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Consciousness (Read 381017 times)
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Christ Light

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Re: Consciousness
Reply #330 - Apr 24th, 2011 at 12:53pm

Galactic Federation Of Light Archangel Zadquiel April 23 2011

Greetings My Beloved Ones,

I greet you in Love and Light.

The path of ascension is composed of many types of experiences. It can be composed of the highest levels of joy and peace, and it can also be filled with changes that lead to challenges and opportunities for personal growth and compassion for others. These changes may be on a personal, regional, global or universal level. Whatever the situation, it is a time to stop, assess and send Love and Light for the highest and best for yourself and for all concerned.

In the midst of swirling energies and changes around you, staying centered and focused can often be a challenge. It is in those times that you can draw upon reserves of accumulated practice of meditation and other practices of focusing, calming and centering. It is in these times when you can remember that All Is One and that whatever part you play in maintaining your own personal focus can be of great assistance to others as well as to yourself.

As the ascension process continues and changes occur, try to view each change with compassion for all involved. Changes can be very challenging, especially when they bring very real physical and emotional hardships. These challenges are not to be taken lightly. Very often one’s very core of Being is undergoing change, and this can be hard for everyone involved.

As these changes occur, it is important to remain as centered as possible. This can help you move through the challenges as smoothly as possible.

You have within you a still point that remains constant. This is your connection to All That Is. This is your Divine Spark. It is the part of you that can bring a sense of stability when everything around you is changing. This is the part of you that is real. It is pure God Energy and Light. It is the part of you that continues whether you are on the Earth plane or in the higher dimensions. When you are focused on this part of your Being, you are connected with the real you. Circumstances around you do not change your Divine Spark. It cannot be destroyed by physical life circumstances. It is the part of you that can bring comfort and hope in the midst of change.

When you are attuned to your Divine Spark, you are tapping into the still point within. The more that you focus on your Divine Spark, the stronger your still point grows until it encompasses and envelops your entire Being. You become a center of peace and harmony. Your calmness and love begin to ripple out from you into all that surrounds you, just as ripples radiate from a pebble dropped into a lake. You become an agent of positive calming as your Love and Light move from your Divine Spark and still point and radiate out into all directions.

The calmness that radiates from your still point can affect not only those in your immediate surroundings but can radiate out into the Universe and Omniverse. The more you focus on your Divine Spark, the stronger your still point becomes, and the more peace and calmness you radiate out. This will assist you, humanity, the planet, the Universe and the Omniverse.

As more and more of you make a conscious effort to tune into your still point, the greater the effect will be. When this effect reaches critical mass, it can help to propel all beings to a higher vibration and to move more smoothly through times of change. Beloveds, never underestimate what the power of one person focusing on the still point within can accomplish. Your energy can inspire, lift and transform all energy around you.

Begin with intentional focus on the Divine Spark within your Heart Center. Feel the love that resides there. You may notice that as you focus on this love, you are becoming calmer, and you tap into the still point within. This is the link to the Source of All Creation and All That Is. The more often you tap into this stillness, the stronger it becomes. It reaches a point where it grows and expands until it becomes a transmuting and transforming power that changes your entire Being. You are now radiating this calmness in all directions. You are a center of calmness for yourself, all of humanity, the planet, the Universe, the Omniverse and all levels beyond.

If there are situations that occasionally disturb your calmness, you may call on us for our assistance. You can also surround the situation with the Violet Flame for transmutation and transformation and then see the situation filled with the sparkling white Light of Love from the Creator. Remember to ask for your greatest good and the greatest good of all.

Beloveds, you are needed to tap into, increase and radiate your loving calmness. We applaud you for performing this vital function for yourself and all others. You may call on us to assist you whenever needed. We are only a thought or a whisper away.

Know that you are greatly loved.

