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Consciousness (Read 381530 times)
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Christ Light

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The Pyramid of LIGHT
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Re: Consciousness
Reply #360 - May 17th, 2011 at 3:33pm
Go your own way, my friend, in love and bountiful Light.


i need not your permission to perform any thought or action

beloved one..

i started this discussion you are most welcome here

or go your own way


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ॐ May Much LOVE and CHRISTS LIGHT be upon and within us all.... namasté ▲ - : )  ╰დ╮ॐ╭დ╯
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Re: Consciousness
Reply #361 - May 17th, 2011 at 4:04pm
[quote author=it_is_the_light link=1283639249/360#360 date=1305610439]Go your own way, my friend, in love and bountiful Light.


i need not your permission to perform any thought or action

beloved one..

i started this discussion you are most welcome here

or go your own way



Very true, Light. You have this choice.

You also have the choice to tell me anything about SaLuSa that you have not divined through the words of Mike Quinsey. You choose not to.


You have the choice to say that you pick up your information from a higher form of consciousness, but not say what it is.


You have the choice to banish others to hell, and you also have the choice to say that this is your thread, and therefore your rules.

All freewill, and all choices you make.

Freewill, you see?

In reading your responses, however, it is my choice is to infer whether you speak the truth, or profer up falsehood. I would prefer to think of you as an honest emissary of the Light.

I must say, you're not making this choice very easy.
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Christ Light

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Re: Consciousness
Reply #362 - May 17th, 2011 at 11:54pm
i will leave you with your confusion and ramlings

there is no confusion within me



if you are in discomfort,you may suffer in your jocks.

this will not effect unto me only leave you with the stench of

confusion and the lack of ability to clean your messes up

freewill you see?


SaLuSa 16-May-2011

NESARA inspired people to find a way of manifesting its proposals, and out of it was born a powerful movement for change. It was taken up by us with the permission of St.Germain who is responsible for the World Trust Fund. Together with our allies, the Ascended Masters and many Dear Ones who support the cause, you are near to experiencing the first of many beneficial changes

You the Lightworkers have important roles to play, and we encourage you to spread the truth wherever you are able. It is not by forcing your opinion on to people, but simply relating the truth for the discernment of others.

The fair distribution of wealth is so essential to creating equality and a happy society, where each person feels valued and loved. That shall take place and it will not be long before these issues are addressed

Once disclosure is announced we must become known to you and enter your lives, as we are essential to the program for clearing up your Earth and putting a stop to further destruction. All is proceeding along these lines and it will not be too long before some announcements are made.

SaLuSa 16-May-2011

Matters are quickly leading you to a time of changes, that will enable our promises to you to be fulfilled. It has taken immense time to create the opportunities that provide us with progress towards our goals. With opposition from the dark Ones we try to stealthily move towards our objectives without their knowledge. The sheer size of our tasks makes that almost impossible, but unlike our allies we can operate without being seen. Both our craft and its occupants can be cloaked with invisibility, and that gives us a distinct advantage when we enter the “lions den”. It has been quite useful when needing to be present when dark Ones have held their secret meetings, and it does not matter where they take place as they cannot prevent us being there. We cannot always act on what we learn because as we have explained previously, there are karmic issues involved that you as a civilization have to experience. You often set the stage without realizing it and it is important that you see the outcome of decisions you have made. If you really understood that even your thoughts mould your reality, you might be more careful in this respect.

You originally became aware of the benefits that are planned for you through NESARA, and it helped considerably to awaken people to the potential of a New Age. It promoted ideas that would have been considered impossible not very long ago. However, it stirred the imagination of many people, who could see that there were others ways that Humanity could live in comparative comfort. Certainly the idea that there were answers to overcome poverty, and provide all with a reasonable standard of living was a new concept. NESARA inspired people to find a way of manifesting its proposals, and out of it was born a powerful movement for change. It was taken up by us with the permission of St.Germain who is responsible for the World Trust Fund. Together with our allies, the Ascended Masters and many Dear Ones who support the cause, you are near to experiencing the first of many beneficial changes. It is an exercise in co-operation, that has been taken up by many individuals on the Internet that has swelled our numbers. It clearly shows what can be done when people awaken to the truth, and allow their Light and Love to take over.

