Dream, the new Light, the new Bliss and Grace and Oneness . . . of the New Earth’s Harmonic Oneness.

It is time within us all . . . to allow this New Age of Golden Light . . . to be birthed through Sound and Light Codes within . . . to invite the dance and rhythms of a New Earth Experience . . . singing and aligning its Harmony once more . . . with the Great Central Sun . . . to shine its Golden Light Rays . . . to and through every single one in the collective One.

This is the time of allowing the flow . . . of this golden streaming Light . . . to be a healing balm of the old ways . . . and cosmic activator of the new.

This is the time to embody the Light you see without . . . in your perfect Sun . . . in your Inner Sun within . . . and allow its Light Codes to activate in the flow . . . of the Golden Flame Dance . . . birthing the next great Golden Age. It is Time.

Blessings Dear Ones!
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ॐ May Much LOVE and CHRISTS LIGHT be upon and within us all.... namasté ▲ - : )  ╰დ╮ॐ╭დ╯
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Christ Light

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Re: Consciousness
Reply #226 - Mar 12th, 2011 at 6:31am
and so it is

beloved ones

i do manifest before you all once again

in love and light

have those amongst your number observed these

ever increasing changes?

have you noticed these events that continually unfold

before your awareness now?

how does this make you feel?

are you in a state of readiness?

i would suggest unto thee

thou art a loving entity/being of love and light

look within unto that which you must flee unto at

these moments

forgive yourself now beloved ones

raise your ViBrAtIoNs NOW*

unto the divine unity consciousness grid.

fear not

for i am that i am that i am

i am that i am that i am with thee

and you are never alone

in so very much LOVE of a divine and sacred construct

observing the >>>shift<<<

and holding all within our hearts collectively

in the higher dimensions


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Christ Light

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Re: Consciousness
Reply #227 - Mar 12th, 2011 at 7:17pm


March 10-17, 2011

Beloved Ones,

Let us have discourse on the quality of Love known as honor. What does this quality encompass? It entails an inherent respect for the ‘other’ as a Divine spark of the Creator and the giving of this respect in all interactions with them. It is a two way exchange, Dear Ones, for in order for Love to continue to be and to grow and expand between two people or in a group situation, there must be an acknowledgement that the ‘others’ point of view is always taken into careful consideration so that their sense of well being, security and happiness is always foremost in their intentions.

The giving of Love one to another is usually a happy exchange in the beginnings of relationship and each person endeavors to ensure that joy, laughter, interest and caring is that which is given in tribute to the feelings and emotions that are felt within each heart, for to be freely given Love is the most wonderful gift of all. There is no price that one could put on the giving or receiving of Love, for along with constant change, Love is the constant in a World that is forever growing, expanding and evolving.

Many times, a person will love another so greatly and give of themselves in every way to be of help to the ‘other’, to give their support, encouragement, inspiration, upliftment when needed, and a sense of constancy based on a solid foundation of this feeling and emotion called Love. If this giving is taken for granted and not reciprocated in kind, then one could say that their Love is not honored. For in Love, there must be honor to the vitality and life of the relationship or else the balance between giving and receiving goes awry and problems could and most likely will, arise.

It requires maturity to stay committed to the intentions set at the beginning of relationship in order that the relationship continues to grow and expand into ever greater opportunity for each person to express the higher aspects of themselves in order to grow into their fullest Divine potential. When the relationship is honored by both people because it is important to them to continue to stay in the relationship and it is meaningful to them, then Love fulfills all and just IS. Joy and happiness flourish and everything else in their life flows with ease and grace.
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Christ Light

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Re: Consciousness
Reply #228 - Mar 12th, 2011 at 7:17pm
When one person does not honor the relationship by breaching the unspoken boundaries of acceptable behavior that is a part of every relationship, it creates a sense of hurt, betrayal and the feeling of pain in the other person because their trust in the strength and the goodness of the relationship has been dishonored. The one who hurts feels a sense of violation in the sanctity of their relationship and their sense of the rightness of things has been disturbed. If people desire to live happily and harmoniously with each other or to relate to each other in a group situation, honor of the relationship must be shown at all times.