I AM Archangel Zadkiel
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Christ Light

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Re: Consciousness
Reply #331 - Apr 27th, 2011 at 7:20pm
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Re: Consciousness
Reply #332 - Apr 27th, 2011 at 7:21pm
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Re: Consciousness
Reply #333 - Apr 27th, 2011 at 7:23pm
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ॐ May Much LOVE and CHRISTS LIGHT be upon and within us all.... namasté ▲ - : )  ╰დ╮ॐ╭დ╯
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Christ Light

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Re: Consciousness
Reply #334 - Apr 30th, 2011 at 8:10pm

{ these images are fractal mandelbrot in visual 2nd dimension,

comment added by it_is_the_light id }


April 28-May 5, 2011

Beloved Ones,

I wish to have discourse with you on the quality of Love that would be termed resonance. This quality involves the ability to perceive or feel the energetic exchanges that take place between people or situations. With this quality comes the ability to perceive any person or situation from many levels and of course, the best of these is to perceive this from the highest and best outcome; for always, Spirit works through people and situations with the power called Love.

When one understands the functionality of resonance in one’s energetic field, one can begin to make positive changes in their personality selves and in their entire energy field which encompasses both seen and unseen dimensions of reality. As you become sensitive to resonance, you realize that you have the power to change any situation into a more unified and positive experience, with highest good for all. At every moment, Dear Ones, one can repair any situation of concern and change it through the resonance of your positive and loving thoughts and feelings.

As you go through your everyday life, you are presented with many opportunities to practice this quality of Love. As you become the creator of good thoughts and benevolent outcomes, you will begin to acquire the Mastery of yourselves and will begin to regain your individual sovereignty over all aspects of your life as you manifest ever increasing portions of your Higher Self, which then can begin to anchor greater degrees of Its consciousness to manifest in and through you and this of course, is the goal of Humanity at this time. The time of bringing in your Higher Selves is now upon you.

This process requires a willingness to surrender all of those aspects of your personality self that no longer resonates with this new Self and requires the ability to take on this greater consciousness. In order to do this, one must come from a place of humility and innocence, letting go of all ideas and ingrained thoughts that would keep you chained to the lower vibratory levels of expression. By daily keeping your focus on bringing forth the Being that you truly are, this change will continue to take place within you. If you fall from this vision and intent at times, realize this is not the end of the world and is only temporary, as your body elemental, and your emotional and mental bodies make adjustments and correct to the course you have set for yourselves. This is not a do or die situation you are living…it is an ongoing transformative process.

Being good to yourselves and feeling compassion for your moments of treading backwards on your journey is of the utmost importance in these times, for by learning to love yourselves, you then acquire a greater capacity to love others. This is why we stress that by working on changing within yourselves, you in turn change the World, for all is contributed to the field of mass consciousness. As you do this you affect wondrous changes in the consciousness of all of Humanity and the changes you have desired takes place in grace and ease in those who follow in your footsteps. It then becomes easier to do your work and it can be done with greater feelings of joy and lightheartedness.

So we say to you, Beloved Ones, listen to the river rushing by, this is resonance and is music for the Soul. Listen to the sound of a waterfall and feel the resonance of the power of Nature and the elements within it. All about you, there is resonance and at-one-ment. Begin to listen, sing, chant, tone, decree…use your voice to effect changes in your own energy field and in the energy field of others. Bring peace, bring harmony to yourselves and everyone around you. Seek out music that uplifts your Spirits, seek out every good activity that fills your Soul with joy and fulfillment, for this is the way to the higher dimensions. The more you do this, the more joy and fulfillment comes into you, into your life and into the lives of all those wonderful Beings around you. Resonate feelings of joy, of Love, of passion, of goodness, of enthusiasm, let your true Being come forth in Its magnificence and glory!

I leave you now to ponder on these words until the next discourse with my Love which resonates within these words.

I AM Archangel Gabriel
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« Last Edit: Apr 30th, 2011 at 8:19pm by it_is_the_light »  

ॐ May Much LOVE and CHRISTS LIGHT be upon and within us all.... namasté ▲ - : )  ╰დ╮ॐ╭დ╯
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Christ Light

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Re: Consciousness
Reply #335 - May 3rd, 2011 at 12:36am

Message From Archangel Michael, May 2011..."The Eternal Circle Which Has No End"

Message From Archangel Michael, May 2011

Through Rev. Michelle Coutant

“The Eternal Circle Which Has No End”

Dear Ones,

All is moving forth according to the divine blueprint, according to the divine plan. It may not seem so to you from your vantage point within the earth planes. We ask you, we beseech you to stay centered within the love of your sacred heart. Here is where the miracles happen, dear ones. Within your sacred heart, you are in the still point of all creation. You are the focal point; you are the beginning, the end, the Alpha, the Omega, the eternal circle which has no end. This is what it truly means when we ask you to stay in the love of your sacred heart. The miracles abound, you are in the flow of the River of Life. You remove yourselves from the distortions of the third dimension, from the negativity and the slow moving effluvia of the third and forth dimensions, which have been as a sticky web, hindering you from realizing who you are, hindering you from joyfully creating your grandest desires, within the love of the sacred heart.

