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Consciousness (Read 381662 times)
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Christ Light

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Re: Consciousness
Reply #450 - Jun 24th, 2012 at 8:54am

NEW CHARIOTS OF THE GODS ( The Mysteries Continue )

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ॐ May Much LOVE and CHRISTS LIGHT be upon and within us all.... namasté ▲ - : )  ╰დ╮ॐ╭დ╯
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Christ Light

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The Pyramid of LIGHT
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Re: Consciousness
Reply #451 - Jun 25th, 2012 at 4:44pm

June 24, 2012
Welcome once again to you.  The thing is … I could ask you a thousand questions about what is to take place in the next six months … and yet … for some reason it just doesn’t seem to be on our agenda. Therefore, it leaves me a little stumped on what exactly it is we are to discuss today. Perhaps you have something in mind?

We have nothing other than the desire to assure you that what is to take place in the days ahead is to be for the complete and utter benefit for humankind. As long as you can remember to remember this … then you shall find yourselves revelling in a ‘peace of mind’ that you recognise.  A ‘piece of mind’ that you are meant to be in … around that particular time.

Many of you are indeed confused from all that is being predicted and relayed to you from different sources … yet we reiterate once again … by remaining IN LOVE … by listening to ONLY YOUR TRUTH-FULLNESS … then you shall find yourselves rising to a level very quickly that you will accept as being most pleasurable.

In these months ahead the vibrational ‘pull’ will be egging/urging you on to become your ‘better half’. You shall be delighted at meeting this side of you ... and all you need do to accomplish this is FEEL the desire in your heart/Being to reach such a place that you have known all along is your right.

Let us explain a little more. You are all expecting so much to happen. This is perfectly understandable and we would say to you that so much IS going to happen. Yet … again … the majority of you are expecting it to happen on the outside of yourselves.

There shall be EVENTS that indeed shall astound and allow you to revel in such happiness that you have not yet known.

This is for certain. No matter in what order things are to be revealed … it is without doubt that recognition of WHO WE ARE … shall be offered to you. How one decides to accept us will disappoint those of you who KNOW that we are here to serve.

Do you mean ‘How some decide to accept you’?

We mean that there shall be a very mixed bag of emotions. Those of you that have been awaiting us , KNOW our intent ... And yes there are many that are aware of who we are. Yet, you must accept too that there are a great many people of your planet that have absolutely no idea of our existence … A GREAT MANY!  … And all they have ever been fed are experiences of darkness through your movie screens.

This is what we mean by ‘disappointment’ … because there shall be reactions from so many that are not to your liking or your understanding. Consider this notion.

Is this not about what you have spoken of before when those of us who ‘know’ who you are shall be helping those who don’t?

This is so … yet we ask you to really consider it … for you shall be up against a barrage of non believers even though ‘who we are’ will be obvious to all. Many simply will be ‘scared out of their wits’.

Our point that we are leading to here is this. Those of you that are on your Ascending path and in knowledge of this … shall find themselves in this second half of this year ‘rising to the occasion’ … IF one so chooses. Due to this … the ‘change in you’ will be greatly noticed by the self.  This ‘side of you’ that is to emerge will feel so comfortable. You shall feel so at home residing within this part of yourself.

THIS is much of what you have been waiting to happen. THIS CHANGE WITH YOU.  It is because of THIS change that the changes everywhere shall be able to be confronted and recognised.

So … is this change just going to happen without us having to do anything? I mean obviously we are always moving toward becoming who we are … and as we get to know ourselves better we find we are changing toward improvement of the self all the time because we want to.  Is this how it shall be but on a more rapid scale?

Yes … for indeed are you not recognising it already? We would say the 'off ’ at the starting line … for when it really steps up pace … has not yet arrived. We would say that it is soon … for your second half on your calendar cycle is about to commence.

There shall/should be times when you FEEL as if your soul has grown and your imagination allows you to FEEL as MIGHTY as the MAGNIFICENT WARRIORS THAT YOU ARE.

This is exciting ... for as I am writing I am able to catch a glimpse of that FEELING. It gives me such energy because it releases that KNOWING inside that cannot be explained. It’s that FEELING of BEING … that we think we are not … YET WE ARE. WE JUST HAVE TO WALK INTO IT DON’T WE?