In a relationship between two people, it must be remembered that there is a creation of a third entity and that entity is the energy of the Creator and so there must be complete honesty, transparency and accountability in order that the relationship stays vital, alive and thriving. If these are not honored, then the relationship becomes dysfunctional and unless there is honest communication between the two people, schisms in the smooth and joyful relating of one to the other will be present in the relationship.

Within each person, it is also important to know themselves and their values and to honor themselves in these values, for these are an innate part of their essence and the violation of this essence will lead to unhappiness because the basic foundation of all they believe in has not been acknowledged or understood. In all things it is important to stay completely open and honest in all relationships and to honor the ‘other’, to treat them as you yourself would wish to be treated, for in this way, happiness and joy can be perpetuated and life will be a wonderful, sharing and caring adventure.

I leave you now to ponder these thoughts. Know that you are ever loved and adored by your Family of Light.

I AM Archangel Gabriel
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Christ Light

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Re: Consciousness
Reply #229 - Mar 15th, 2011 at 5:24am
beloved ones,

i am that i am that i am with you now,

Our Rewire, Astro Travel and Group Consciousness - MASTER KUTHUMI by Lynette Leckie Clark

I Kuthumi enter your energy field once more with a feeling of hope and joy for your future. You are aware that old energies – and those ones attached to these – are being moved on. It is a case of either change or move away. Those who would dictate, cheat or lie, in present or past actions, are no longer being tolerated. You who hold such Light energy should congratulate yourselves. It is the power of so much Light emitting from you all which is exposing all levels of dark behavior. Perhaps now you can see what I have been speaking of and preparing you for, for some time now.


I spoke previously of imagining, playing make believe. There was a great purpose in this exercise on many levels. First it awakened your inner child, this was important after so many lifetimes held in a lower vibration. So your energy field was lifted, therefore more readily open to your soul. Secondly it re-ignited your faith, trust and hope. These energies have been buried within mankind for too long. This was the preparation. But most importantly it began an acceptance through your higher vibrations of a ‘re-wiring’. Yes, your brain is being re-wired through the nervous cells or neurons of your brain. As you open to the Light - the highest octave of Divine Energy - you feel different do you not? You feel free somehow. You are able to create, to manifest that which you desire.

Astro Travel

As you go within the higher realms you automatically cross into new dimensions of infinite possibilities. You are able to travel to other places, other towns, other countries, even the Universe itself. Through your soul you always just know that you are quite safe. You know this is not your imagination when you return to your physical body and awareness. Your senses showed you reality on another level of existence. It seemed such a long way back and as you linked back into your physical body you noticed it felt quite heavy. You noticed a subtle energy shift. That is when you truly understand just how far you had (astro) traveled.

Group Consciousness

All are now linking freely with your higher selves, your soul. Your soul connects freely to the group consciousness of your town, your country, the group consciousness of the planet. You see all thoughts, all spoken words and also intentions float in an energetic form in the ethers of your planet. Therefore similar thoughts, words, intentions and your soul group members are linking together. This is happening more quickly now due to the new energies in your atmosphere. I will give an example to you. At times you have an idea brought through to you from your higher self awareness. You begin to question it, to ponder, to doubt yourself and eventually do nothing. Or you hear it, acknowledge it and still do nothing. Then out of no-where you hear of some one else who had the same idea and is acting on it. You feel the energetic connection – nothing to do with gender. I speak of a higher link up, one of soul links. You see the idea was in the ethers. You chose to do nothing. Another soul chose to act, to bring the idea into the physical energies, to give the same idea physical birth.

Many of you are linking up with your soul family members now. You are feeling through the heart centre. It is indeed a wonderful year for this. This is the great network of spirit – I call it the Spiritual Web. It extends not only around all of your bodies, but your town, your country, the planet and on out into the Universe and the Universes beyond. Think of this as a great telepathic phone line. This links all Light workers together, in an instant. There is no time here or on the Spiritual Web you see. This is the Light workers network. It is available to all who awaken to the Light energy through their soul.
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Christ Light

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Re: Consciousness
Reply #230 - Mar 15th, 2011 at 5:25am
Link In

As you raise your vibration you begin to work and communicate with higher levels of wisdom and ancient truths. The Light energy and higher learning activates new pathways in your brain through the neurons. You feel calmer and begin to dislike stress and all harsh energies. This is energy transference at work. When you are under stress chemicals are released in your brain which ‘shrink’ your brain cells. This restricts the higher energy flows. You don’t feel good. I will give you another example. Let us say that you are required to complete a task in a certain time frame. Suddenly you realize your time is running out and you are no where near completion of your task. You feel panic rising within you. You begin to make mistakes, and your brain enters a stage of stress. Everything you try begins to go wrong. You are now out of the flow. The energies around you are jaggered and your mental, emotional and physical bodies are suffering and unable to function clearly. Your stress takes you down to a harsher lower level of energy. You have all experienced this example I know.