No more, beloved ones, you have cleared the effluvia and the web of negativity which has surrounded you, to the point where you have a clear path to bring forth your creations for your highest good and the highest good of all. Now dear ones, is the time for you to learn how to create, to learn how to hold the thought form until you bring it forth into manifestation.

Remember dear ones, that money is not the source of all your good, neither are your job, or those in your lives who appear to be a source of a job, of income. It is an illusion. All that you desire, all your good, comes from the very heartbeat of God. You are God incarnated and you and you alone, as your God Self, are the source of all your good. Keep your mind on God within you, and never waiver. This is your source, and the only activity in your affairs of finance. Do not doubt this, dear ones. Within the earthly planes, your wealth must appear to come to you through the earthly planes, and even as this occurs, you see how it came to you, as the source of your wealth. It is the illusion. It is God working in wondrous ways to create abundance in your life, God working through you, the incarnation of God, bringing to fruition and manifestation, your hearts desires.

Bless the flow of your abundance, bless your abundance and share it with others who are striving to create heaven on earth. Your blessings create a great and divine vibration of the highest endeavor; of love, of joy, of gratitude, and you naturally assist the flow of the circle of life, sending out love, abundance, joy, gratitude, all the highest emotions. They return to you in a grand flow magnified by the expansiveness of the All That Is.
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Christ Light

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Re: Consciousness
Reply #336 - May 3rd, 2011 at 12:37am
Bless all souls, dear ones. Bless all those within your family, your life, your community. Extend your blessings out to all souls, all life forms, to mother earth, to your solar system, your galaxy, your universe, to the cosmos, to all Creation. Bless, bless, in every Now moment, and see the good in your lives in every Now moment. Bless God dear ones; bless God in divine gratitude of your creation, of your very eternal existence, of the eternal life of all creation. Bless God, and you are blessing yourselves, and all Creation. Once again, it is the circle of life, and a most wondrous Now moment, a sacred moment, an acknowledging of your divinity, of who you are. You are God, blessing God, expressing love, in its eternal greatness, and the wonder of all creation rests in your divine and sacred heart center.

Dear Ones, we know you are so weary, but we ask you to keep moving forth. Recenter, recenter, and recenter, in the love of your sacred heart. Here is your power in every Now moment. There is no power outside of yourselves. When you are looking outside of yourselves, that is where you are focusing your power and you are giving your power away. When you hold your power, within the love of your sacred heart, all is effortless, dear ones. It is your natural state of being, the state in which your abundance flows, the love, the joy, the peace, the harmony, the flow within the River of Life. It is available to each and every one of you.

Stand fast, stand strong, stand in your courage and remember that you have prevailed and created the great civilizations of the most grand planets of the cosmos. You would not be here at this time if you had not already shown your love and your dedication and your intense desire for the joyous new experiences and challenges of the planetary levels, which create growth for you, of great magnitude. We tell you that no sooner has a soul left the earthly planes, than they are “standing in line” waiting for their turn so they may incarnate again.

Earthly life is a grand and precious gift, dears ones. We ask you to take a few moments and meditate upon this, upon the beauty of your lives, the beauty of your planet. Meditate in gratitude, for this gift of earthly life which is yours in this Now moment. Treasure it, use it wisely, it is but a blink of an eye in the eternal Now, and this grand experiment of the ascension of earth is but a blink of an eye of eternal life. Savor the moment, savor the journey, be kind to yourselves, love yourselves and mother earth and all life. Remain in the love of your sacred heart, and practice kindness without exception in every Now moment, as you see the God in all others.

We are here to assist you beloved ones, as you return in victory, to the higher realms. Call upon me to assist you. I surround you and enfold you in the love of the eternal Creator, the All That Is.

