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Consciousness (Read 382515 times)
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Christ Light

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Re: Consciousness
Reply #390 - Jul 9th, 2011 at 11:44am

Comet ELEnin, Asteroid YU55, & Revelations 12:1-2 (June 11, 2011 Update)

>>>polar shift?<<<

1.) Comet ELEnin past and future alignments with the Sun and Earth.
2.) Virgo, Moon, Sun, and Venus configuration on Sept 29, 2011, and how it relates to Comet ELEnin (2 days off alignment), and also how it perfectly relates to Revelations 12:1-2 scripture in the Bible.
3.) YU55 1200-1500ft diameter asteroid close approach data on Nov 8, 2011.

On June 10, 2011, NASA began a major new initiative -
NASA's Personal/Family Preparedness Plan - The major new initiative for the NASA Headquarters Continuity of Operations ( COOP) Program is focused on Family Preparedness.
So, since when did NASA begin telling people to prepare?

Astronomical alignments as the cause of ~M6+ seismicity

Sept 29, 2011 - (Virgo, Venus, Moon, & Sun configuration)
Revelations 12:1 - A great sign was seen in heaven: a woman clothed with the sun, and the moon under her feet, and on her head a crown of twelve stars.
Revelations 12:2 - She was with child. She cried out in pain, laboring to give birth.

Asteroid 2005 YU55 (a massive asteroid which pass in between the Moon and Earth)

What if NASA's calculations are off just slightly (.0023AU)? If they're off by just a small %, YU55 could be a direct hit.

Currently, reports indicate that the asteroid named 2005 YU55 has 1,300 feet width with 55 million tonnes by weight. It will pass close to Earth orbit in a period of more than 201,700 miles closer than the Moon ever came which is about 238,857 miles from the Earth.

JPL Website;orb=1;cad=1;cov=0;log=0#cad

**** Past Alignments ****
Feb 27, 2010 Alignment (ELE, Sun, & Earth) -­ilean-president-michelle-bachelet?_s=PM:WORLD

Sept 4, 2010 Alignment (ELE, Sun, & Earth) -

March 11, 2011 Alignment (ELE, Sun, & Earth) -
Science & Technology
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Christ Light

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Re: Consciousness
Reply #391 - Jul 10th, 2011 at 11:12am
and so it is


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Christ Light

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Re: Consciousness
Reply #392 - Jul 27th, 2011 at 7:27pm

New Large Crop Circle 26th July 2011 at Windmill Hill, UK !!
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Christ Light

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Re: Consciousness
Reply #393 - Aug 25th, 2011 at 6:35pm

Wednesday, 24 August, 2011

Message from Archangel Michael, Sept. 2011,  LM-9-2011

Beloved masters, as the Light Cells of God Consciousness infiltrate deeper and deeper into the physical structure, the membranes of Light surrounding the DNA begin to dissolve. As part of this Sub-Universal experience, this was programmed into the Adam/Eve Kadmon Light Body blueprint so that the activation of the DNA strands would take place two at a time.

The DNA strands are attuned to the different dimensional levels. The two strands which are now available and active in the physical vessel are attuned to the first-, second- and third- dimensional levels. As we have told you before, as you sank into the density of the lower dimensions, two by two, your DNA strands were encased in membranes of Light and placed in reserve until the time you were ready to begin your journey back into the higher dimensions of Light.

First, second and third dimensions:   Two Strands of DNA

Fourth and fifth dimensions:   Four Strands of DNA

Sixth and seventh dimensions:   Six Strands of DNA

Eighth and ninth dimensions:   Eight Strands of DNA

Tenth and eleventh dimensions:    Ten Strands of DNA

Twelfth dimension:   Twelve Strands of DNA

For clarity and to help you understand the sequence of Higher Self/OverSoul integration, let us assign numbers to each facet of your Higher Self. You were born with a facet of your God Self enclosed within a Sphere of Light. Encoded within your DNA, your auric field and the memory Cells throughout your body were the frequencies you were to experience in the beginning stages of your life. If everything went according to plan, sometime in your early years of life you awakened to the nudging /whisperings of your Soul Self, and a Soul/personality merge process began. We will call this your number One Soul Self.