It is time to stop. Time to become still, to understand it will not work and allow yourself to let go. The energies now are shifting, sifting out the past, and are very strong. It is time to link back into the Light, to quieten, to still your emotions.

The brain is very capable of expanding, of changing old beliefs, old patterns of behavior. It does require stimulation and mental focus to achieve this. I tell you this is a great part of creating your future, a new future, what you call a new Earth.

Truth Realized

The truth is now being realized on Earth. As I said, all un-truths and all forms of deceit will no longer be tolerated. The Light of the Infinite Spirit will expose them to be seen by all. They must be seen so change can begin.

You are now entering the Age of Aquarius which began in October of 2010. This year, 2011, will bring changes for many of you and also changes for the planet. The old is falling away, giving birth to the new cycles. Some of you wondered last year how the predicted changes could take place. How some of mankind would change. Now the re-wire is upon you. Now you have a glimpse of what is to be for mankind in the future.

Are you ready? Have you prepared yourself. For this must happen first before you are ready and able to assist another, to share wisdom on the Light workers Spiritual Web. Prepare yourself first.

Peace and Light to each of you.
Master Kuthumi
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Christ Light

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Re: Consciousness
Reply #231 - Mar 18th, 2011 at 12:00am


A Message from Creator/Source transmitted through Archangel Michael/Ashtar Sheran

(as received by Ariel DeAngelis on March 15, 2011)

My Beloved Sons and Daughters/Brothers and Sisters/Family of Light,

Earth continues to change as you proceed into this new dimension. Time fades and disappears. Land moves and sea shifts creating new shorelines and new temperaments, new zones of experience and undisputed beauty which you have yet to perceive. The old still overlaps the new and though there is much to look forward to, you remain with your gaze fixated on what was.

You know why these changes are occurring and yet even as you understand them innately there is still blame laid. Know then that it is not that these things happen as a result of any one thing, but simply that they ARE. You have always known that Earth would change. It does not matter how those changes happen. You knew coming into this life at this time that change was imminent. Let it be. Allow it for it simply IS. You have prepared yourselves beautifully for these changes you have been expecting, and now it is appropriate for you to move forward into your new experience.

You are a reflection of the Love that resonates from deep within ME; a mirror which shines bright Light out into your world; which reaches far beyond the known Universe and far beyond what you think of as “time”. It goes out and in its travels collects more Love resonating from deep within ME, magnifying it incomprehensibly, and bringing it back here to you. All for you, and your Brothers and Sisters who are here with you, and scattered throughout the Universe. This is the stuff from which you are made. This is the one thing that you thirst for. This is the only thing that will quench your thirst and feed your soul from now throughout Eternity, just as it always has.

Each time you look into the eyes of your Bother or your Sister, you look into your own eyes. You look into MY heart. When you see fear in the eyes of your Brother or Sister, know that you see fear in yourself also, but look into MY heart within you own heart and see the Love that resides therein. Allow the Love inside your heart to transmute the fear, and change it into Love, then send that Love back through your own gaze into the hearts of your Brothers and Sisters so that they will know your Love, your understanding, your compassion, which is also MY Love, MY understanding, MY compassion. When you know this Love, then you know everything. You will know that you have an unending supply of this Love; you will know that you have access to everything you could possibly want, need or desire.

Fear is not knowing. To Love, and experience Love is to know that these moments you now exist within have been planned for since the beginning of Creation. Yes some of you may perceive them now with your eyes shut, your memory clouded, and experience great fear as a result, but those of you who know, because of the Love in your hearts that is reminding you; help those who do not understand, to know that all is well. All is Love. All is occurring exactly as it is supposed to, no matter what you may be tempted to believe. Believing is not knowing. Faith is knowing. Have Faith that each and every one of you will soon know the Love that you came here knowing you would know, because you already know it. You have known forever.

