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Consciousness (Read 380089 times)
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Christ Light

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Re: Consciousness
Reply #345 - May 17th, 2011 at 3:11am


The New Earth Energies for May 2011~ ARCHANGEL MICHAEL through Celia Fenn

(Entering the Higher Dimensions of Light. Image by Deb Graves Araznu at Blue Ray Healing)

Beloved Family of Light, once again it is with Joy and Pleasure that we welcome you into this Space of Light and Higher Consciousness. You have been through many changes in the last weeks, and now the energy begins to settle as you move into the Deep Peace and Light of the Wesak Full Moon! Beloveds, we remember well the time when the Buddha walked on the Earth, anchoring the Divine Masculine energy of Love and Awakened Compassion! How wonderful it is now that this energy is being reawakened in those of you who are walking the path of Higher Consciousness and Love.

We know this is not easy for you, for there are so many on your Earth who still walk in the old ways and seek to express the energy of Apacalypse and destruction, and to activate some sort of catastrophe through their words and beliefs. Beloveds know that this will not succeed, for the Earth has moved definitely into the new Timeline and those who are evolving with her are moving forward into new and Higher states of Consciousness that express Divine Will and Divine Love.

So, we will begin this message by speaking first of the energy of the Divine Masculine that is being activated with this Wesak Moon, and then we will speak of the Golden Keys of Higher Consciousness that are being used now to open the portals of Love and Grace by those of you who are ready to embrace these gifts from Spirit.

The Buddha Moon and the Divine Masculine

This particlar Full Moon in 2011 is an opening or a Portal for the energy of the Divine Masculine gifts of Compassion. After the Shifts and Changes on the Planet over the last 6 months and the chaos that followed, it is time now to allow this new flow of energy to bring Peace and Compassion to your Hearts.
The Buddha was sent to the Earth from the Higher Dimensions of Light to be the anchor for the Divine Masculine energy of Compassion and Enlightenment. This energy is an essential step on the path of evolution, and it provides a bridge from the entrapment of material illusion into the clarity of Higher Consciousness. At this time, as you stand poised to make the shift from the 5th Dimension into the 6th Dimension of Magical Consciousness, it is necessary that you are able to release the hold of the material illusion that you call the "economy" and enter into the Magical Consciousness of ongoing creation, flow and abundance.

Beloved Ones, the Earth is now fully grounded in the 5th Dimension of Interconnection and Divine Will. The shift into 6th Dimensional Consciousness is to allow those of you who are ready to begin to make the shift into the Higher Consciousness of Magical or Quantum Reality and to begin to live in these Higher Realms of Magical Clarity and Creation.

The Buddha energy is the Bridge between these Dimensions of Light....the First "Golden Key" of Light is the energy of Compassion as embodied and anchored by the Buddha. At the Wesak Full Moon, this energy will be activated intensely by the waves of Cosmic Light emanating from the Galactic Center, and this will blend with the waves of Divine Feminine Compassion that are transmitted on the Platinum Shekinah Light, initiating a series of awakenings and shifts as those who are ready make use of their Golden Keys to shift into the Higher Consciousness of the 6th Dimensional Starchild.
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Christ Light

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Re: Consciousness
Reply #346 - May 17th, 2011 at 3:12am
Beloveds, the "Starchild" is the Magical Child within each one of you, that Being of Light that resides in your Heart and Soul and that knows the Joy and the Wonder of Infinite Cosmic existence. It is the Child of the Dreamtime, that part of you that Dreams and Creates from the Cosmic Rays of Light and Sound. The "Starchild" cannot become part of your Reality until you have crossed the bridge of Compassion into the Higher Realms of Light. Then, you may enter into the Dance of Light and become a Master of Harmonic Light and Time, and even begin the steps towards the next portal of the 7th Dimension, where one becomes the "Eye of God" in Human Form.

Beloved Ones, these are the Golden Keys that are offered to all who are ready. At this time, of the Wesak Full Moon, you are offered the Keys to the 6th Dimension, to enter the Realms of the "Starchild" and to become a Master of Light Harmonics and a Master of Time. But first, Beloveds, at this Wesak Moon, you will need to integrate fully the energy of Compassion and the Divine Masculine. This is done by releasing all material illusion and the ties of these illusions and moving into complete Peace and Clarity of Being.

At the time of the Full Moon, if you will meditate and Focus on these gifts, the Golden Keys will be given.