Time is passing at a faster rate than previously, and that is proof of how the whole process of Ascension is speeding ahead. With the recognition that your consciousness levels are also increasing, you hardly need reassuring that everything is proceeding well. The earth changes are becoming more frequent and so it will continue, as there is still much to do. In this connection we are keen to assist you in dealing with the consequences, and that is best handled by our being with you. We are totally prepared and have been so for a long time. Our presence will show that our intentions are honorable, and that we come to you as friends

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Christ Light

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Re: Consciousness
Reply #363 - May 17th, 2011 at 11:56pm
We know that many of you have a great desire to join us, and you will do so as Galactic Beings. However, first you must reach the required levels of consciousness, and as time passes that will become easier. There are many high points of energy that allow for an increase in your vibrational levels, and as an evolving Being of Light you will attract them to yourselves. It has been ongoing for many years now, and all part of the Divine Plan to help you ascend. Do not let up now or be distracted with such a little time to go. Allow for events to occur that might not be of the Light, knowing that these are but the final acts arising out of the old energies that are now being cleared from the Earth. Hold on to your visions for the future and in this way help manifest them. You the Lightworkers have important roles to play, and we encourage you to spread the truth wherever you are able. It is not by forcing your opinion on to people, but simply relating the truth for the discernment of others.

The movement of people and animals is taking place on an unprecedented scale, and is a clear indication that the end times are well under way. All will eventually find themselves where they are intended to be, so do not be concerned about the events taking place around you. Your individual destiny is assured regardless of what you experience, and it is not too important because you will still ascend. The whole object of this current period is to get as many souls as possible ready for Ascension. Many Guides support each one, and they are constantly at your side waiting the opportunity to help you. Acknowledge their presence and call them to service on your behalf. They will serve you and accompany you for the final period of this cycle. Remember that sometimes what you want, and what you think you need are often quite different things.

However, in time whatever you lack now will come your way, as it is our intention to raise you all up to a level where you are comfortable and safe. Where you can live a happy and content life, and apply yourselves to the task of getting ready for Ascension. For too long you have been led to believe that poverty and hunger are acceptable living conditions. That has been imposed upon you by the dark Ones, who in their own reality live lives of plenty at your expense. The fair distribution of wealth is so essential to creating equality and a happy society, where each person feels valued and loved. That shall take place and it will not be long before these issues are addressed. There is so much happening in your world right now, and the way forward will soon become apparent.

Once disclosure is announced we must become known to you and enter your lives, as we are essential to the program for clearing up your Earth and putting a stop to further destruction. You cannot do it alone as the tasks are beyond you, particularly in your present state of disruption and chaos. Fortunately it can be handled quickly and efficiently once we are able to freely move amongst you. That we must arrange through your representatives, but it must be at a time when the new governmental appointments have already been made. All is proceeding along these lines and it will not be too long before some announcements are made.

I am SaLuSa from Sirius, and once again pleased to come to you and tell you of the current situation.

Thank you SaLuSa.

Mike Quinsey.
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ॐ May Much LOVE and CHRISTS LIGHT be upon and within us all.... namasté ▲ - : )  ╰დ╮ॐ╭დ╯
it_is_the_light it_is_the_light Christ+Light Christ+Light  
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Christ Light

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Re: Consciousness
Reply #364 - May 23rd, 2011 at 4:55pm

Hilarion's Weekly Message 2011

May 22-29, 2011

Welcome back, Beloved Lightworkers,

During the past week a shift in mass consciousness occurred and you will be seeing evidence of this in the coming days. Many of you have been creating Pillars of Light and in fact, you ARE Pillars of Light and this activity is adding to the collective field of Humanity and the atmosphere of the Earth. All of these are very positive changes and it is now going to become a little easier to hold and anchor the Light because there will be so many more of you who are engaged in this activity.