You are walking into it. Deeper and deeper. It is a long road and you have walked many a mile. Yet from here on in … as you take each step now … your strength is revived. Much of your memory shall be returned to you.


You shall take in deep breaths of LIFE … and you shall REMEMBER.

It is not about remembering that which you did on a certain day. It is not that kind of remembrance. It is a remembrance of FEELING the KNOWING of YOUR TRUTH OF YOURSELF ... YOUR DIVINE POWER.

As the wall crumbles upon your planet and the disguise is unmasked … YOUR DIVINE POWER SHALL BE RETURNED TO YOU. YOUR HEART SHALL BE LIFTED INTO A PLACE OF GLORY.


Say what you like … It all sounds and FEELS good to me!  Could I ask then … am I correct in thinking that this is definitely a choice? There will be some that won’t FEEL any of this at all because they have chosen to remain asleep?

Let us be quite clear about this. ALL SHALL BE RISING … And we mean ALL … EVERYTHING!

There is not one jot of energy that can remain static … not one atom that can resist this uprising. Yet it is for you to understand … that one cannot be on rung 3 of a ladder and suddenly arise to rung 15. They may shift to anywhere between 4 and 7 depending on circumstances and willingness of heart … but a level 3 could not rise in this great Ascension to rung 8 or 9 because they simply would be out of their depth .

In the same way too … one who is perhaps already on level 8 or 9 may rise to an 18 - 20 rung … depending also on THEIR level of understanding and willingness of heart … which will be of a more rapid increase than one of 3 or 4 .



One has the GODGIVEN right to take their Ascension at their own pace.  What appeals to one may not … at that same time … appeal to another. This does not mean there is a right or wrong. It simply means that one is choosing a different experience at that moment of its soul’s eternity than another.


Your life and how it unfolds goes on and on and on and on and on. What you choose to experience is entirely up to you.


Yet NOW in this most auspicious moment of your experience … many, many, many of you have collaborated in order to proceed forward in a manner that is consistent with the growth of LIFE ITSELF.

You chose long, long ago to this agreement. Yet there is still in any given moment the choice for one to be released from this  ‘contract ’ … for although conceived in another time/space continuum … there is nothing that binds one to such agreement if one so chooses to 'change course' at any given point .

We would say here that it is more so in the timing that one would reconsider … for it is practically inevitable that one would reconsider if they had retracted an agreement ... and in a future time of themselves … they would decide to see the contract through because it seemed more appropriate NOW/THEN … because of what they had gained through ‘backing down’ at an earlier point.

Haven’t read that back … but I think it makes sense … Although long winded ... It was just the way it was coming through. So basically … we are to look forward to this next six months as it unfolds 'within us' as well us ‘without us’?

Perfectly put!

I think you ‘put' it into my head.

Why do you always accolade ‘us’ Blossom when a ‘smart’ statement is brought forth?

Old habits die hard.  At school I was good at sport and arts … but academically I gained so much more from staring out the window in a daydream .


Oh if those nuns could see me now! Thanks chaps. I FEEL excitement and a desire to march on forth IN LOVE with no attachment to outcome or indeed income!!!  For at the end of each and every day … every breath is just another experience we have chosen to encounter … yet I have to say … I, for one ... am very glad that I chose to join hands with so many in this particular venture .  A bond that unites  on a level with so many that I have not met down on the planet Earth ,  yet as sure as eggs is eggs ... I had a massive party with them elsewhere when we made this agreement to change the way things WERE going to be … into the way things ARE going to be.

BRING IT ON! WE ARE READY ... and SO LOOKING FORWARD TO MOVING FORWARD! Cheer ho chaps. Thanks a lot. Love it!

We would finish …

If you could get a word in …

By volunteering our most deepest treasures of the purest Love to penetrate into your energy field and blending with who you are … and accepting within that WE ARE ONE ALL WAYS.

In love and thanks from the deepest treasure within our hearts.
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ॐ May Much LOVE and CHRISTS LIGHT be upon and within us all.... namasté ▲ - : )  ╰დ╮ॐ╭დ╯
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Christ Light

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The Pyramid of LIGHT
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Re: Consciousness
Reply #452 - Jun 30th, 2012 at 9:53am
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ॐ May Much LOVE and CHRISTS LIGHT be upon and within us all.... namasté ▲ - : )  ╰დ╮ॐ╭დ╯
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Christ Light

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Re: Consciousness
Reply #453 - Jul 8th, 2012 at 8:12am

The Crystal Dolphin Pod. “Heaven On Earth.” By, AuroRa Le. July 7, 2012.