The Master of Light Harmonics
Beloveds, the 6th Dimension is the realm of Magic and Enchantment, or if you will be more scientific, the realm of the Quantum, or what was known by the Ancestors as the Dream Time. It is that place where "reality" is flexible and malleable, and where consciousness and desire shape cause and effect on the lower dimensions. Those who enter this dimensional playground must be "pure of heart" or they will be forever trapped in the "hall of mirrors" of their own greed and anger, endlessly creating "karma". It is for that reason that in this New Reality the bridge to the Higher Dimensions is Compassion, for those who live by the Law of Conmpassion are pure of heart and will not be entangled in the illusions of greed and power.
The Starchild is pure of heart and seeks only to explore,adventure and share the gifts of Spirit. There is nothing to hold, to own or to hide, for all is open and clear in the Cosmic Fields of Light which are the playground of the Starchild within.

To journey in the Fields of Light it is necessary to be also a Master of Light Harmonics. This simply means to have activated your Light Body and to be able to function with that Light Body from its center in the Heart.

The Master of Light Harmonics is centered in the Heart and Grounded in the Earth Star Chakra and the Soul Star Chakra. The Master of Light Harmonics is able to keep the Light Body in a state of Harmonic Resonance with Divine Light and Will, and to absorb Cosmic radiations into the Light Body with ease.

The Master of Light Harmonics is always fully aware of the Energy and Light around him or her, and is able to maintain equilibrium and balance at all times.

When these abilities have been mastered and integrated, then you will be able to ride the rays of light and journey in the Cosmic Fields of stars with ease. You will be able to flow with the Cosmic waves and you will be enabled to shape the quantum flows into the reality of your choice in the processes of co-creation with the Light.

The Master of Time
Beloveds, when you enter into this Field of Starlight and you ride the Cosmic Waves in the 6th Dimension, you need also to be a Master of Time.
In the Higher Dimensions, Time is fluid and flexible, it is not a "fixed" reality as it seems in the lower dimensions.

In this Quantum level of Consciousness, you will learn to master many flows of time and to be able to exist in many different cycles or timelines at the same time.

This is not an easy task for the Mind, which has been conditioned to believe that there is only linear time as it is experienced on Earth. But, the Master of Time will come to know that all time exists in the Infinite Now, and that all is being experienced as One.

The various Timelines are created to allow the Children of Light to journey and travel in many dimensions of consciousness. Time is a tool, or a Key, for entering different states of Reality and Consciousness. In the 6th Dimensions as you become a Master of Time, you will begin to feel how you can move between these different flows of Divine Light and Energy.
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ॐ May Much LOVE and CHRISTS LIGHT be upon and within us all.... namasté ▲ - : )  ╰დ╮ॐ╭დ╯
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Christ Light

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Re: Consciousness
Reply #347 - May 17th, 2011 at 3:13am
The Physical Changes in the Body
Beloved Ones, as you move through these changes, you will feel some physcial changes. Firstly, these changes will activate the Pineal, Pituitary and Thyroid glands very strongly. Those who enter into 6th Dimensional ways of being will begin to experience biochemical and cellular changes in the Endocrine system and in the areas of the brain that deal with perception and data transmission and reception.
In effect, Beloved Ones, you will be altering your ability to receive data and light transmissions from the Higher Mind of God. This means first there will be changes in the Pineal Gland, allowing for a wider reception of Cosmic "bandwidth". In physical terms this may mean feelings of pressure and headaches or muscle pain in the back of the head, the base of the skull and the shoulders.

Then, the Pituitary Gland will start to restructure, and you may experience feelings of dizziness, foggy vision, strange noises in the ears and vertigo. The brain is being realigned to not only receive new data, but also to begin transmitting data at higher levels through light transmissions through the eyes and sound transmissions through the throat at the thyroid. So, the Thyroid will also be affected by these shifts and changes. In these cases, many of you will experience flu like symptoms with bronchitis and sinus, as well as Thyroid balance problems such as waves of heat, low energy or hyperactivity.

You may also begin to experience "time overlaps" as you begin to Master Time. In this process you may have intense Past Life experiences, or Future Life experiences that must be resolved and integrated into whatever experiences you are dealing with in Present Time. The key to dealing with these episodes is not to get too involved in the past life itself, but to recognize that these "time shifts" or "time overlaps" are your own way of integrating data so that you can move between your different timelines with ease, and so that you are free to travel the Cosmic Waves as a Master of Time.