Within each of you there has been a feeling of increasing lightness of Being which is having the effect of a greater sense of well-being and peacefulness and this will have a most beneficial effect as you go about your daily lives. Most of you are now feeling the increasing presence of your Higher Self within your crown chakra and this is most noticeable when you are involved in your spiritual disciplines as very noticeable vibrations in that area. You will begin to notice a greater response from your Higher Self in your mundane activities and do not be too surprised to discover yourselves carrying on a telepathic conversation at the oddest times.

When this occurs, it is an indication of greater activity in your multi-dimensional selves. You will find yourselves involved in taking part in a reverie in which you are partaking of various adventures in your “imagination”. This is active involvement occurring on the higher levels and dimensions. You are all active on other levels during your sleep times but now you will start to notice this occurring during your normal daily routines. Life is becoming a greater adventure and the only limits are those that you set upon yourselves. Dare to dream big and create these lovely scenarios in your everyday lives. Create and feel wonderful changes taking place for you and your loved ones and in the World around you.

Whatever you, the conscious Creators, create now within your own lives is added to the whole collective consciousness and many will Awaken because of this. Your Light and activity for the Light is creating greater openness in the minds of an ever greater mass of Humanity. Always intend that what you create be for the Highest Good of all and of course, for your own Highest Good. Your God sanctioned Guides and Ascension Team work diligently with you as you go about your daily affairs. A request from you first thing in the morning upon awakening to ask them for every assistance as you go about your day will help set the tone for the rest of that day.

Be observant to what still comes up from within you and continue to just observe and release rather than get involved in the emotional charge of it. It can become easier the more you become aware that you have this ability. This is Mastery of your Selves in action. This is alchemy being consciously practiced. Soon you will be observing that you are now creating wonderful situations and occurrences in your lives rather than having to release more surprises from the depths of your inner Being. Life will feel much easier the more you practice this.

We are ever with you, Beloved Ones. We work as One now. You have Legions at your side each and every day and night. You never walk alone. Our Love is always with you.

Until next week….

I AM Hilarion
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ॐ May Much LOVE and CHRISTS LIGHT be upon and within us all.... namasté ▲ - : )  ╰დ╮ॐ╭დ╯
it_is_the_light it_is_the_light Christ+Light Christ+Light  
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Christ Light

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Re: Consciousness
Reply #365 - May 25th, 2011 at 10:20pm

Wanderer of the Skies - May 24, 2011

Greetings from the Federation:

We have oft been tempted to reveal all “back room” dealings that go on, both in the furtherance of disclosure and those that would harm you, but discretion is the better part of valor, as they say, and we have, and will, continue to withhold such information where we deem it necessary to further the cause.

Where we can, however, we will allow a glimpse into what is happening behind the scenes so that you get a better understanding of what is taking place on this issue. For instance, there are those among the power elite who are not who they seem to be, despite a normal appearance. They work tirelessly for disclosure and all that it signals for the future of mankind.

For those of you who are of this ilk, “connect the dots” for yourself. Look to who at the highest levels of your world’s governments are presently meeting with top business leaders of major corporations in the guise of furthering business affairs in those countries. There is much more going on behind the scenes than just a discussion on who gets the better trade benefits. These are meetings planned, for the most part, between big business and governments to discuss the timing and implications of disclosure on your planet. We give you a hint: look at big corporate government contractors and where their representatives are in the world right now.

In general, government leaders look to big business in this sense for a variety of reasons, but most importantly because this is who controls governments these days. Equally of importance is the fact that governments have identified the global financial/business markets as being the single most affected area upon disclosure, so it is of vital importance to prepare on that level. You already are aware of the religious implications of disclosure and the preparations these organizations have already undertaken.

