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Consciousness (Read 381142 times)
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Australian Politics

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Re: Consciousness
Reply #420 - Feb 2nd, 2012 at 7:04pm
Your expressions are as fat and winding and unfinding as the Bible, whose truth, like life, is as rare as jewels in the dirt of Earth.

Only the concise is LIGHT, and RighT. Forwarded by a discerned word unheard to the masses.

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Re: Consciousness
Reply #421 - Feb 2nd, 2012 at 7:16pm

Because human has not found his baby truth.
Let alone lost his baby truth.
For the adult truth.
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Re: Consciousness
Reply #422 - Feb 2nd, 2012 at 7:23pm
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Christ Light

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Re: Consciousness
Reply #423 - Feb 3rd, 2012 at 4:29pm

Spirit Science 12 - The Human History Movie
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Christ Light

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Re: Consciousness
Reply #424 - Feb 3rd, 2012 at 4:32pm
sacred geometry is the foundation of ALL MATTER

do any deny this?

what BEING made this?

for it is intelligent design not darwinisms..and further

there is one more attribute that proceeds this


it is so and so it is so be it


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Christ Light

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Re: Consciousness
Reply #425 - Feb 12th, 2012 at 2:32pm


A LIVE 3 hour marathon Q & A with Kerry Cassidy, David Wilcock and Bill Ryan and the audience of some 3,000 viewers ... this version has been edited to begin without delay from technical issues in the beginning.

Bill Wood discusses why his INDIGO clearance which goes above top secret is not well known among Navy Seals or others, his experience with Looking Glass and the convergence of the timelines seen at the end of 2012. He also covers why this is a game changer for humanity and how to discover your own special abilities and powers.

Kerry Cassidy
Project Camelot
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« Last Edit: Feb 12th, 2012 at 2:39pm by it_is_the_light »  

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Christ Light

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Re: Consciousness
Reply #426 - Feb 13th, 2012 at 6:03pm

DNA Evolution - 2012 Planetary Frequency Shift

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Christ Light

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Re: Consciousness
Reply #427 - Mar 19th, 2012 at 5:22pm

Galactic Federation Of Light Hilarion March 18 2012

Hilarion’s Weekly Message 18 March 2012

Beloved Ones,

As you each go through your cleansing and releasing process, you are finding that you are beginning to feel a sense of mastery as you complete the learning, comprehension and understanding that these events have brought to you and the opportunity for greater spiritual growth and evolution that has taken place within you. Life is ever evolving and in these times this growth has been moving forward in leaps and bounds! Each Soul on Earth has been experiencing the changes taking place within them with amazing grace. It has been a mighty struggle to swim upstream against the current of ingrained and well established structures and you have all come through with flying colors.

Do not doubt for a minute that there can be anything less than Love taking place within the hearts of Humanity, even though all around you there is the mirroring of the opposite. Most every heart upon this Planet is a good heart and one that has, through life’s experiences, closed itself in order to reduce vulnerability to the vicissitudes that have been manifesting in your dualistic World. This World is now quickly becoming redundant and soon there will no longer be any supportive energies for this old paradigm and those around you in every part of it will embody a higher consciousness and propensity to create peace, harmony and understanding between all people everywhere.

When the Human heart can begin to want and to expect a higher good and outcome for themselves and all their brothers and sisters, this shift in consciousness will rapidly accelerate profound changes in all aspects of life on Earth. When each person loves, respects and honors themselves for their true state of Being as a Divine child of God, worthy of all that is good and right and is willing to uphold this in their every action, thought, word and deed, then there will no longer be any need to protect themselves from others, for all people will then be self motivated to express only that which brings about a similar expression in each other.

This will bring about peace between all peoples and nations and also encourage many incredible innovations and creative solutions to Earth’s most pressing challenges. For it is the individual free will choice of each person on Earth to begin to work together in ways that foster true change in every aspect of life. It will become clear to all that what one person does has an effect on all people everywhere and there will be a great desire within each Human heart to create only that which is positive, uplifting, inspiring and empowering. The choice of each person to come together with others in order that the greater good be accomplished will become the standard throughout the land and will begin an upward spiral into the higher dimensions of existence.

The waves of energy are increasing at an astounding rate and this is continuing to imprint every form of life on Earth; all is changing, all is transforming into a new reality – although it is confusing because both realities are in co-existence at this time – it will not continue much longer. The greater Light that is incoming is being assimilated and integrated within each sentient being now and this Light is spreading outward in all directions to effect the highest outcome for All. Continue, Dear Ones, in your quest for mastery of Self and as this is realized, it will contribute greater good for All. You have around you at all times the Angelic Ones who guide and protect you – trust that you are placed in the right place in Divine timing and that all is well.

Until next week…

I AM Hilarion
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Re: Consciousness
Reply #428 - Mar 23rd, 2012 at 8:57pm
more on psychology?
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Christ Light

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Re: Consciousness
Reply #429 - Mar 29th, 2012 at 8:58pm

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Re: Consciousness
Reply #430 - Mar 30th, 2012 at 8:02am
Planned gum trees are violet philosophy unheard in sun .
Would wood words ward weird weather worlds and why?
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Re: Consciousness
Reply #431 - Mar 30th, 2012 at 9:07am
Yes, when we abandon this earth and colonise the Sun, we will have no planned gum trees, thank you.
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Re: Consciousness
Reply #432 - Mar 30th, 2012 at 10:44am
This_is_lightspeed is hard to catch, he starts a thread, gets an answer and is off on the next wild goose crystal energy namaste. I blame it on over-active thyroid gland.
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Christ Light

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Re: Consciousness
Reply #433 - Mar 31st, 2012 at 5:16pm

SaLuSa  30-March-2012

It cannot be but a short time before the many activities that are being carried out to advance you, come to your attention. The extent to which our allies are involved will force the issues to be considered by the media. It might take a little longer before our presence is reported, but whatever steps are taken to prevent it will be futile. The first reactions will bring out all kinds of responses, but those who cast doubt or reject us will soon be overshadowed through acceptance by the majority of the people. It will not take long at all for the realization to sink in that we are here to help you, and that includes removing all those who have usurped their authority and responsibility to you for many years. It is the end of the Illuminati already seriously weakened by losing much of their control over you.