Arise, Cousins, and greet your day with fervor and excitement.  Do you not  see how clear the colors have become, and how all about your kingdom things shine with a glittering clarity.  This is new.  Surely you observe it.  Though if you don’t, do not distress yourselves, for this is the latest thing in progress.  It is fresh and new and it will come to you all in due course.  Refocus your eyes and look again. 

Ah!  Now you know what we describe.  You are perceiving the world as we do, as we see it in all it’s splendor, as though through the crystal clarity of water.  Water is the essence of life.  Gaia is bathed in water, and like her body, yours too is made up the very same way.  You feel revived and exhilarated when you immerse yourselves in water.  The water kingdoms are every bit as much your home as is the land upon which you walk.  Why is this, you ask?  You wonder why you love it so.  It is quite simple, and so basic that you shall scarce believe us when we tell you.  To go beneath the waters is to be as close to God as possible, while in a human body.  It is so silent, so still that even in it’s movement, it’s peace is unparallelled.  The water kingdoms are, in the most literal sense, a true slice of Heaven on Earth.

♥ Most our home remains undiscovered, leaving it pristine and unscathed by mankind’s carelessness and wanton destruction.   The ocean floor is a veritable wonderland of beauty, full of magical lifeforms and portals to the Universe.  If you pay close attention, you shall see that it’s mysteries are beginning to reveal themselves.  The ancient lands are rising up, and the crystals all are coming alive once more.  You have seen the pyramids, walls and artifacts, all now coming to light.  The truth shall be revealed in all it’s resplendent glory, so watch and see.  It’s happening now, Dear Cousins.  It is happening just as we told you it would, months ago.  The Aquamarine grid has lit afire, and her living energy courses along from Holy site to Holy site, above and below, as it is so intended.  Oh, rejoice with us, please.  We are giddy with excitement!

♥ We shall shift topic now, if you shall permit us, in order to address your queries about our families and our lifestyle.  As we have said before, ours is a collective of consciousness.  We are each individuals, just like you, with our own preferences and personalities.  We are androgynous in nature, but choose a gender for the purposes of physical Earthly incarnation, and in order to reproduce.  Although we do communicate telepathically, every pod maintains it’s own particular audio and energetic  frequencies, as heard in our calls and by way of ecolocation.  They may all sound alike to the human ear, but we most emphatically tell you that they are not.  This is one of many tools we have devised for our use and our survival in the 3rd dimensional world.  Thus,  aside from when we are here, it is not necessary.  As a collective, we each feel what the other feels.  It is true that when one of us is sick or injured, we share in that pain.  We are highly empathetic in nature.  When a podmember is lost, we grieve together.  Yes, oh yes, we grieve as you do, even though we are well aware that there is in truth no death at all.  Although we are 5th and 7th dimensional souls, we still occupy dense, 3rd dimensional forms and are subject to all of the emotions that go along with it.  For us, it may be considered more of a sadness to see them leave us, and thus we send them off with honor and our deepest love.  Because our energies are intertwined, with each one odf us being a necessary component of the whole, we then go on to reconfigure our collective vibration to accommodate the missing part.   We do this very same thing, also, with each new birth.  Because we are a complete Soul-Group, the newly arrived calf is always one of our own.  Oftentimes it is the very being who departed us last.  In many cases, an Elder of the collective shall choose to incarnate with us, and this is what you may observe as a pod-leader.  Ah, it is indeed a blessing when such a one arrives.  We are most respectful and grateful to have the benefit of their wisdom.

♥ As so often happens when living in a predatory society, we are equally as subject as any other to becoming caught up in lower vibrational behaviors.  Within our pods this is sometimes seen when two engage in competition for a mate, or one may stray from the pod in search of excitement and adventure.  Normally, this does not turn out well, as we were not designed for solitary living.  The collective merging creates an energetic shield of protection around the group, and allows for us to rebalance and heal one another.  When one is negatively affected by outside sources, we join to correct the imbalance by working with and reintegrating the podmember.  Sadly, in the case of capture and confinement, it becomes necessary for us to temporarily sever our energetic tie.  This is in the best interest of all concerned-both the lost podmember and the ones who remain behind.  To keep connected would only serve to make him pine for his family, to prolong his grief and his sense of loss.  He would still empathetically experience our boundless freedoms, while he himself is contained within a tank or facility.  The remaining members would feel an overwhelming helplessness at being unable to reach him.  Our brother then is able to move on and forge an alliance with his new aquaintances.  In most cases, captivity is a contractual choice made prior to incarnation, in order to educate and make mankind ware of us.  Thus, his connection with his new friends was pre-ordained.