Make no mistake about it. Big business is very aware of these developments and have begun their own programs of “disclosure.” Not all leaders of the corporate world are minions of the Illuminati. Some are enlightened. Look to how they are beginning to disseminate this information in their own place of business and you will begin to see these connections for yourself. It is one thing for us to tell you, it is another thing entirely that you discover these truths on your own. Therefore, we simply point you in the right direction.

Look up to say hello and we will nod in your direction with love and energy for all to share. Be happy, optimistic, and excited. You are deserving of all these emotions.

Be at peace.
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ॐ May Much LOVE and CHRISTS LIGHT be upon and within us all.... namasté ▲ - : )  ╰დ╮ॐ╭დ╯
it_is_the_light it_is_the_light Christ+Light Christ+Light  
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Christ Light

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The Pyramid of LIGHT
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Re: Consciousness
Reply #366 - May 28th, 2011 at 2:14pm
NASA's Spitzer space telescope detects green crystal rain bombarding sun-like star near Orion

MORE proof that space is amazing, this time from the not-too-distant constellation of Orion, where one star is currently being bombarded with green crystal rain.
The embryonic star is described as "Sun-like" - as in our Sun - and named HOPS-38.
The crystals are a green mineral called olivine and have been spotted raining down from the clouds of gas engulfing HOPS-68 by NASA's Spitzer infrared detectors.
Olivine can be found on Earth, in gemstones and on the green sand beaches of Hawaii. They've also been spotted before by NASA's Stardust and Deep Impact comet-watchers, but this is the first time they've ever been observed falling as "rain".
“You need temperatures as hot as lava to make these crystals,” Tom Megeath of the University of Toledo in Ohio, said.
Prof Megeath is the principal investigator of the research and the second author of a new study appearing in The Astrophysical Journal Letters.

“We propose that the crystals were cooked up near the surface of the forming star, then carried up into the surrounding cloud where temperatures are much colder, and ultimately fell down again like glitter.”
Apart from the fact that they're falling on a protostar, the crystals are unusual because they require temperatures around 700C to form, yet are found in the collapsing gas clouds around HOPS-38 where the mercury drops to around -170C.
The Toledo team say that jets of gas blasting away from the star might have lifted crystals into the clouds before raining back down.
If we ever make it to HOPS-38, we might even be able to see them.
“If you could somehow transport yourself inside this protostar’s collapsing gas cloud, it would be very dark,” the study team's lead author Charles Poteet said.
“But the tiny crystals might catch whatever light is present, resulting in a green sparkle against a black, dusty backdrop.”
The scientists detailed their findings in the May 10 issue of The Astrophysical Journal Letters.

Read more:
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ॐ May Much LOVE and CHRISTS LIGHT be upon and within us all.... namasté ▲ - : )  ╰დ╮ॐ╭დ╯
it_is_the_light it_is_the_light Christ+Light Christ+Light  
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Re: Consciousness
Reply #367 - May 28th, 2011 at 6:50pm
it_is_the_light wrote on May 25th, 2011 at 10:20pm:
We have oft been tempted to reveal all “back room” dealings that go on, both in the furtherance of disclosure and those that would harm you, but discretion is the better part of valor, as they say, and we have, and will, continue to withhold such information where we deem it necessary to further the cause.

Freewill yes.
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Christ Light

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Re: Consciousness
Reply #368 - Jun 1st, 2011 at 6:45pm

2012: How is it happening? What's the 'real' truth?

Sheldan Nidle Update for May 31, 2011 [Please, although this is very postive, use discernment.]

