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Christ Light
Posts: 41434
The Pyramid of LIGHT
Bless all souls, dear ones. Bless all those within your family, your life, your community. Extend your blessings out to all souls, all life forms, to mother earth, to your solar system, your galaxy, your universe, to the cosmos, to all Creation. Bless, bless, in every Now moment, and see the good in your lives in every Now moment. Bless God dear ones; bless God in divine gratitude of your creation, of your very eternal existence, of the eternal life of all creation. Bless God, and you are blessing yourselves, and all Creation. Once again, it is the circle of life, and a most wondrous Now moment, a sacred moment, an acknowledging of your divinity, of who you are. You are God, blessing God, expressing love, in its eternal greatness, and the wonder of all creation rests in your divine and sacred heart center.
Dear Ones, we know you are so weary, but we ask you to keep moving forth. Recenter, recenter, and recenter, in the love of your sacred heart. Here is your power in every Now moment. There is no power outside of yourselves. When you are looking outside of yourselves, that is where you are focusing your power and you are giving your power away. When you hold your power, within the love of your sacred heart, all is effortless, dear ones. It is your natural state of being, the state in which your abundance flows, the love, the joy, the peace, the harmony, the flow within the River of Life. It is available to each and every one of you.
Stand fast, stand strong, stand in your courage and remember that you have prevailed and created the great civilizations of the most grand planets of the cosmos. You would not be here at this time if you had not already shown your love and your dedication and your intense desire for the joyous new experiences and challenges of the planetary levels, which create growth for you, of great magnitude. We tell you that no sooner has a soul left the earthly planes, than they are “standing in line” waiting for their turn so they may incarnate again.
Earthly life is a grand and precious gift, dears ones. We ask you to take a few moments and meditate upon this, upon the beauty of your lives, the beauty of your planet. Meditate in gratitude, for this gift of earthly life which is yours in this Now moment. Treasure it, use it wisely, it is but a blink of an eye in the eternal Now, and this grand experiment of the ascension of earth is but a blink of an eye of eternal life. Savor the moment, savor the journey, be kind to yourselves, love yourselves and mother earth and all life. Remain in the love of your sacred heart, and practice kindness without exception in every Now moment, as you see the God in all others.
We are here to assist you beloved ones, as you return in victory, to the higher realms. Call upon me to assist you. I surround you and enfold you in the love of the eternal Creator, the All That Is.
I am Archangel Michael