Your number Two Soul Self, which we will call your OverSoul, took up residency within your Soul Star, the Eighth Chakra, at the time of your birth. If you heed the “Voice of Spirit,” gradually, over time, this higher dimensional facet of your Soul OverLights you and radiates Its refined Light frequencies into your chakra system and auric field.

When the integration of this facet of your higher consciousness is complete, at the appropriate time your number Three Soul Self, the next more advanced Spark of your multi-dimensional Being, moves down into the Eighth Chakra position and becomes your OverSoul consciousness. This process will be repeated over and over again until, sometime in the far distant future, you will be reunited with your Divine I AM Presence / your God Self.

When you began your adventure into the physical realms of materiality, you slowly built a garment of flesh around your shining, crystalline Light Body. A Sphere of Light was placed in the back area of the body behind your physical heart. This Light Sphere, which would be called your Sacred Heart, became the home of your Soul/Higher Self, and your Diamond Core God Cell was also placed within this Sacred Chamber.

The qualities, attributes and virtues of the Seven Rays of God Consciousness were also placed within Spheres of Light. These spheres, known as chakras, were designed to spin at a very high velocity, which made them appear to be spinning cones of Light radiating from the front and back of the physical body.

Now you are striving to reverse the process as you seek to eliminate all the discordant frequencies you have created down through the ages, thereby purifying your four-lower bodily systems, physical, mental, emotional and astral, so that you can move beyond your physiological limitations.

You must move from a self-centered attitude; however, this does not occur until you are well on the path of ascension. Remember, we have told you there is a virtue in “selfishness” or a time of intense self-absorption when you are endeavoring to heal/balance your human bodily vessel in preparation for an infusion of higher frequency Light. This preparatory stage is important for each higher level of Light infusion; otherwise it would be like inserting a 110 volt electrical plug into a 220 volt outlet, which would result in an instant shock and, most likely, the destruction of the appliance (physical vessel).
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Christ Light

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Re: Consciousness
Reply #394 - Aug 25th, 2011 at 6:35pm
It is extremely important that you focus on refining the seven chakras of the bodily form, thereby creating /activating your Pillar of Light that runs in front of the spinal column. This Pillar of Light must reestablish its connection to the Heart Core Center of the Earth and to your Star Tetrahedron, your Soul Star, which is eight to twelve inches above the crown of your head. When this is accomplished, you will gradually gain access to the five higher Rays of Creator Light, which will complete your Divine imprint for this particular Round of Evolution.

We must explain, however, that during your journey back into the higher dimensions, you will be asked to accept many special missions and you will usually agree; for this is the way the ascension process was designed. You will forever seek to return to the fullness of your God Consciousness, but you will also maintain a burning desire to serve in some way; for deep within your Sacred Heart there is a Seed Crystal that pulsates with pure love and an inborn desire to serve.

It was ordained that many facets/Sparks of the angelic kingdom and of other great Beings of Light would incarnate on Earth and follow the path of humans. Portals of initiation were opened and have remained open down through the Ages. However, in the past, only a few brave Souls made it past the gateway of illumination and gained Self-mastery.

Conscious awareness is developed through gradual stages of awakening and understanding more complex and refined concepts. As you progress, you will gradually gain access to higher and higher dimensional-levels of consciousness during your nightly Astral Body travels. You are taken to halls of learning and eventually into halls of wisdom. Over time, you will join World Server Groups who breathe in and radiate forth waves of Adamantine Particles of Creator Light to be used for the greatest good.

How will you know when you are eligible to join members of your Soul group in the World Server Pyramid? You will automatically be taken there when your Soul Song resonates to the mid-fourth dimensions and above. You will go there when you have balanced 51% of your karma, and are truly making an effort to control your emotional nature. You will go there when you begin to see the best in those around you, and you are endeavoring to move out of judgment as you learn to view life and the world through eyes filtered with compassion.

Allow us to explain to you the makeup of the World Server Pyramid. Envision a gigantic crystal pyramid in the fifth dimension, with the peak and the double-terminated crystal extending up into the first level of the sixth dimension. Within this wondrous edifice are graduated levels of the fifth- and lower sixth-dimensional frequency patterns.