The Eye of God
At the time of the June Solstice and towards the begiining of the New Planetary year at the end of July, many of you will use the next of the Golden Keys to enter into the 7th Dimension of Light, where you will become the "Eye of God" in atchetypal language.
The Ancient Egyptians understood that the "Eye of God" was that place or that state of Consciousness where the Being becomes a portal of transmission for Divine Light and Divine Will. At this point, the Being no longer rides the waves of Light, but becomes a lens through which the Light is focussed. This requires absolute mastery of Light and Time, and the ability to transmit and ground Divine Light.

It is these beings who become the "Eye of God" who will be the anchors for the manifestation of the New Earth. As the Divine Light is focussed through the lens of such ones, Divine Will manifest around them and through them, allowing the Divine to manifest and create through pure Love and Light.

Beloveds, at this stage, the manifestation is not "my will", but "Thy Will", and the Being serves only as a portal for Divine Will and Manifestation without any expectations and Desires. This is the work of the Ascended Master in Human Form, One who knows that the Human Form in its highest frequency is a vehicle for the transmission of Divine Will and Grace.

So, Beloved Family of Light, for those of you who seek to grow and evolve in the Light, there is much to look forward to in the months that lie ahead. The time leading up to the 11/11/11 alignment will be a powerful time of growth and evolution for many of you who are ready and who are called to be part of this new awakening and opening.

For those of lower consciousness, it will continue to be a difficult time as the old illusions of the lower dimensions continue to create stress and disharmony in those who have no understanding of the processes involved. For you, as you grow and expand in the Light, your work will be to hold Compassion in your Heart so that this Love may touch all those who are yet to awaken to the Reality of the New Earth and its creative potentials for each person.

We wish you Joy and Love in your Adventures with Light, Harmony and Time!
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Re: Consciousness
Reply #348 - May 17th, 2011 at 10:13am
[quote author=it_is_the_light link=1283639249/330#344 date=1305565497]i observe many in a state of confusion yes

this does not effect unto me

with forgiveness



Grandiosity forgiven.
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Christ Light

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Re: Consciousness
Reply #349 - May 17th, 2011 at 1:05pm
your judgement of i am

is forgiven beloved,yet still grasshopper [as it were]

you have much to learn from my vantage point

i observe you in lack,so be it

freewill you see?


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« Last Edit: May 17th, 2011 at 1:10pm by it_is_the_light »  

ॐ May Much LOVE and CHRISTS LIGHT be upon and within us all.... namasté ▲ - : )  ╰დ╮ॐ╭დ╯
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Christ Light

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Re: Consciousness
Reply #350 - May 17th, 2011 at 1:07pm

1 Hour Tibetan Cave of the Spirits Meditation


Wear headphones for optimal results! The mystically enchanting sounds on this video were recently recorded in a Tibetan cave located near the town of Kailas. This Tibetan cave is a maze, and in one passage, it becomes a dead end. At this point, there is a crack that goes deep into the Earth. This is where the sound was recorded.
These earth harmonics were first noticed on February 25, 201. Tibetan monks now sleep in this cave. Elders state that Shiva has begun to sing his mantra, invoking the gods return to Earth. The mantra 3 phases with the last one calling for a new era for humanity.
According to Pane Andov, "Citizens of Shambala are releasing powerful vibrating energy. It sounds like a extreme combined energy of healing mantra sounds. On the surface the Tibetan monks that are meditating in this cave of the spirits for a long time are saying that this started to happen only recently. They also were saying that the spirits telepathically transmitted to them that something major is going to happen soon. The Earth is ringing like a bell more and more recently. It's all happening guys."
Is this Mother Earth singing to us? Perhaps this is related to the increase of the Schumann Resonance? Tune in and find out for yourself!
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ॐ May Much LOVE and CHRISTS LIGHT be upon and within us all.... namasté ▲ - : )  ╰დ╮ॐ╭დ╯
it_is_the_light it_is_the_light Christ+Light Christ+Light  
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Re: Consciousness
Reply #351 - May 17th, 2011 at 1:25pm
[quote author=it_is_the_light link=1283639249/345#349 date=1305601525]your judgement of i am

is forgiven beloved,yet still grasshopper [as it were]

you have much to learn from my vantage point

i observe you in lack,so be it

freewill you see?



Freewill. I see.

I also see that Salusa comes from the sci-fi movie, [i]Dune[/i].

If there are four groups of humanity, based on their interpretation of media, what should we make of the fictional SaLuSa, who authors the majority of your posts? Freewill?

I have a lot to learn from your vantage point, Light. I'm just wondering what your vantage point is. A fair enough question, I think.