I am Archangel Michael
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ॐ May Much LOVE and CHRISTS LIGHT be upon and within us all.... namasté ▲ - : )  ╰დ╮ॐ╭დ╯
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Christ Light

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Re: Consciousness
Reply #337 - May 14th, 2011 at 6:50am

SaLuSa 13-May-2011: “The age of secrecy will no longer operate and the truth will be openly discussed.”

SaLuSa 13th May 2011

It is commendable to take on the burdens of other people, but you must give sufficient time for your own development. It is vitally important that you continue to hold your focus on this final run in, as to the whole purpose of what you are experiencing. There is not one soul that can fail to learn lessons from the transition of all that has become familiar to you, and allow for the new to come in and replace it. If there are regrets at the prospect of some of the changes, even if you cannot see the outcome be aware that they are making way for all that resonates with the higher vibrations. You yourself are experiencing subtle changes within your body and consciousness levels, and out of it will eventually arise the new you, the Galactic Being. Let go of that which is clearly going to be out of place in the New Age, and know that it will exist in a suitable form in the higher dimensions.

Take for example the various resources of Earth that are used daily to sustain your world and its demands. In the higher levels that will become almost unnecessary as you will have little need to take from the Earth, when you can create what you want through the power of thought. In the same way as you dispose of your creations when there use has expired, there is no waste or pollution as all is returned to the unmanifest to be used again. When you reach such levels you will have the knowledge and ability to handle such matters, as your consciousness will be consistent with that expected of a Galactic Being. If you cannot fully comprehend the changes, simply accept what is happening is to elevate you to a level where all is in harmony and balance. At a subconscious level it is all familiar to you, because it is your natural home.

We have often mentioned that you will be well informed as to what is ahead of you. However, we cannot expect to do very much until we can be openly amongst you. The stage is set for these events, and whilst we do not expect everyone to immediately accept what we will have to say, we have to prevent any outright attempts to prevent them taking place. You will certainly be aware when matters are nearing such a point, as no secret will be made of our actions to remove the dark Ones. These are the ones who plan large-scale disruption, even to the extent that they will kill and maim people without any hesitation. That is not meant to make you fearful, but quite the opposite, as you will know that their activities are being curtailed and will eventually cease.

There has to be a period of peace, and the unnecessary controls and restrictions removed so that your sovereignty is gradually restored. We of the Galactic Federation respect you and want you to have the freedom you are entitled to. Draconian laws and anything that unfairly restricts your actions will be removed. That of course will be the duty of the new government which will soon be appointed. For that to happen naturally there will be vast changes, and no representative will survive who has been guilty of breaking his/her oath. Clearly you can look forward to an earth-shaking end to this year.
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ॐ May Much LOVE and CHRISTS LIGHT be upon and within us all.... namasté ▲ - : )  ╰დ╮ॐ╭დ╯
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Christ Light

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Re: Consciousness
Reply #338 - May 14th, 2011 at 6:50am
Those of you who follow messages that you have found reliable and carrying the energy of Love and Light, will have foreknowledge of what is occurring. You will then be in a position to help others who may be confused and shocked by what they hear. It will take time for the truth to sink in and even then there will still be uncertainty as to the future. This is where you can be of great personal assistance, but be assured that as soon as possible we desire to set up system of good communications. We want everyone to know exactly why we are here and what the future holds for you. The age of secrecy will no longer operate and the truth will be openly discussed. We come not to dictate or dominate you, but to share the good news we bring and work together towards the end times. We are after all One on the great journey through the various dimensions, as we head towards the Source and re-unification with the Supreme Creator.

You are a giant when it comes to experience and hundreds of lives have taken you to the four quarters of the Earth. You have like any other soul left your mark upon your civilization, and collectively you have brought yourselves to these final days as you created them. That is why as with any experience you set up it is not our place to interfere; otherwise there would be no point to it. What is important is that you have learnt how to conduct yourself, and treat other souls as yourself. For those who have not, the lessons continue and will do so until they are ready for upliftment. Since in reality there is no such thing as time, you have all the “time” you need to progress at your own speed.