There are thousands of smaller pyramids, each of which resonate to particular harmonic frequencies of Light. You might equate these pyramids to small cities of Light. When the time arrives that you are qualified to join the group of World Servers, you will be taken into the Light pyramid that is attuned to your particular vibrational patterns. As you advance in Light resonance, you will move ever upward into higher and higher stations of Light within the World Server Pyramid. This too is an integral part of the ascension process.

The focused gaze of humanity is being lifted out of the stifling quagmire of earthly existence onto the far-distant horizon of the future. Desire for material riches is being replaced with a yearning for Soul consciousness. World Servers will be held together by a strong Soul connection: a remembrance of a solemn oath to serve humanity, with a common goal of ascending in consciousness.

The Divine Blueprint for this Sub-Universe was created as a twelve-dimensional experience. There are other Sub-Universes that were created to experience a greater number of dimensions and some others with fewer dimensions. The Earth and the solar system of which it is a part, are in the process of reintegrating all of the attributes, qualities and virtues of the twelve Rays of God Consciousness in order to be eligible to join in the next higher degree of the Divine Plan for the expansion of this Sub-Universe.

Over time, evolution of consciousness is followed by stages of evolution within the physical vessel. Form always follows thought. The human body is being prepared to receive the higher frequencies of Creator Light, the Adamantine Particles of Sacred Fire Light. You must evolve from a passive mode of Being into a newly refined State of Being as an action-oriented, expansive Bearer of Light if you are to become a COCREATIVE MASTER OF LIGHT.

As you turn inward and reach upward for higher frequency concepts and information, you will automatically begin to withdraw from the astral plane, collective consciousness belief system. From a spiritual viewpoint, evolution means a steadily increasing sensitivity to vibrational frequencies and an ability to integrate more Creator Essence, which results in greater illumination and a more compassionate nature.

The intuition of an intelligent, awakened person leads to a greater understanding of the Divine Plan for humanity and the part he/she is to play. Focused intelligence is necessary to successfully enter the fifth dimension and, then, to tap into the vast storehouse of wisdom and advanced abilities available therein. Meditation and a strong Soul-consciousness open the portal to cosmic revelation.
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Christ Light

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The Pyramid of LIGHT
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Re: Consciousness
Reply #395 - Aug 25th, 2011 at 6:36pm
When needed, appropriate, expanded information will always be supplied to the aspirant on the path of Light. Your next step and the action needed are revealed one level at a time. Think of telepathic communication with the Beings of the Higher Realms as receiving Light cells of thought/information. You must practice to perfect the ability to create a vivid picture of your ideas, and to hold them long enough until they register within your brain and the Ethers. Remember, energy follows thought.

Light is both energy and matter. Electrification or conversion of matter / energy happens when energy is processed through a Pyramid of Light; as the human mind reaches out to the en-Lighten-ed Beings of the higher realms, it results in an energy conversion. Gradually, using these advanced techniques and perfecting them release you from the laws of entropy / decay, and you slowly begin the process of rejuvenation.

You are also gradually moving from one type of visibility to a more advanced state. You will be moving beyond the ultraviolet spectrum of color and Light into the many higher frequency, electromagnetic spectrums of Light. You are also being prepared to work on many levels of intelligence.

You cannot escape the streams of energy that are constantly bombarding the Earth and humanity. The life-giving energy of the great Rays radiates forth from our Father/Mother God via the Great Central Sun of this universe throughout the myriad suns of the Sub-Universes, galaxies and solar systems. There are also specialized frequencies of cosmic energy pulsating throughout this Sub-Universe from the many constellations and other solar systems, as well as the pulse and heartbeat of your Mother Earth, which has a direct influence upon all living things.

Many of the cosmic forces of the higher dimensional frequencies are beneficial, life-sustaining and enhancing, while those of the lower, discordant frequencies of the third / fourth dimensions are detrimental and limiting. Every Soul determines which of the multitude of frequencies they will respond to via their Energetic Signature. In doing so, they either create their personal heaven on Earth or their private hell.

Your brain is a magnificent organ and contains a vast number of “consciousness-frequency Life Codes.” Most of your genius potential has been stored away in the higher-dimensional levels of your Sacred Mind, which is located at the back of the head near the crown chakra. Your Soul Song contains the frequencies which will assist you in accessing this rich storehouse of knowledge. Every octave of frequency acceleration gives you access to a higher level of God Consciousness. Your brain/mind holds the keys to mastership and illumination.