I'm starting to see your posts in lack - not you, of course. You are still the Master.

Freewill you see?
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Christ Light

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Re: Consciousness
Reply #352 - May 17th, 2011 at 1:33pm
I also see that Salusa comes from the sci-fi movie, Dune.


you refer to hollywood like its reality

so be it

i observe you in lack,i do not judge this

this is your freewill and does not effect unto me

enjoy your false reality from my vantage point grounded

in concrete science beloved one.

fear not,

you are never alone


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ॐ May Much LOVE and CHRISTS LIGHT be upon and within us all.... namasté ▲ - : )  ╰დ╮ॐ╭დ╯
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Christ Light

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Re: Consciousness
Reply #353 - May 17th, 2011 at 1:39pm

and further i say unto thee,

dark one

you may imitate LIGHT yes,

a poor reflection of pure and divine CHRISTED LIGHT

forgive yourself dear one if you have the care..or not

this does not effect unto me


your agenda is exposed as you do seek to infiltrate the divine

you shall not pass

namaste and eternal blessings unto you

though it would seem you have chosen your path as it were

and so it is be it.

we see you after

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ॐ May Much LOVE and CHRISTS LIGHT be upon and within us all.... namasté ▲ - : )  ╰დ╮ॐ╭დ╯
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Re: Consciousness
Reply #354 - May 17th, 2011 at 2:10pm
[quote author=it_is_the_light link=1283639249/345#352 date=1305603204]I also see that Salusa comes from the sci-fi movie, Dune.


you refer to hollywood like its reality

so be it

i observe you in lack,i do not judge this

this is your freewill and does not effect unto me

enjoy your false reality from my vantage point grounded

in concrete science beloved one.

fear not,

you are never alone



And I do NOT observe you in lack, dear one. I see you as a universal child of Light.

I think you are missing the point here. I do not confuse Hollywood with reality. I am saying that you do: SaLuSa comes from a movie.

It is your freewill to pretend that SaLuSa, a fictional planet in a movie, or likewise, the Galactic Federation of Light, is real. I don't deny you this, and I don't pretend that I am superior to you for believing so.

I don't pretend I come from a higher dimension to you, or that I have some superior knowledge you have no access to, based on some illusiory human grouping made up by an illusiory science fiction enthusiast.

This to one side, other ideas you have are sound, but they are mixed in with absurd sci-fi fantasies, including one you have posted on recently which states that the queen is an alien reptile.

If this is what you believe, no problem, you have every right to believe what you want. Freewill, you see?

Even your pretense of superiority is no problem. Again, your own freewill - and your own problem.

You are free to believe what you wish - but remember: no one else believes without proof. All it takes is a quick search of your sources and your propositions melt into air.

The reality we live in is an illusion - very true. But the reality of which you speak is even more of an illusion.

Group one thinking, yes.

If you had any access to higher dimensional states, you would know this, and this alone leads me to believe that you don't. That - and the fact that you do not demonstrate humility, as ALL masters do. This, for me, is the test of deceivers - do they have false pride?

If they do, they are not genuine, and I may listen, but I will not follow.

If you want Enlightenment, go to an enlightened Master. This is the only way to learn.

Anyway, I forgive thee for false pride, delusion, and believing that the queen is an alien reptile when she's just a bloodsucking royal.

You, my friend, are a child of Light.
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Christ Light

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Re: Consciousness
Reply #355 - May 17th, 2011 at 3:06pm
I am saying that you do: SaLuSa comes from a movie.


this is your whole arguement and foundation.

this is incorrect

do you suppose that SALUSA never existed before the movie?

whatever movie this is.

you mearly reflect your understandings

limited as it is

this is inconsequensial unto the facts of the matter

as it were

grounded in concrete science

not limited to this 3rd dimension

you are forgiven


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ॐ May Much LOVE and CHRISTS LIGHT be upon and within us all.... namasté ▲ - : )  ╰დ╮ॐ╭დ╯
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Christ Light

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Re: Consciousness
Reply #356 - May 17th, 2011 at 3:11pm
You are free to believe what you wish - but remember: no one else believes without proof.


you misrepresent reality as you do throughout your whole post

with forgiveness

i mearly reflect my reality

i seek not to convince you or any other

i mearly announce what is resonance within my reality

does this cause discomfort beloved?

that you would sychophant unto LIGHT to make mockeries?

so be it.

freewill you see?

and you repeating these sayings i empart unto you

with so very much LOVE and LIGHT

and pretend to be one of knowledge and wisdom?

you are in lack for you may repeat these words


without understandings and sincere comprehensions

you are a pale carbon limp wristed copy without judgement

forgiven dear brother being whom i do LOVE

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ॐ May Much LOVE and CHRISTS LIGHT be upon and within us all.... namasté ▲ - : )  ╰დ╮ॐ╭დ╯
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Re: Consciousness
Reply #357 - May 17th, 2011 at 3:21pm
[quote author=it_is_the_light link=1283639249/345#355 date=1305608794] I am saying that you do: SaLuSa comes from a movie.


this is your whole arguement and foundation.

this is incorrect

do you suppose that SALUSA never existed before the movie?