You will know by now that we are fully engaged in keeping peace on the planet, although we cannot stop every confrontation. Peace will come to you when the big powers stop interfering in other countries affairs. For too long they have plotted and manipulated circumstances that have forced countries to sell out their commodities. The result has been that much of the wealth generated that should have helped its inhabitants, has been taken out of the country. These problems will all be put right, with the raising up of people's living standards and introduction to new technologies. In the poorer countries a big problem has been the lack of medical attention and adequate facilities, but that will be quickly overcome. The use of drugs will become unnecessary, as we will use natural methods through technologies that will be new to you. No challenge will be too much for us to deal with, and the changes will be seen very quickly.

We know that people are already anxious to find out what will happen,  but we ask that you wait until we can fully present ourselves. We wish to reach out to everyone and ensure you quickly understand what is required of you. Have no fear, as all will given in good time, and also opportunities to meet with us to sort out any queries. For a time there will be continuous broadcasts to update you on progress being made. There are exciting times coming up and it will spread around the world once the future is understood. Freedom is something few have really experienced yet it shall engulf you all before Ascension takes place.

The future is golden and is in fact a Golden Age, and that fact alone should give you an indication of what to look forward to. Living in perfection and having the ability to create at will, will be a new experience and by then you should have acquired a higher level of consciousness and understanding that will prevent misuse of your powers. As you can see, a great leap forward is to occur and to say the least you will be absolutely different to what you are now. An extended life period of your choosing will be something new, and gives you more than ample time to fully experience it. In fact you will be able to literally "swap" bodies if it is necessary to ensure completion. These are all areas that you will eventually understand, and remember that you will have a greatly enhanced degree of consciousness.

Duality has given you immense strength to handle the most arduous and difficult challenges. So Dear Ones, we believe that you can sail through the remaining months to Ascension. You have been prepared to know what to expect, and whatever inconvenience you experience it will be followed by an on going period of peace and tranquility. Naturally we are forging ahead with our roles in the present exchanges with us and our allies, against the dark Ones as they retreat and find us ready to foil any attempt to cause trouble. We are very much in the role of Galactic Policemen but we abide by the Universal Laws, and our ways are peaceful but forceful if we have to exert our authority. Even those who oppose us are still part of the whole, and treated with respect for the Light they carry. No soul is beyond redemption, and in the ultimate it is love that brings about changes that awaken them once again.

Clearly you must look beyond the outer body as you view your fellow man, and keep in mind that all souls originate from the Source. All of you have experienced the extremes of duality, and it is as well that you bear in mind a very apt saying "but for the Grace of God go I". It is why you are encouraged to put aside judgment, and try to see the beauty and love in all souls. All will eventually become enlightened once again no matter how long it takes, but then time is of no consequence outside of your dimension as it does not exist. Whilst on Earth in duality "no time" is an unimaginable idea, but perhaps you can grasp that all is in the Now. That makes your travels extremely interesting, as you can go back into the past, and for those of you who have a decisive pull towards particular historical times, what better than to be able visit them. It is also possible to travel different time lines into the future, which your Time Travelers have experienced.

Bit by bit you are adjusting to the new life ahead, and you choose where it leads you to continue you evolution. Be assured that you do have spiritual helpers to give you advice as to what is best for your progress. You have never been without such help, and if you struggle now do not hesitate to put out your thoughts to them, and you might be pleasantly surprised by the outcome. However, you cannot dictate exactly how it is to work out, as it must be for your best good and you may not know exactly what that is. After Ascension you get to know those souls who have traveled with you through duality. They may not all stay with you as your needs will undoubtedly change, as your future life will possibly be more defined as to the direction you want to go in.

I am SaLuSa from Sirius, and must mention yet again how time is speeding up, a sure sign that you are uplifting much more quickly into the Light. Many can already relate to a new feeling of being relaxed and unaffected by what is going on around them. That feeling of calmness will spread, and the much dreaded fear factor will cease to have the same affect. Well done to those who have achieved such levels, and my love to you all.

Thank you SaLuSa.
Mike Quinsey.
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Christ Light

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Re: Consciousness
Reply #434 - Mar 31st, 2012 at 5:23pm


In a recent interview with David Wilcock, Insider 'Drake' stated a comprehensive plan to arrest all corrupt globalist, banksters and the political elite within a 72 hour period involving the closing down of U.S. borders and satellite communications to prevent and out of country money transfers. Drake added that a transition plan is already in place to convert the U.S. dollar to one that is not based on fiat currency. Additionally, we can expect to see the release of many suppressed technologies that will make our modern life seem like the Stone Age.

Part 1a [Introduction to Drake] - 30min
Part 1b [Explanation of the Process ongoing and legalities] - 30min
Part 2a [Why the Military will be here, how they will be assisting; the plan] - 30min
Part 2b [Preparations each individual may take prior to the arrests process] - 30min
Part 3a [History and operations outside of US] - 30min
Part 3b [Summary of what will happen; latest news] - 30min
Science & Technology
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ॐ May Much LOVE and CHRISTS LIGHT be upon and within us all.... namasté ▲ - : )  ╰დ╮ॐ╭დ╯
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