Dratzo! We return! Much is coming together on your world and our Earth allies and our Agarthan cousins are nearly ready to spring their much-awaited actions upon the dark cabal. The agreements signed a few weeks ago have begun to bear fruit. The Earth allies’ European legal team has completed the documents that are to be used as the foundation for replacing a number of major governments. Included within these are the legalities to overturn the illegal American corporate state. We can also report that the organization that is to replace the present global financial system is secretly setting up headquarters in Europe, Asia, and the Americas. In other developments, those who are to compel the old governments to concede are taking up their pre-assigned work posts and we are positioning our ships and personnel as backup for them. Our liaisons are there to demonstrate our full support for these changes which are a prelude to full disclosure. Disclosure is the most monumental event in modern Earth history; it is this watershed act that will end the dark’s seemingly invincible power overnight!

Disclosure allows us to begin a direct dialogue with you. Until now, contact has been limited to three ‘soft’ areas of approach: the first was decades of secret interaction with several world governments, which, for the most part, were more in the nature of simple exchanges of information. These only recently progressed into meetings comprising many nations and privately invited powerful individuals. These mini-conferences resulted in our obtaining concessions which have advanced the general policies of our Earth allies. The second was goal-oriented meetings with selected private individuals, which in many cases permitted us to promote policies that moved us closer to first contact, and we made many new ‘friends’ who are helping us with first contact. The third is the messages we give you on a regular basis to keep you informed on the progress of first contact. Recently, our verbal negotiations have been reinforced with more assertive gestures by our defense team to show that contact is close and inevitable.

One of the things we encountered from the start was the constant, overt hostility of your secret governments. These covert organizations possess underground and orbital facilities which use their technology to pester us continually. So far these roving bands of ‘mosquitoes’ have been no more than a nuisance, but lately, as part of our more proactive stance, we have used constraining measures to emphasize to the cabal our determination regarding various key issues. This more active policy has indeed elicited more accommodating responses from the dark on retooling or closing down these facilities. Furthermore, it is vital that these technologies be immediately revealed to you, as most of these devices can have a galvanizing and beneficial effect on your economies and especially on Gaia. You need to learn more about Gaia than the pabulum fed to you by your sciences and your media, including the scientific and spiritual data held in these secret facilities as this information is a step in your reunion with your Agarthan family.

Blessings, Beloveds! We are the Ascended Masters! Over the last few weeks, we have been discussing the altering of your reality. We talked about conscious governance and the two things that create it: fluid group dynamics and the four sacred laws. These will be introduced to you by the Galactic Federation and Agartha. The Agarthans are your cousins who were separated from you by the Atlanteans and their successors, the Anunnaki. Our sacred mission is to reunite you with your spiritual and space families and return you to full consciousness. This mission is extremely close to completion. Operations are now underway that will create new governance, distribute prosperity, and permit disclosure. These events include the unveiling of new technology as well as the true, factual history of Gaia and her many sacred hierarchies. At the time of the mass first contact, each of us intends to come forth and pass on this sacred history to you.
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ॐ May Much LOVE and CHRISTS LIGHT be upon and within us all.... namasté ▲ - : )  ╰დ╮ॐ╭დ╯
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Christ Light

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Re: Consciousness
Reply #369 - Jun 1st, 2011 at 6:46pm
Toward the conclusion of this process, we wish to share with you a number of spiritual concepts that are important. One of these is the matter of your sacred ‘soul force’ and its application. Each of you has a special sacred power that you long ago gave away to the dark, and this force now needs to be returned to you. After much special ceremony, we obtained from the dark a way of returning this to you even before you regain your full consciousness. It requires your using the coming solstice as a divine manifesting tool. Gaia is opening up her higher, or spiritual, atmosphere, allowing you to link in meditation to both this higher atmosphere and her spiritual core. Do this for the seven days prior to the solstice and for three days afterwards. Call upon us, the Creator (Source), and your Divine I Am Presence to come together and reunite you with your sacred Soul Force. When this solstice period is completed, you will be able, once again, to be in possession of what was given away so long ago.