Earth continues to change for the better, as does this star system, as does this galaxy, as does this entire expanse of Creation. We know what we are doing, as do you. We All know how it will be; beautiful, as always. It is the only way it can be, for All is welcome in our hearts.

Bounteous Love, Peace and Joy is already yours, but I send it to you now especially so that you will know what is just around the corner, and that you need not fear any longer.

I Love You My Precious Ones.

Mother/Father, Goddess/God, Creator/Source; I AM All That Is. I AM the Love that you seek. I AM the Love that you know. I AM You.

I AM Archangel Michael as Ashtar Sheran and I bring you this message of Love and Knowing from Creator/Source
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Christ Light

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Re: Consciousness
Reply #232 - Mar 18th, 2011 at 4:30pm

We are the Galactic Centre:

Greetings blessed hearts,

We enfold you all now in the highest esteem, honour and the deepest love. You are currently moving through so much and emerging victorious in the radiant love and light of the new earth and the new galactic neighbourhood. These glorious creations can be more clearly felt all of the time now. Holes are appearing in the veil of seperation. So many catastrophes and uprisings, so much awakening is now shaking the world and mankind into accepting the actual reality of earth's situation. Light servers meet and set forth esteemed intents and all is released into the planetary mix. All prayers are heard. We are reveling at how far you are coming in such a short earth time in terms of your fading timeline. The timelines are severely askew. The now moment has never been more accessible and experienced by so many fresh hearts around the world. So much creation at this time. We love to see you excercising your innate powers in such beautiful colours and tones. New plans for the arrival of higher influxes of light vibration and love magic are currently reshaping the galactic neighbourhood. Hearts from all throughout creation are working tirelessly with the awakening of humanity and to those lightservers who are awakening to and using their divinely given creation gifts. There is an outpouring of new manifestation happening on planet earth. We are experiencing hearts shaping grids of light and immense matrixes of divine design that are focused on magnetizing the new earth reality more and more into the everyday life experience of earth and all of life. These creations are being shared hand in hand with creational hearts from your higher realms of experience who are answering prayers and revelling in working directly with newly awakened hearts.The light emerging forth from the galactic centre is greatly increasing of late because of the awakening of all beings on this earth to the style of the new earth and it's divine influence in the world vibration and the life vibration of all sentient life on this great orb. Heaven never declines a wish or a prayer. All prayers are answered. This is now seen in the intense activity that is occurring in the higher dimensions and in the creational dimensions of your planet and throughout all life here also. We take our hats off to you. The earth will continue to unfold in it's letting go of that which it no longer requires. There is no stopping this order of events. We wish to advise you on the importance of not getting too caught up in prophecy. Prophecies are constantly shifting directly according to world events and the fabric of this world is such that synchronistic movement of the love and vibrancy of the creator is the only real reality at work on this earth as it is found in the present moment. The choice is yours as to where you place your attention. Simply allow your awareness to rest in your heart and you will find this a trustworthy guide in all that greets as you go about your day. Adonai beloved friends and esteemed hearts. We bid you adieu for now.

We are the Galactic Centre.
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Australian Politics

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Re: Consciousness
Reply #233 - Mar 19th, 2011 at 1:38am
 I critically worry about this character
, who is either the most abundant human of all time, in human memory, or is indeed dear Jesus or one of his likes visiting upon our isolated shores, of earth.

 It is a pity this isolated creaure must manifest alone as a raving madman on the shores of consciousness, with no solicitation nor followers, and most probably therefore even more revilved and defiled by the solid shadowy makings of ordinary men and women, and children. than Jesus was.