♥ In the case of our brothers, the whales, the social dynamic is very, very different.  The form of each whale often  contains hundreds of souls, depending on his size.  He is like a living lightship.  Groups of these ships form pods, such as ours.  It is the largest of our cetacean soul-groups who come in this way.  It is most expedient, would you not agree?  Their sole mission is to gently navigate the waters; to coast pleasantly along and dispense their pure and vital energy.  They service the grids and maintain, as best they can, a vibrational balance in the oceans.  So graceful and so magnificent!   When so many cluster together as one, the effects are incredibly potent.  All of this, in service to Gaia.  We, on the other hand, are communicators and catalysts.  We activate any and all who come in contact with us.  To be truthful, you need only view us in a photograph or upon a screen to feel the benefits we offer.  Even thinking us a kind thought may create the desired effect.  We are an integral part of your ascension process.  We are right now lacing this very transmission with a powerful activation energy, which should serve to help you open up and release some of what is inhibiting your communication with the higher realms.  Please receive it and be blessed.

♥ Our essence is that of unadulterated joy!  Share with us in our enthusiasm and our zest for life.  While, yes, our mission here is of a  most serious nature, we never dwell for long on the things that go awry, but choose instead to stay focused on the many things are so right in our world.  To do this is be in balance, as you will soon learn as 5th dimensional beings.  So smile, Cousins.  Dance, sing, play, celebrate!   And most of all, be always in love.

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ॐ May Much LOVE and CHRISTS LIGHT be upon and within us all.... namasté ▲ - : )  ╰დ╮ॐ╭დ╯
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Christ Light

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Re: Consciousness
Reply #454 - Jul 11th, 2012 at 5:00pm

yin yan

positive negative

which do you choose? is so

and so it is so be it

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ॐ May Much LOVE and CHRISTS LIGHT be upon and within us all.... namasté ▲ - : )  ╰დ╮ॐ╭დ╯
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Christ Light

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Re: Consciousness
Reply #455 - Jul 15th, 2012 at 5:07pm

ECETI Message From the Pleiadians, July 10, 2012

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it_is_the_light it_is_the_light Christ+Light Christ+Light  
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Christ Light

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Re: Consciousness
Reply #456 - Jul 18th, 2012 at 7:58pm

The manuscript of survival – part 168 •July 17, 2012 • 6 Comments
Let us first of all start this missive by saying that for now, the waves have quieted down somewhat, and we hope you have all gotten your heads above the water yet again. It was an intense influx this last one, and as we foretold, it certainly brought its surprises to so many of you. We hope you have all gotten your breath back, and that you have started to go into just what you have been processing these last few days. It is important not to lose sight of the main goal here, namely the outcome of this process, because it is indeed very easy to get caught up in the undertow of symptoms. Let us explain.

For many, these last few days have been almost nightmarish, as you have had to battle challenges in such a way you have been almost at your wits’ end at times. We are well aware that for some, this was almost too much, and we do not doubt in you that. Yes, it was forceful indeed, but again, remember that the end goal here is what is important, and now that the forces have quietened down a bit, we do hope you can manage to get a clear view of what has transpired in your life during all of this hullabaloo. We said it would be important on so many planes, and that is still true, even if some of you just feel utterly exhausted after this ordeal, and fail to see any improvement at all. Trust us when we say that this is not the case, as none of you have gone through this without literally being anointed with some sort of almost miraculous effect on your system. For some, this will be apparent already, beacuse you have gained a clarity of thought and intuition during this that you did not possess before. For others, the feeling of physical strength may have altered perceptively, and you will feel much stronger than before. That is, if your body has been able to sufficiently digest this last round. If not, you will probably feel even weaker than before, but that is only lingering after effects of the process, and as soon as that dissipates, you will feel your inner core literally much closer to the surface than before.