Mother Earth continues to prepare her surface for her new attire. The surface that you know has been raped and pillaged for millennia, with the last two centuries being the worst, as a growing population increased the abuse to record levels. We therefore made sure that all the new gold depositories were located on or near major surface grid points, as these nodal points can be used to stabilize and slightly repair the damage. The current destruction to the surface world is due in large part to Gaia’s need to rebalance what humanity has so carelessly imbalanced. Your surface realms are in the midst of great turmoil and we have pushed much sacred Light into these realms to lessen what could occur if it is not properly attended to. Gaia wishes to support your return to full consciousness, and she de-stresses only as a warning and as an incentive for change.

This is the moment for transcendental miracles and they are Heaven sent! We have been guarding the Light and its sacred knowledge for millennia, and as our task is to be guideposts and way-showers for you, we have been hinting at this wisdom since the rise of this present era around 7,000 years ago. We taught this knowledge to those of you who were ready to receive it and spread it to others. Indeed, each of you has done your part to move humanity forward to this glorious moment when our joint endeavors are nearing a triumphant manifestation. Gaia knows and Loves you for your kind thoughts and deeds that are making possible this wondrous age when humanity returns to full consciousness. Rejoice in the fact that a seemingly interminable age of darkness and ignorance is now over, and that the grand reunion with your other long-lost human families and with Heaven is here!

     Today, we updated you on developments, and the Ascended Masters reintroduced you to the concept of your divine Soul Force. As ever, the key element is disclosure, which is when you are made formally aware of our existence, and your reality changes suddenly, forever, and for the better. Know, dear Ones, that the countless Supply and never-ending Prosperity of Heaven are indeed Yours! So Be It! Selamat Gajun! Selamat Ja! (Sirian for Be One! and Be in Joy!)
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ॐ May Much LOVE and CHRISTS LIGHT be upon and within us all.... namasté ▲ - : )  ╰დ╮ॐ╭დ╯
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Christ Light

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Re: Consciousness
Reply #370 - Jun 6th, 2011 at 6:32pm

he Galactic Federation through Wanderer of the Skies

June 5, 2011

Greetings from the Federation:

It is quite difficult to maintain faith in what you are doing towards Ascension when so much is going on around you. We thank you all for your efforts and rejoice when even one more person awakens, albeit in the smallest of ways. It gives us great joy to know that we will, shortly, be able to converse with you as you would your neighbor across the fence on a nice afternoon. We too have longed for such conversations. You have always believed that it would be you who benefits from such conversations but we say we would equally benefit, since you have much to offer us in your unique physical state. We are in awe of your raw power, as yet unknown to most of you, or more correctly, just becoming known, and the yet to be harnessed power of your raw spirituality. You are beings who are much revered in the galaxy, despite your penchant for war and self destruction. We know these things are not your true state, and once disclosure occurs and the Illuminati have seen their last days dictating how you are to live, you will rise up as one for peace, for love, and for all that is good for the individual and humanity as a whole.

Our confidence remains high that this month will produce a seminal event which will open the floodgates to disclosure. It is difficult to tell where it will come from, however, as the “cracks in the dam” are becoming great in many areas and at many levels. It will be difficult for the Illuminati to “plug up” much more of these leaks, and your collective will is indeed pushing forward the agenda at a quickened pace.

Business continues to ready itself for the disclosure event. You may wish to check your patent offices to see how many otherwise “classified” devices that are within your knowledge at the present now have open patent applications. Big corporations are the last bastion of the Illuminati and we are now seeing those cornerstones crumbling as more and more businesses take on the model of cooperative venture and not competitive advantage.

This is the time when, darkest before the dawn, one can despair easily as one looks around the world and sees how hopeless it seems. But this is not the case. Just the opposite, in fact, as we see it as the most exciting time of all. You are there. And you have chosen to be here, in this moment, since long before you were born. Rejoice in your choice. It is a most exciting time. We stand ready on our end to assist you. Stand ready on yours to assist each other. We marvel most, and stand in awe of you without peer, at the depth and intensity of your compassion for each other as earth human beings.