 I can be fooled. Easily. Sometimes your accursed or curious eyes may wonder, fellow humans, to the exact phrase this metaphistor may manage in the wakes of your gentle tidings, and call to mind the Grand Book of Life that is not open to any eyes but the rare.
 So be it synchronicity and the higher care you are unaware.
 I just wish this sublime earthquake was opposite to another disaster - this time of The Human Spirit.
 Yet I increasingly find her ramblings as general and unformed as the spirit of the sea, whose beauty-bound waves know recurring raves over the whole, without specific measure of earthly conduct.
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Christ Light

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Re: Consciousness
Reply #234 - Mar 19th, 2011 at 5:19am
beloved brother sister being

fear not

this weariness will leave you soon

i do not critically or in any other frequency worry

all is in accordance with the divine plan

fear not dear one

for i am with thee


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Christ Light

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The Pyramid of LIGHT
Gender: male
Re: Consciousness
Reply #235 - Mar 20th, 2011 at 5:03pm

Metatron on Ascension Waves

Greetings, beloved,

I am Metatron from The Divine Council. I join you today with my deepest blessings to you in these intense happenings within your world. The ride has started. Long before, for some of you, suddenly or unexpected for others. No matter how, you all are riding the wave now, And there will be more and more waves now, from inside or outside, like from within your being and outside it. It is your journey, the journey of your own ascension. What you see and experience now in your life is the mirror of you. There is no way you can control that, my dear ones, for there is only beingness and experience. The deep and sacred experience of your fulfillment. So there is no place you can run or hide. You cannot run from yourself, from the expression of your Divinity. IT IS YOU.

The waves I am referring to are the waves of your integration. They come now in oneness, so therefore the current is strong and the effects are intense. Bless every moment, as it is a blessed moment of your beingness. The reunion of your own self, in the highest realms. I am here to remind you of that. It is your choice , you decided that long before coming in this body of yours, in this lifetime. It is THE LIFE that you have chosen for you, as a graduation. Perhaps many of you were so amazed of your multiple changes in your life, different activities, different places to live, and changes in your relationships, that seem to kick you when you less expected. Yes, for there is indeed a reunion of your aspects in this lifetime. You discover so many skills or calls for different kind of activities. If you are aware of, you will remember. You have done it before , in another lifetime. You just remember it, now. But this – the experience you are living now is the unique and no-back-remembrance kind of thing. So here it is - the time of joy, of experiencing the newness of never done before. Isn't it exciting? Oh, I know, your human nature will say “how can you say that , you are not in our skin and bones”...and I know, I know. But do YOU know something? YOU ARE NOT, EITHER! Remember that: this is not what you may think it is. None of the beings who have passed the veil on our side did suffer. Their passing was smooth and rejoicing. They have been welcomed by Angels on our side, with deep love and comforting, and in complete honor for their accomplished mission. You may think the rest, the people who are still in the midst of the turmoil are experiencing very difficult moments, and this is true, on the human level, but deep within there is a complete different state of being. There is hope and tranquility, beyond all the concerns, there is a knowingness of what it is to come after. Beyond words, beyond thoughts, beyond the emotions there is the Spirit, the pure compassionate and joyful Spirit.

So, dear ones, this is the time of The Shift. Your energy is changing, your consciousness is expanding. Your body is adjusting to all these. Sometimes it could be taff, as your body goes trough cosmic influxes, but please, remember, every time you fell confused, concerned, or in pain – it is YOU, and there is no intent to harm you-yourself at all, unless you want it to be. Please, do not fear the Sun flares, because it is you, the earth movements are yours, also. Calm yourself and the energy flows will be calming also, they can come smoother, if you so choose. Release yourself from the limited state of mind and let yourself be the fullness that you are. Be The Great Angel that you are.

I am here to remind you that I, Metatron and the others, form your Spiritual families, can see who you really are. And you are so beautiful, so strong, so amazing! Your light shines already, whether you are aware of that, or not. The Earth looks like a brilliant star now, from our side! You are never alone, you never have been. There are legions of divine beings in all - what you call – dimensions, waiting to join you in full conscious creation. Let it be so, and so it is!

In joyful love, and appreciation for the work that you do,

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Christ Light

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Re: Consciousness
Reply #236 - Mar 24th, 2011 at 3:41am
I am Metatron from The Divine Council. I join you today with my deepest blessings to you in these intense happenings within your world. The ride has started. Long before, for some of you, suddenly or unexpected for others. No matter how, you all are riding the wave now, And there will be more and more waves now, from inside or outside, like from within your being and outside it. It is your journey, the journey of your own ascension. What you see and experience now in your life is the mirror of you. There is no way you can control that, my dear ones, for there is only beingness and experience. The deep and sacred experience of your fulfillment. So there is no place you can run or hide. You cannot run from yourself,


you may try yes

achieve no..