Again, this is a very individual process, and as such, the results and the length of this integration process will not be like in any of you. But again, it is important that you do try to get a clear picture of yourselves ”before” and ”after” this last bout of adjustments, because it can be difficult to maintain the focus when your whole being is being literally bombarded with so much force over such a long stretch of time. Again, it is important to stop and turn your head and look back, as only then can you be able to discern the distance you have already managed to travel. And let us just conclude by saying that after this important weekend, you have all literally made a quantum leap forwards.

So nurse those sore bodies, and rejoice in the fact that it was worth every ounce of  discomfort you had to go through, because now you all stand before us shining brighter than ever. Not long now before you will be revealed in all of your glory, and from that day on, nothing will ever be the same on this little planet you call home. At least for now, as when the veils finally come crashing down all around you, everything will be revealed, and you will finally see just where your real home is. And then, the full scope of your journey will be clear to see. You are all children of the stars, and you can claim you ancestry from places far removed from this temporary abode you currently reside in.

Remember that the time will come when all of these hard earned increased levels of energy will be but a memory, but for now, make sure to never forget just why you have to endure them. It is not to be suffering from physical and mental distress, it is to be able to come closer to that hour of revelation, when your past, present and future all will become clear. Then, you will not be able to see any of the hardship, you will just see the glory of who you really are. So do not let yourselves get lost in the pain and discomfort, lift your eyes and look at yourselves as you stand even taller after this. You have grown so much in only a matter of hours, and you will continue to grow at the same speed from this day forward. So let your body grumble a bit, after all, it is only the growing pains you are feeling. And don’t get lost in the grand new space you have all made yourselves inside, but do not forget to enter that magnificent hall either. It can easily be overlooked if you focus too much on your body’s grumbling and groaning. So open your eyes a little bit wider, and we think you will see so much more of your greatness than you could before this storm hit your shores.
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ॐ May Much LOVE and CHRISTS LIGHT be upon and within us all.... namasté ▲ - : )  ╰დ╮ॐ╭დ╯
it_is_the_light it_is_the_light Christ+Light Christ+Light  
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Christ Light

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Re: Consciousness
Reply #457 - Jul 22nd, 2012 at 7:22am

8:8 Solar Lion Stargate SIRIUS RISING July 17 2012

Published on 17 Jul 2012 by CosmicMother13

As the energies of 2012 grow in speed and propulsion, we are escorted to a conjunction of inter-dimensional possibilities and opportunities. We are asked to expand our horizons and expectations and our ability to receive. We are asked to become more, to do more, to see more, and to be more. Our gifts that come on the winds of change escort us into new understandings of how we are to enhance our innate abilities and DNA contracts. You are commander and chief of your cellular content; you are a directional for all biological functions. As this energy adjusts itself to your body Ask for enhanced sight, hearing, healing and cooperation of all cells in your body. Your body seeks your direction and wisdom. If your cells are holding karma thank the cells and ask that the karma now be released and cleared from the DNA structure. If you have extra fat cells on your body ask that the powerful emotion that created them, as you stuffed your feelings, be released, redirected. Place this newly freed power/energy/light/ into any section of your life that needs and extra boost. It is pure energy, spend it well.

As we round the corner into the lair of the Lion in the month of Leo, we find ourselves face to face with our ancient future and our ancient past. Reflections in our world mirror our inner needs on all levels bringing to the surface all that has been buried alive. Emanations from the light behind the sun rearrange our brain waves, readjusting the thinking patterns that have kept us hostage in an elliptical orbit of humanness.
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ॐ May Much LOVE and CHRISTS LIGHT be upon and within us all.... namasté ▲ - : )  ╰დ╮ॐ╭დ╯
it_is_the_light it_is_the_light Christ+Light Christ+Light  
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Christ Light

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The Pyramid of LIGHT
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Re: Consciousness
Reply #458 - Jul 22nd, 2012 at 5:38pm


As the Seraphim rises to new heights in my mind
It’s with gratitude I have that’s so defined
In understanding the nature, a flight so fancy
Of knowing full well there is no sublime

The ceaseless revolution of Divine principles
Now have graced the finest of folds
For my mind now reaches a height unknown
The Seraphim mission is not on hold

The heat and the keenness
Of trajectories set
The Seraphim rises again complex
Of intensity and light they do arrive

As I send this fire so defined
It is the initiates spark to find
It is given to you on this day
To clearly define a passageway

