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Christ Light
Posts: 41434
The Pyramid of LIGHT
The problem with reversing gender-based tones in ascension is that the energy moves up the field rather than down leaving one ungrounded. In an ungrounded state, it is impossible to integrate new information from one’s soul, oversoul and source. Therefore initiates in the journey to 1800 and again in the journey to 3000 who have reversed polarized in their current life expression will have to face their own hatred of their own biological gender, as it is such hatred that is the underlying cause of why one would run the opposing gender signature. As the self-hatred is processed and released along with the underlying karma, one will quite naturally embrace one’s own tones of creation based upon gender. Within the Language of Light, female energy is an octave higher than male energy. The Language of Light spins faster and has a higher sound or orchestra playing in a female ascending field than in a male ascending field. Together, a man running male energy and a women running female energy create a new form of divine union or a symphony of sound that is complementary as each masters 3000 strands together. This allows for a new type of relationship to be born amongst initiates that chose the path of ascension together. Men and women from South America, Spain, Greece, Italy, France, Egypt, and India, or who are indigenous generally run the frequencies associated with the biological gender. At 2 strands of DNA, this creates a machismo man and a subordinate woman. At 1800, the extremes are modified enough that men and women can begin to treat one another more greatly as equals. By 3000 strands, the transcendence beyond the belief that one gender is better than another is risen above enough to create a loving partnership that is founded upon unity and equality, provided that all of the karma associated with another type of relationship has been addressed and released in full. SEXUAL ENERGY AT 3000 STRANDS The kundahlini and sexual energy system develops extensively between the ascent from 1800 to 3000 strands. There are three main channels of energy that moves from the tailbone, up the spine and out the top of the head. There are also Kundahlini side channels that run through the feet chakras up the legs, up either side of the torso, down the arms and out the hands, and up through the shoulders and past the ears. Sexual energy is gathered from the aurora through one’s grounding and pulled up throughout the field and form many hours per day. The kundahlini energizes all grid work of the etheric body, chakra system, subtle bodies, light body and auric field. The upper half of the field is energized with the kundahlini of the solar sun. It is for this reason that a 10 minute sunbath per day is recommended for ascending initiates so that one may draw upon the solar kundahlini to energize one’s larger auric field. There is also an external kundahlini, which is equivalent to fire jumping off of the skin of the etheric body. This develops around 2200 strands, and more fully in the ascent to Bodhisattva, with flames leaping upwards of 20 feet from one who has mastered 6000 strands in their ascent. The external kundahlini is a good form of fire to run when out and about in the world, as the fire will cause the energy of others to remain outside of one’s field and boundaries. For those at 3000 strands, the kundahlini must run a minimum of 10 hours per day. Often times it is easier for the kundahlini to run unobstructed at night leading to the experience of night sweats. One may also find oneself hot and sticky on and off during the day, and this is a sign that the kundahlini is working properly. If one does not experience night sweats or surges of heat during the day, it is a sign that the kundahlini is not functioning enough to allow for an ascent to 3000 strands. For the ascent to 6000 or Bodhisattva, the kundahlini must run 18 hours per day, with an increased width within the internal channels such that they touch upon one another, becoming one large channel that touches all grid work and all meridians of the form. The heat of the Bodhisattva will often be so great that one will drip sweat from one’s forehead or down one’s back as the kundahlini flares while releasing karma, or anchoring space for an event or healing session. Initiates who are prone to reject the element of fire may have difficulty in the development of the kundahlini, as fire is the main element that is utilized to carve the kundahlini channels in ascension. Some initiates fear the element of fire due to traumatic ancestral karma, or have been born with other elements prevalent in their natal chart and without the element of fire. As initiates who tend to reject fire intend to release the karma associated, fire will be embraced enough to allow for the kundahlini channels to be carved, and the form and field charged enough to allow for the mastery of 3000 strands and beyond. It is out of the fear of fire that initiates may be tempted to plug into the matrixes rather than develop a proper kundahlini required for ascension. Therefore those who find themselves attached to the matrixes may wish to examine if the kundahlini has developed as much as it should have given one’s level of ascent, and intend to release one’s fear of fire if this is the underlying cause.