The urge to press ever onwards is quite natural, and your evolution will continue even if you are not conscious of it doing so. Yes, you can go backwards or forwards as you choose, but the net result with few exceptions will always be in some form of progress. It is possible for a soul to deny their source and Light, until it is best that they return to the Source and start all over again. However, we address our remarks to you who are not only aware of your Light, but have already chosen to ascend. Your feet are firmly upon the path forward and many are aware of the changes within Self, particularly those that are bringing in the higher vibrations that are changing their body cells. We see so many of you that can now walk around without being affected by the negative energies, and indeed you are able to diminish their affect through the power of your Light.

We are well pleased with the progress made over the years to bring the truth out. To be well informed and intuitive has enabled you to rise up above the lower energies. They cannot cause fear or threaten you unless you allow it to be so. Stay calm and as we so often say, keep focused upon the wonderful future that beckons. You will soon become aware that everything you have been promised is near to coming your way, and your patience has been admirable in view of the time taken to reach this point.

I am SaLuSa from Sirius, and can tell you that the Spiritual Hierarchy also draws near to witness and participate in the end times. You are receiving immense love and assistance from them even if you are unaware of it.

Thank you SaLuSa.
Mike Quinsey.
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ॐ May Much LOVE and CHRISTS LIGHT be upon and within us all.... namasté ▲ - : )  ╰დ╮ॐ╭დ╯
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Christ Light

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Re: Consciousness
Reply #339 - May 16th, 2011 at 2:49pm

The Four Groups of Humanity (Cosmic Stargates - Atlantis Rising)
MagentaPixie2012  231 videos
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ॐ May Much LOVE and CHRISTS LIGHT be upon and within us all.... namasté ▲ - : )  ╰დ╮ॐ╭დ╯
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Re: Consciousness
Reply #340 - May 16th, 2011 at 3:21pm
All are equal, Master?

Anyway, I'm Group 2.
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Christ Light

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Re: Consciousness
Reply #341 - May 16th, 2011 at 3:33pm
all are equal yes..

have you heard any different?

with forgiveness for confusions

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ॐ May Much LOVE and CHRISTS LIGHT be upon and within us all.... namasté ▲ - : )  ╰დ╮ॐ╭დ╯
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Re: Consciousness
Reply #342 - May 16th, 2011 at 3:48pm
Oh, yes, I've heard there are four groups of humanity.


With forgiveness for misreadings.
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Re: Consciousness
Reply #343 - May 16th, 2011 at 4:32pm
Funny, because the four groups of humanity are based solely on how people interpret mass media.

What about how people interpret SaLuSa?

Is it possible that SaLuSa is just someone in their room posting things on the net? Could it be?

There was a bestselling book called the Third Eye, published in 1961 - all about being a Tibetan medical monk, meeting the Dali Llama, getting visions after having his "third eye" operated on. Operated on? Yes. You might have heard of it.

Things in the book didn't quite add up - like a Tibetan monk speaking highly of God, when Buddhists don't even believe in God. A journalist decided to do a check.

He traced the author of the Third Eye and found an Englishman called Cyril Hoskin.

"Lopsang Rampa" (the Englishman) then said he had swapped bodies with an Englishman called Cyril Hoskin, and he decided to write a book about that - all the truth, of course.

I read the swapping-bodies book and realised what a load of crap the Third Eye was - a pity, becuase I always liked that book.

Anyway, Lopsang Rampa, now deceased, is still a bestselling author, and swore until his death that all his books are the exact, word-for-word truth. You'll still find his books in any New Age bookshop, all sold as non-fiction, by a gen-u-ine Buddist monk.

So I ask: which type of humanity would fall for Lopsang Rampa?

Group ones - or group fours?

What about people who believe in alien reptiles ruling the world and a secret clique of freemasons creating a smokescreen and controlling our thinking?

Group one? Group four?

Breaking humanity into categories based upon what truths they believe has always been problematic. You'll find many on this board doing the same with Muslims.

Group ones or group fours?

Yes, I know. All are equal.

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« Last Edit: May 16th, 2011 at 4:43pm by Karnal »  
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Christ Light

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Re: Consciousness
Reply #344 - May 17th, 2011 at 3:04am
i observe many in a state of confusion yes

this does not effect unto me

with forgiveness


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