This spark ignited now to refine
Make this passage about your Divine
Not about dramas you so define

Energetic assemblence of those below
On this earth plane they wait
To fire their own
The heat within the Seraphim knows

It is with fire your truth will ignite
So find this fire and nurture its sight
Simply a place of mastered thought
Alive and well you declare your being

This sovereignty there for your keen seeing
This heat that purifies the consuming flame
Brings changeless radiance and enlightened power
Dispelling the shadows of darkness like showers

So rise with the Seraphim
And kindle the heat
There is much to do now
Bring your soul to your feet
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ॐ May Much LOVE and CHRISTS LIGHT be upon and within us all.... namasté ▲ - : )  ╰დ╮ॐ╭დ╯
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Christ Light

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Re: Consciousness
Reply #459 - Jul 28th, 2012 at 7:59pm

Sananda Kumara Prepare for Lions Gate through Elizabeth Trutwin July 28, 2012.

Greetings, this is Sananda Kumara. I want to prepare you for what is happening as we speak. First, some background information. There have been a sequential series of operations with the cooperation of galactic humans on Earth and the forces of light in the heavens. If you are reading this you helped on the higher planes whether you are aware of it or not. You help each day when you reconnect with love thinking about Earth changes and you beam your love to the realm of light. You are doing this, I assure you. It is seen by our Ships and recorded in Shamballa as a record of Earthʻs readiness for Ascension. There are a sequential flow of events which have been completed as Ascension is step-by-step process until the dissolution is complete and New Earth is locked into the energetic Earth Grid which holds all lifestreams with Earth in its place in the Milky Way Galaxy. There are a group of a few million souls incarnate on Earth now whose work is to complete these tasks as we continue a never ending process of evolution in the cycle of birth and death within this Universe and the Universes beyond. We have come to the cycle where enlightenment is available to anyone who desires it and death is no longer necessary. When one is ready to lay down the cloak for one life and move immediately effortlessly to the next, they will chose moment.

As we speak a transmission signal has been initiated in a great vessel of light combined with the energies of the highest forces of light in cooperation with all the Ships seen recently that are seldom in this quadrant of space and time. These forces of energy have combined in this now moment to send a signal to Alcyone and Source Energy at our Central Sun. This is a capsule of energy which could only be discharged after the previous operations completed. It has been foretold and expected for thousands of Earth time years that this capsule of energy would be released from Earth back to Source. This is the Clarion Call to complete the dissolution which is full blown underway.

I am releasing this message to you as a plea. Your light is needed now. Anyone focusing their attention on seeking out the news for endless hours on electronic devices are destined to fall behind where they are required to be to move forward. Instead, understand, this time is better spent in silence and unplugged. Take a walk in nature and connect your heart light to Earth and be in Service to the highest forces of light by unleashing larger and larger beams of love and light to the Cosmos in contemplation and meditation of what is happening now. Allow yourself rest from constant worry. Avoid the impulse to connect to the negativity even when you do not have the things you need for survival. Understand that this is proof that the Earthʻs separation from duality is in play and causing doors to slam in your face. You are in the process of aligning with the New. You accomplish this by experiencing delays from moving forward in the old program. You will experience more and more some level of frustration because nothing is working anymore or things that used to be plentiful no longer are. Instead of being frustrated allow yourself to be the Watcher in a constant state of awareness that this is Guidance delivered to you. This Guidance is showing you to go with the flow and where there is a block turn away, regroup, and take the steps necessary to move in a different direction to the New. Understand you are witnessing the changes right before your eyes and you will not hear that on the news. One example is when Twitter went completely offline recently. Twitter was changing its system over so they will be ready to connect with the advanced technologies very shortly. They had to go offline to update their files and be ready for announcements coming up sooner than you may think. Be prepared. This is not a drill.