Dear hearts, remember, if you are focused only on your personal ascension, you are misinterpreting our messages. As you tread the high road that leads to illumination, you must reach out and touch the hearts of others through your words, actions and deeds. A true disciple on the Path leads a life of service.

A disciple on the Path gradually moves beyond physical family duties and responsibilities as his/her consciousness, wisdom and Light magnify. Gradually, the aspirant’s influence expands, and his / her opportunity to become a true wayshower increases. It takes constant and deliberate effort to tame the ego, and to gain the knowledge and expertise necessary to become a World Server. You must be an outstanding example and have the ability to excite and stimulate desire for spiritual wisdom in order to serve humanity as a guiding Light.

My brave friends, we know how it feels to bask in the perfection of Creator Love/Light. You are just beginning to understand, and the yearning within will grow stronger and more compelling as you reach higher and higher into the illumined realms of existence. In the beginning we were in perfect rapport and finely attuned, one with another. Together, we are slowly but surely returning to that beautiful state of unity.

I am forever your friend and constant companion,

I AM Archangel Michael.
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ॐ May Much LOVE and CHRISTS LIGHT be upon and within us all.... namasté ▲ - : )  ╰დ╮ॐ╭დ╯
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Australian Politics

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Re: Consciousness
Reply #396 - Aug 26th, 2011 at 7:53pm
 I don't often read your posts, Sir Light, but when I read I seem to land on just the right bit - what you need to know now; you and all know how it goes.
 No matter how much is exactly true or not, what's true is in there, and they are the most profound words written on Earth, of course {but are not written on earth.}
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Re: Consciousness
Reply #397 - Aug 26th, 2011 at 7:54pm
 And I wonder how much in all you post is repeated, instead of the Useful Order of Intelligence [UOI] in which 1 or 2 percent would remain, and concise, opposed to a sprawling over-excessive Supermarket, with 19 confusing brands of the same thing, as everything on the fragmental Earth planet.

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Australian Politics

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Re: Consciousness
Reply #398 - Aug 26th, 2011 at 7:55pm
Why is there not one soul in the public arena, even half as famous as Tom Cruise, or Steven Spielberg, one REAL actor or director of life, inspiring the masses so? Isn't that the best job, with a full vacancy?

 Following that line, I am perplexed and dis-appointed you don't express yourself, Light, in such a way - expose your character, but instead copy and paste others' Grand Learning.  
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« Last Edit: Aug 26th, 2011 at 9:57pm by Superman1 »  
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Australian Politics

Posts: 197
Re: Consciousness
Reply #399 - Aug 26th, 2011 at 7:56pm
And I wonder why is there not one soul who posts: Thankyou Light, that really helped etc, as on all other forums, as you continue to post the whole innerverse on here.
 I bargain with the angel it is because not one has ascended to such help.

Oh there was one, on page before I just re-saw.
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« Last Edit: Aug 26th, 2011 at 8:17pm by Superman1 »  
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Christ Light

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The Pyramid of LIGHT
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Re: Consciousness
Reply #400 - Aug 26th, 2011 at 10:31pm
Why is there not one soul in the public arena, even half as famous as Tom Cruise, or Steven Spielberg


i am not a movie star

i am

that i am
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ॐ May Much LOVE and CHRISTS LIGHT be upon and within us all.... namasté ▲ - : )  ╰დ╮ॐ╭დ╯
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Australian Politics

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Re: Consciousness
Reply #401 - Aug 26th, 2011 at 10:40pm
Bullshit really.

For if you were, you would never feel the need to say.
INSTEAD, you would answer with a word that EXAMPLES TtHAT.

You never ever DO.

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Christ Light

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Re: Consciousness
Reply #402 - Aug 27th, 2011 at 4:15am
you seem upset with anothers actions'.

this is a reflection upon your inner consciousness,

and this is quite ok and cool.