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Christ Light

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Re: Consciousness
Reply #237 - Mar 25th, 2011 at 4:23am

SaLuSa 23-March-2011

1.You have so to say a lot on your plate and it might overwhelm you, so this is a time for deep introspection so that you put it all into perspective. Not all of it will concern you personally, but remember that somewhere behind the scenes we are constantly monitoring what is taking place. Where we can we will limit any attempts to cause another major upset, but sometimes there is a lot more at stake than you imagine. As long as matters can be channeled in such a way as to serve the greater purpose, we may at times be obliged to allow a certain outworking to take place. Be assured we are ultimately directing matters for your progress and ability to sidestep any real danger. You all have Guides and according to your life plan, they will always do their utmost to ensure that you are in the right place at the right time. In some instances you may see it as being in the wrong place, but no mistakes are made where your life plan is concerned.

2.Trust that you will leave this Earth, much wiser than when you entered it, as you cannot fail to learn lessons through your experiences. That indeed is the object of your incarnations, and each time you commence another life it is carefully planned to ensure that you continue to evolve. If in this lifetime you have had much contact with the lower vibrations, it is for the purpose of assisting you to progress. Such experiences do not necessarily hold you back, as they can be put behind you and still enable you to step up into the higher vibrations. No soul is perfect at this stage of evolution, and if you were your vibrations would be far too high to remain in your present dimension. Many of you are however rising up quickly, and your intent is to go on doing so and leave duality for all time. You will know if you are one such soul, and you are most likely already a Lightworker helping others to achieve Ascension.

3.Not all of you will be called to be a Lightworker, and often the preparations to do so go back many lives. There is normally a strong urge to work in a certain way for the Light from a very young age, and you are seeing this with the many youngsters now who have so much to offer you. When the timing is right their opportunity will come, and many are waiting for the changes that will bring them to the forefront. There is a time and a place for them to share their wisdom with you, and they will feature very much in work to bring the truth out. Spiritual knowledge and ability to heal are often their forte, and their services will be vitally necessary for many people just awakening. The changes proceed to become more evident, and instead of fearing the outcome people need to be aware that it is the necessary cleansing before Ascension can take place.

4.We urge people to follow their intuition if they are in a position of having to make an important decision. It could for example be connected with moving to a new area, and you may seek assurance that is will be safe to do so. Make a calm decision that you feel comfortable with, and trust that it will be correct for you. Somewhere in your subconsciousness you already know what was planned for you, and this is why your intuitive powers will normally prove to be the most reliable. These are times for sorting out any remaining problems in personal relationships. Try not to leave loose ends until the end of this cycle, as it is far better to have settled any issues even if it means eating humble pie. Forgive and forget, otherwise you will carry the energy with you until you do find a way of settlement.

5.In real terms there are no winners in arguments, as differences cannot be settled until all sides come together in forgiveness. Mistakes are commonplace where humans are concerned, some are unavoidable and others deliberate but either way they cannot be allowed to interfere with each souls evolution. Such baggage needs to be released, as it serves no purpose to carry it around with you. Entering the last stretch before you ascend is going to be a wonderful time of understanding, and a great expansion in your levels of consciousness. Every opportunity is there regardless of who you are, and truth and knowledge will abound in such a way that you will not need to question the source. We will at some stage also be with you to help explain your true history. You will soon realize how you have been held back, and take back your sovereignty. You are great Beings who will once again recognize your true potential.

6.For too long you have been ground into the dust, and used in so many ways that have been demeaning for souls such as you. However, your Light is returning quite quickly and you can show others how great their potential is by your words and actions. Be your true self and treat others as your loved brothers and sisters, because you are All One. Such action will draw the best out of other souls who will want to be as calm and happy as you are. Your strength will encourage others to follow your example, as they will see how you walk tall and deflect any lower energies around you. It is everyone’s time to decide exactly how they want to enter the new cycle, and there has never been such a wonderful time for it. Some will prefer to remain where they are, whilst others will jump at the opportunity to leave the cycle of rebirth in the lower dimension.