Be at peace.
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ॐ May Much LOVE and CHRISTS LIGHT be upon and within us all.... namasté ▲ - : )  ╰დ╮ॐ╭დ╯
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Christ Light

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The Pyramid of LIGHT
Gender: male
Re: Consciousness
Reply #371 - Jun 11th, 2011 at 4:31pm

High Council of Orion message 10th June

Welcome beloveds, we are once more filled with gratitude and blessings to be able to communicate with you all at this time. The energies are now flooding across planet earth and this is increasing the symptoms and changes that are occurring both within your human body and around you. The heart chakra is where humans store their pain, as these energies move and flux across the planet many of you will begin to have strange symptoms that your modern medicine may find difficult if not impossible to diagnose. You now move towards living in a multi dimensional way and this is bringing more emotion through your physical BEing to move through and begin to heal.

Many of you may have experienced what you term “past life regression”, where you travel back in time to a “previous” life and connect with the experiences there in order to help heal them in this life journey. We guide you strongly to realise that you do not move BACK in time, that the person in the other life journey is YOU and you are now beginning to have access to that YOU in THIS life time.

Humans view time in a very linear way and we note and appreciate why you do this but we guide you open your minds to a new way of BEing. The universe does not work from back to front, the universe JUST IS. Seize the opportunity when it arises to heal what you have taken through to this life time by accessing your energies in different dimensions in order to heal them fully in this lifetime.

Many of you will be having strange physical symptoms that you cannot relate to, pains in the chest, rashes, blisters, unexplained headaches, stabbing pains in your arms and legs etc. Know that the YOU in an other dimension is being accessed in order for you to heal. You are a BEing of the universe, you live multiple lives across different planets at any one time, all this is coming into balance for all of you. The more you can expand your senses and process this information the smoother the transition to the “new” world that you will have.

Meditation is a valuable tool for you at this time. The space that is within you is your gateway to source, use this gateway to explore the universe around you. Allow the energies to open up and sense what is around you. We are ALL connected, to each other, to the other realms, to other planets, the universe is ONE. This is a relatively new concept to many humans across the planet and one we are fully aware that has been kept from you. Many of you have been programmed to believe ONLY your eyes and ears and part of that programming was to tell you what to see with your eyes and what to hear with your ears. We guide you strongly to be fully aware of the limits that places on your human body. Take a moment to fully digest how contained you have been for thousands of years.

Now is the time of walking the planet with the blinkers and the ear protectors OFF. For many of you this process will take some time as you refuse to believe that you have been fooled this way by many for so long. We guide you strongly to sit with the truth and ask that you process this through your heart. Somewhere along the way you realised that there was more and now you have begun to awaken, you experience more.

Each human BEing across the planet will move to ascension at their own speed. It is foolish to try to wake up those around you if they are not ready. You will further propel them into the denial that has been forced upon them as they cling to it to try to control and anchor their lives. We guide you all strongly to allow others TO BE. None of you are here on this life journey to “save” another, you cannot make another human see what they are not ready to see. We feel the questions that you have now in your minds and we reassure you that those who are asleep will begin to wake. The energies across the planet will stir within them the questioning and the energy that those awake have will also begin to stir them. Be very aware beloveds of your energy signatures. These are NEVER turned off, so you carry and SPREAD your energy wherever you go. This sees a vast majority of you spreading more light and love across the planet. Many of you will be having thoughts of the reasons that you have travelled so far for so long. This was necessary to help spread the light to areas where the light was not so intense.

It is human nature to travel and the universe has facilitated this travel with many of you. Likewise if you feel that travel plans have had to be put on hold, know this was for your own good and that it was not appropriate for your energy to be where you thought you needed to be at that time. More of you will move around the planet in due course. Many of you will take residence in countries that you have never given a second thought to. We guide you at this time to go with the flow and let things come into creation for you.