With the Clarion Call to Alcyone being released from this great vessel of energy on Earth in reply a series of impulses will come down through Source to travel through the StarGates on our sun Sol, out to the Planets in our Galaxy, igniting the Cosmic Rays falling to Earth, into the diamond tetrahedron core of the energetic Earth Grid and into each individual on Earth through their energy center in the top of their head at the crown. This series of impulses will transmit for 11 days until the opening of Lions Gate on 8/8/12. Each impulse will accomplish another goal. Murdoch stepping down now and his colleagues being charged was a move those in media were waiting for. They have been told at announcements they will either go into the new mode of reporting only truth in the news or they will receive their pink slip and be told not to bother to come back. They already have the pink slips printed and waiting in addressed envelopes. There will be no delay because Twitter, Facebook, Google, the news media, radio, television and the like have been prepared a long time for change over and they are behind the scenes taking the final necessary steps for announcements. Any part of these organizations which have been under a gag order will be released and anyone not willing to be truth within the organization will be removed. All financial institutions are already prepared to have their computers and currency changed in about a week the world over. The Master Plan for governments is in place and there is nothing to worry about. Everything will happen peaceably.

There are few preparations left. Pay attention over the next two weeks and give up all resistance you may be harboring for change over to love. Allow relationships to either heal or fall away. Forgive past hurts because they do not matter. You do not hate anyone. Release, release, the egoic thoughts you have held about relationships in order to move quickly to the New. Doing less will hold you up. It is not automatic. You must do the inner work and plant your feet firmly in love. Contact those far away and remind them you love them. Be calm when things do not work out as you planned knowing it means we are definitely following through the final steps. If you are not sure if everything is happening, this is a sign to tune into your Higher Self. When you do it will be unmistakable the feeling that everything is changing. Again, turning to the news will feed your ego and will not allow you to experience knowing by knowing.

As the impulses of absolute energy reverberate as waves from Source to Earth, the impulses of Supreme Love connect to the Ziggurats, Pyramids, StarGates, Obelisks and Inner Earth portals creating a force field which is the energy which will ascend Earth. There are many places on Earth where doorways to other worlds known as StarGates have been built into Ziggurats as well as in Temples hidden deep in secret mountains and in the open dessert where there is little life as witness. When one enters a Ziggurat they will find it guarded by mazes, force fields, security measures as well as Beings placed there to stop anyone from entering who should not be walking through the StarGate. All the StarGates of Earth are now guarded by the forces of light. There are also extraterrestrial bases where the forces of light have been stationed for sometime here in Earth deep in the Lakes and Oceans of Earth. We can see these bases of higher civilizations, working in cooperation with Earth when we look at their locations on Goggle Earth. These impulses are activating the Pyramids deep in the jungles of Earth which have for centuries been covered in vegetation. All of the Secret places of Earth must awaken and energetically link for Ascension. Just because you are not standing in the Sahara, the Arctic Circle or thousands of feet at the bottom of a lake, does not mean it is not happening. Trust. The progress is being filmed everyday from the International Space Station low Earth Orbit fly-bys. You will see the videotape broadcast and be amazed by all that was taking place. It is the job of these impulses over the next few days to commence the awakening. With this energy force field in place all the other sequential events are possible. Secret Portals long held open by the forces of light into Inner Earth too are being revealed. What once was covered will now be uncovered, the unseen will be seen.

Continue to focus on that part deep inside of you that is Source energy and connect in your heart with that Supreme Wisdom and that Supreme Love. Know with certainty that the next few days are critical and as Earth moves into the higher realms new potentials are released to Earth which have been long anticipated. Lions Gate and the 72 hours following are tantamount. Meditate and Contemplate on that. Time as we know it has come to an end. Know Peace Within and know I am always with you. Namaste. ~Lord Sananda through Elizabeth Trutwin © All Rights Reserved.,

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Re: Consciousness
Reply #460 - Aug 12th, 2012 at 5:20pm

David Icke - We think we are Humans.

Uploaded by 2Freedom4all on Sep 11, 2011
David Icke 2011 - So who do we think we are? Feat. Bill Hicks, Terence Mckenna, David Lynch, John Hagelin Ph.D
Nonprofits & Activism
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Re: Consciousness
Reply #461 - Aug 18th, 2012 at 3:56pm

InLight Radio Special Edition: Let's Dream Big!
by InLight Radio
in Spirituality

Teachers of Light and Cosmic Fire - Awakening the Divine Feminine Christ Within

Published on Aug 17, 2012 by rysa5 Teachers of Light and Cosmic Fire - Awakening the Divine Feminine Christ Within Teachers of Light and Cosmic Fire - Awakening the Divine Feminine Christ Within Egypt Spirit Ancient Consciousness Energy Earth Light History World Universe Truth Healing Ascension Knowledge Sacred Prophecy Quantum Meditation Reality Human Awakening Mind
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« Last Edit: Aug 18th, 2012 at 4:07pm by it_is_the_light »  