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ॐ May Much LOVE and CHRISTS LIGHT be upon and within us all.... namasté ▲ - : )  ╰დ╮ॐ╭დ╯
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Christ Light

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The Pyramid of LIGHT
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Re: Consciousness
Reply #238 - Mar 25th, 2011 at 4:24am
7.Whether you realize it or not, choice has always been yours where your experiences are concerned. Nothing has ever been forced upon you in the spiritual realms, and in fact every help has been given to ensure you make the best decision for yourself. You have always been promised that you would be guided back to your real home, and there was never any way that the dark Ones would totally imprison you. Yes, you have touched the lowest of points in duality, but to your credit you have found the will and intent to overcome them.

8.I am SaLuSa from Sirius, and tell you that the Galactic Federation sees you in your real Light and Colors. We know what great Beings of Light you were and still are even if you are not totally aware yourselves. We salute you and leave you our blessings and love.

Thank you SaLuSa.
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ॐ May Much LOVE and CHRISTS LIGHT be upon and within us all.... namasté ▲ - : )  ╰დ╮ॐ╭დ╯
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Christ Light

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The Pyramid of LIGHT
Gender: male
Re: Consciousness
Reply #239 - Mar 26th, 2011 at 4:07pm

SaLuSa 25-March-2011

1.Let no one deter you from your goal, as having come thus far you are at the door of success. Even in terms of linear time there is so little time left, and even that continues to speed up. Equally your opportunity to increase your level of consciousness is becoming greater, as more and more energy reaches Earth. The Light is in the ascendancy and the lower vibrations are being transmuted quicker than ever. There is an air of expectation now that it is clear that the changes are really under way, and you will not be disappointed. All is moving nearer to completion, and as ever we are at the ready to move into action.

2.Japan is of concern, but the immediate danger has lessened, and we are hopeful that everything will soon be under control. What has happened is a lesson for Mankind, and is causing you to question the further use of Nuclear Power. Clean energy abounds all around you and can be tapped to supply all of your needs. Amongst the people there is a mood of desiring change, but few are aware that free energy is already known and has been proved possible for your use. It could have been introduced many years ago, but you have been deliberately denied use of it. In fact many inventions that would have advanced your society have been kept back. That will all change once we arrive on Earth, and you shall share any new technologies that will meet your needs.

3.Do you not think it strange that over the last century your means of road transportation have hardly changed; yet in other areas technologies have advanced quite considerably. Yet a number of inventions have proved successful in converting what you already have, to a clean and more economical power machine. Again Dear Ones, you have not been allowed to benefit from them, but we will ensure that such discoveries are open to whosoever wishes to develop or manufacture them. We will of course bring our own devices, and the use of those that are robotic will prove very attractive to you. It was never intended that you should spend the best part of your lives laboring, and in the future the emphasis will be on ensuring that you have all the time you desire for developing your own skills. Mundane jobs and services will no longer need manning, except perhaps for a computer expert to monitor all such functions.

4.We are going to help you speedily move into the future, and make up for lost time. You are going to get back on the path that takes you to Ascension and beyond. We already enjoy such a life, and we can assure you that it is quite normal to provide an easy and comfortable life for yourself. In time even education will be made much easier and more beneficial, yet take up so little of your time. That is partly because new concepts will be introduced to you, so that you do not need to study for hours on end. You can be programmed with information quite easily as you will find out. For those who desire a greater knowledge of spiritual matters, there are other planets that have fabulous temples of healing and knowledge. The Arcturians are one such civilization that excel in this particular area, and have the most wonderful temples of crystals and Light with colors beyond your present knowledge.

5.Life after your present Earth will be so different, and so fulfilling that you will soon forget the distant past. Indeed some of you are already focused in the future, and find that you are more removed from past events. In time you will put aside all experiences as such that held you in the lower dimensions, as they will serve no further purpose the lessons having been learnt. Indeed the reason behind all experiences is to further your evolution, and you can travel the Galaxy in search of whatever adds to your understanding. You will never tire of your journey which will be both rewarding and satisfying. Other life forms will prove extremely interesting and you will find that regardless of what shape or size they are, they are like you evolving towards the same Source.

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ॐ May Much LOVE and CHRISTS LIGHT be upon and within us all.... namasté ▲ - : )  ╰დ╮ॐ╭დ╯
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