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ॐ May Much LOVE and CHRISTS LIGHT be upon and within us all.... namasté ▲ - : )  ╰დ╮ॐ╭დ╯
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Christ Light

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The Pyramid of LIGHT
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Re: Consciousness
Reply #372 - Jun 11th, 2011 at 4:32pm
Human BEings are moving more into creation mode every day and we guide and highlight this to you so that you are aware of the manifestation that you can bring through. All is created within the mind and on the etheric before it is brought through into your waking life on the planet. As you hold more and more light the manifestation process is accelerated. It is VITAL that you watch you thoughts and hold on to the positive and reinforce ONLY the positive when manifesting. You are able to manifest both positive and negative. For many of you this will have already occurred. For those asleep it will occur more rapidly as they are fully unaware of the importance of their thoughts.

We hope that you will now begin to more fully see how imperative it is that the lightworkers and wayshowers across the planet hold the space for those just waking and those still asleep. As those asleep plunge into fear and darkness you will need to spread more light across the planet, to situations, to war zones, to people, to help hold the space for them. Energy healing will move into a new way of working for many of you as you begin to really feel the new energies.

As we guided already to you many of you will be able to more fully pick up others vibrations and emotions. Please take a moment to realise what it is like to be fully asleep on your planet at this time. For many humans across the planet this is the armageddon they have been warned about. They see no way out, they see chaos, fear and pain. KNOW this is only illusion trying to hold on to these humans to be able to function. Once you begin to hold the space for your fellow humans the illusion will begin to break down for them. Use not your words to try to alert them to what is happening, instead shine your light on them and live your truth.

Words can be used in a variety of ways and human nature has progressed to the “spin”. That is another reason why we guide you to process how something makes you FEEL. The difference is important, if you process all through your heart and trust how you FEEL then you will not be drawn into the illusion. You will be fully alert to what it is that you are being fooled with, your heart will tell you.

The human heart is going through a change process at this time and it is vital that you allow the people, places and events stored in your hearts to go. If you are unable to venture into your heart space then you are unable to fully experience the new world and you will lower your vibration once more. As we are all connected at all times it makes little sense to store people and places within the heart chakra. You are able to access those who are no longer with you on the planet in the physical at any time through your hearts. This may seem too painful for many of you to fully digest but it is possible.

Be aware of the ability that will grow and strengthen among you to be able to access information from many different realms much more easily than ever before. As we guide previously as you become more aware of the connection between everything and everyone you will soon be able to access at will. We guide you to go slowly with this ability until you fully feel comfortable with it and ALWAYS hold love and compassion within your BEing whilst doing this.

These are exciting times for the human race, begin to FEEL what it is like to be a child of the universe and fill yourself up with the love of the universe. Humans were never meant to live in pain and fear and be filled with dread upon living. That is the illusion trying to contain the magnificient BEings that you truly are. Take back your power and your freedom our fellow brothers and sisters and truly FEEL what is like to be part of the universe.

We step back now to allow you to digest our words. We will give further guidance on the multi dimensional aspect of BEing in due course. Many of you will be familiar with this concept, many of you will not. It will be explained further across many different channels as we support your new existence and way of BEing. You need never rush further than you feel comfortable with, there is no rush to ascend. All will be well beloveds, trust in the process, trust in yourselves. We are your brothers and sisters from the stars, we are the high council of orion.
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Christ Light

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Re: Consciousness
Reply #373 - Jun 12th, 2011 at 5:58am

George Kavassilas w' Lisa Harrison Jan 2011 Pt1
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ॐ May Much LOVE and CHRISTS LIGHT be upon and within us all.... namasté ▲ - : )  ╰დ╮ॐ╭დ╯
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Christ Light

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The Pyramid of LIGHT
Gender: male
Re: Consciousness
Reply #374 - Jun 12th, 2011 at 8:46am

George Kavassilas - Atlantis, Lemuria, USA and Australia

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