I do. Salusa was created solely by a scriptwriter. There is no mention of Salusa in pre-existing texts. Salusa is not Atlantis or Mu or any other historical - or mythical - thing. Salusa is not a unicorn.

Salusa is Mike Quinsey.

If you have any information to the contrary, I would love to read it.

If asking for evidence is misrepresenting reality, you should never see a doctor, lawyer, anthropologist -

Or spiritual Master.

Go your own way, my friend, in love and bountiful Light.

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Christ Light

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Re: Consciousness
Reply #358 - May 17th, 2011 at 3:27pm

believe as you do so wish

i am not here to convince you of any one thing

does this bring distress unto you?

a reflection of your consciousness you are totally ontopic



please continue
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ॐ May Much LOVE and CHRISTS LIGHT be upon and within us all.... namasté ▲ - : )  ╰დ╮ॐ╭დ╯
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Christ Light

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Re: Consciousness
Reply #359 - May 17th, 2011 at 3:31pm

Galactic Federation Of Light Mira The Pleiadian High Council May 15 2011

Mira: The Entire Force of Creation is Here to Help Us

A Message from Mira from the Pleiadian High Council through
Valerie Donner, May 14, 2011

Greetings, I am Mira from the Pleiadian High Council. I come to you today with love and healing for we see that you are in the thick of it. The dark forces have been relentless in how they are treating humanity. They know that their days on the Earth are limited. They are trying to take as much as they can from you before losing all of their power. It is an unraveling process. As they are being blasted with the Light they are still trying to squeeze out as much as they can from you.

Whether it is by spreading fear, greed, lack, violence, or poisonous thoughts and messages sent to humanity, the battle between the Light and dark is in full speed. You are the pillars of Light that assist in stabilizing the planet and her people. We assist you along the way. We monitor the planet both in space, on the surface as well as in the inner Earth. We all work together cohesively with other members of the space family and Light Realms. We are as busy as you and are as committed as you to the cause.

Right now we want to comfort you. We want you to know that you have the entire Force of Creation with you to usher you and the Earth into a new way of being. You are loved and protected, guided and healed. We need you just as much as you need us.

From our vantage point there are treacherous areas around the planet that need extra focus of the Light. Many of you are guided where to direct your prayers and Light energy. Always follow this guidance. We ask you to also continue to send Light to Japan; the nuclear reactors are still in jeopardy. The truth is not being told in the media. Please send such energies to all places of nuclear energy around the planet to strengthen them and the many fault lines upon which they are constructed.

The areas of Australia, New Zealand, the Gulf of Mexico, all of the coastal areas around the planet, the ocean floor, China, the West coast and East Coast of the United States, and Mexico could use strengthening with your love and Light. We work with you to stabilize situations and you are the pivotal points of Light transcendence.

The climate and weather changes are also producing insecurity and unknown anxiety amongst the populace. We can tell you though that nature does take care of itself and will adjust and adapt accordingly. You may not like it but you will too. Every place on the Earth is going through this adaptation process. It is a necessary one that facilitates the Earth’s cleansing. In the end, humanity will have greater respect of the Earth and nature.

As the Light continues to shine upon you the truth becomes enhanced. At a certain break point all secrets will be revealed. You will see some empires crumble and wrongs will be corrected for the benefit of humanity. This will be a time of reconciliation on many levels. We watch with keen awareness of this process that is now in full swing. Our view of the corruption would be more than your minds could comprehend. You will know that we are saying when the time is right for the revelations to come out.

You are living in the accelerated energies of ascension. These energies are interwoven as threads towards a new civilization on planet Earth. From now on there is much that will be happening at breakneck speed. You must stay grounded and in the Light.

We are with you. You are blessed and loved.

I am Mira.
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ॐ May Much LOVE and CHRISTS LIGHT be upon and within us all.... namasté ▲ - : )  ╰დ╮ॐ╭დ╯
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