ॐ May Much LOVE and CHRISTS LIGHT be upon and within us all.... namasté ▲ - : )  ╰დ╮ॐ╭დ╯
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Christ Light

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Re: Consciousness
Reply #462 - Aug 21st, 2012 at 5:02pm

The manuscript of survival – part 182

For eons, mankind have been walking in the shadows, many of their own making, but now, finally, some of you have noticed that the light is shining just over the edge of the crater you have been wallowing in for so long. And you have therefore taken it upon yourselves to climb out of that dark crater and approach the light. By doing so, you have also made the light shine even stronger, and as such, your actions have brought the light to so many other people’s notice. In other words, what was once a dismal and dark abyss for many, has now started to stand out more clearly because of that light you took down into it whilst climbing out, so now, more and more of your fellow men are also starting to notice the difference between the two states.

Let us explain. We have often times mentioned the fact that you are not only heaving yourselves out of the morass you have been stuck in for so long, you are also, by your very actions, compelling others to join you. We know that this is not a new subject for any of you, but it bears repeating as you have a way of letting it slip from your memory. And when it does, two things happen. First of all, you seem to lose the focus on your own path, and think that you are lost on this ledge going from the dark and up into the light. In addition, some of you get a strong inkling to feel that you are somehow responsible for pulling many others with you up that path upwards towards the light, and as a result, you literally hurl yourselves off from the ledge and back into the deep dark hole you just crawled out of. Both things are very counterproductive, to say the least, and none of them are a true part of your quest.

Let us explain again what your true path is, namely to strive for the light and to anchor it in any way you can, thereby securing the light a much firmer foothold on your little planet. And as such, you have already made a formidable job of it, and even if you still insist on looking back into the darkness and avoid this ever brightening light that you stand in, you have come so far there is no turning back now. In other words, even if your feet seem to be tangled in the web of yesteryear, the rest of your soul is already out and breathing the fresh air of tomorrow. And when you do, wafts of this fresh air will also touch the lungs of those still stuck down in the old mire. As we said, by your mere actions of self-release will you set free so many others, but you will effectively entangle yourself back into that old snare if you think you have to stay behind and push others up from their chosen spot to reside.

You are to be the wayshowers, as we have already said on so many occasion, and now, that will come true in so many ways. As you know well by now, you are all heading for a period of time when the darkness will seem to outgrow its own size. Or to put it in other words, when the negativity will seem to swallow up most of what you hold for granted. It will do so in order to make itself seem more powerful than it really is, as this darkness has already lost the ground it has fought so hard to purloin. It has lost its ground, and it will never ever be able to regain it, but as it slips even further out of its grasp, it will certainly make a great show of trying to prove otherwise. So your light will be sorely needed dear ones, as you have already amassed sufficiently of this life-giving substance to breathe freely even when the rest of your fellow men feel like the last breath of freedom is being sucked out from their lungs.

And remember, just by breathing freely will you help others draw breath, you will not be asked to give your light away into the mouths and bodies of others. This is a warning, as there are many out there still feeling beholden to others, and still under the illusion that if they do not give their light away to others, all will be doomed. That is not the case, as only those choosing to stay under the surface will remain there. All of those wanting to come up for air will do so, and when they see you, they know that the air in that space is viable for them all. We speak in riddles as always, but the message is clear. Your only responsibility is to stay calm and focused, and to keep breathing in the light and thereby breathing it out again. Then, and only then, can others follow in your footsteps. They cannot do so if you readily plunge yourselves down into the deep to push others up to the surface. Then you will only drown in their drama and sorrow, and with you, so too will so many others. So stay where you are, and do what you do so brilliantly, namely embodying the Source in all of its might, and you will continue to be a pillar of strength in a crumbling world.


with so very much LOVE and LIGHT

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Re: Consciousness
Reply #463 - Aug 24th, 2012 at 6:59pm
Nice butterfly effect.
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Christ Light

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Re: Consciousness
Reply #464 - Aug 25th, 2012 at 9:58am

Proof: Monarch Mind Controlled Celebs (Illuminati & Butterflies)

The Disney Deception Top Illuminati Family Exposed


yes freemasonry uses butterflies in a

different frequency it has been suggested

which has been illuminated

upon these pages

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