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Christ Light

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Re: Consciousness
Reply #403 - Aug 29th, 2011 at 5:44pm

SanJAsKa: "You Have Shown Incredible Skill and Patience in Manifesting Ascension"

Dear souls, I AM SanJAsKa. I come to you on this most beautiful of nights to share my perspective of Love and Wisdom. We wish for you all to know that you are entering a critical stage in your evolution, one that will require you to be sharp in mind and pure in heart. It is now time to let the earthly patterns you have been used to go, as they are a part of the old that is breaking away and cannot venture with you into the higher vibrations. Many of you as of late have been feeling somewhat held back, this is due to your continued dependence on material things to sustain happiness. Please do not think in any way that we are judging you; we wish you to do what makes you happy at all times, and take part in activities that resonate with you if they bring you Joy. However, we are now entering times where many of you are growing out of what you are used to, ascending past those things that used to give you so much comfort. This is all a part of your ascension process, and one we have alerted you to expect.

This is a very good thing, as it means you are lifting yourself up away from the lower vibrations you have for so long been used to. We wish you could understand how wonderful it has been from our starships to watch you all make such incredible progress. You have undertaken and come out of every feat on Earth, and you are now so much stronger for doing so. You have all been manifesting in the sleep realms your New Age on Earth, and now is the time for that manifestation to come to fruition. While the ones you brand the Illuminati think they can stall until the end, we have informed them countless times that it will not be so. You have shown incredible skill and patience in manifesting this goal of ascension, and it simply wouldn't make sense for all of your efforts not to manifest miracles. We cheer for you daily, as you are making more of a difference than you can possibly conceive of at this moment!!

Again, the time of clearing old patterns away is now. You will feel so much Lighter, so much stronger and more energetic after brushing away the last bits of earthly materialism that are holding many of you back. Indeed, many have already begun to notice the Divine effects of their venture back to the higher vibrations; many of you have felt strange yet wonderful sensations and feelings that you cannot ignore, and that cannot possibly be explained by anything other than your personal ascension. You are assimilating the higher energies every moment, and we are quite glad to see you all taking notice of this finally. Many have begun to harness their own Divine powers lost so long ago, and we are delighted to see so many of you once again declaring your Love for and use of the Sacred Violet Flame.

When you anchor Love to Mother Earth, you are anchoring the Violet Flame of Love and Light. It is wonderful that so many of you have once agin found this ancient and powerful tool, and the resulting affects of your use of it have sped up worldy matters and transmuted so many lower energies that ascension has been aided a great deal. We ask you to continue to partake in the Violet Flame, and we wish you to know we have increased the scope and purity of the energies being sent through the Violet Flame. Where before many of you were already reaching your own personal new heights pertaining to these energies, now we have turned it up quite a few notches as your transmutations have cleared your etheric bodies to assimilate these new energies, at much more pure levels.

In these times, more souls than ever are learning the truth about your world, about ascension and about spirituality. Many schools and 'gurus' have come forth preaching messages of the Divine, and many of them are what you would consider 'legitimate'. There are many spiritual institutions out there that are working for the Divine in very clear ways, but we must caution you that like everything else, souls with a lower intent have corrupted the idea of spiritual institutions and of gurus. Many have claimed to know the secrets of the world and how to make Life work in your favor, but sadly enough much of the time these teachings have been false and used for personal gain of the soul running the institution. Other kinds of places have deliberately churned out false teachings as a way of gaining control over their followers, in this case we speak of many cults and religious institutions. Some may not be able to understand how these two truths can coincide, as they see them as seperate subjects when in reality it is not so. Many of you don't understand how two sides of the same story can be tue at the same time, as you are still kept under the illusion of polarity. You will come to find in the times ahead that there will be many issues with multiple sides of truth, and a lot of new information and truth is to completely flip around what you used to know as 'normal'.

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Christ Light

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Re: Consciousness
Reply #404 - Aug 29th, 2011 at 5:45pm
I AM SanJAsKa, and together with the Pleiadian Council of Nine wish you all to know that real change is on the horizon. We know this has been repeated several times, and we wish you to know that it will continue to be repeated. There are many things we tell you multiple times as a means of really letting it soak in. Many of you miss important points in our messages, so we feel we have to remind you, to get you thinking in the most beneficial direction for your spiritual development. We Love you all more than can be expressed with words, and we await seeing you in person once again.

Thank you to the Pleiadian Council of Nine and SanJAsKa.
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