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Consciousness (Read 381253 times)
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Christ Light

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Re: Consciousness
Reply #495 - Nov 8th, 2012 at 6:35pm
and so it is

beloved ones

i say unto thee , we shall very soon be experiencing

the event horizon ...there will be no one

upon your world that will not experience this event

for you see

that which you have been invoking ...cultivating ...

through desire,

shall be yours to behold

it is so

and so it is that many of the dark ones have been

removed upon your world yes

the few that remain whom do have your population

under hypnosis and tyrannical rule

will see that which they have invoked manifest before

them for this is a frequency match this event horizon

condition that is upon you is the dawn from darkness

you will be able to hear see feel participate in the

according reality that is in fact all around you now..

a canine can hear high pitched frequencies that you


you can smell gas but this you cannot see

dreams seem so real you can feel the felt of as much

these negative demons have been and are about to

materialize before you


a frequency match YOU encompass all the faculties

to transit and permeate through these times

if any are in doubt fear not beloved ones

for i am with thee yes


so be it

i continue to be in humble service amongst such fine

and honourable beings

blessings unto you in these now moments



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Christ Light

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Re: Consciousness
Reply #496 - Nov 13th, 2012 at 7:24pm

Lady Maria through Isabel Henn November 12, 2012.

Together, this work, where people have failed over eons, will be accomplished – Lady Maria through Isabel Henn November 12, 2012
Posted on November 12, 2012 by Sirian Heaven

My beloved children, the 11-11 portal has opened, and with it very powerful energies and opportunities come to you. It is one of the major milestones on your path to Ascension. You have meditated worldwide at this event and spread more love and light on your beautiful planet. Gaia is on the best way to become a beautiful blue star in the universe.

With this portal a new time line is open. Now two time lines are effective, the 3D and 5D timeline. They work in parallel until Ascension and are then separated again. At the same time also Gaia as 5D Earth will be separated from Lady Pan as 3D Earth and continues to live as an independent star in the solar system. It is very important to control your thoughts and words, because with this portal all manifestations are speeded up, whether it is positive or negative. Therefore, be very careful in what you think and say. It could manifest immediately.

This is also the time for the Twin Flame Reunion. Unfortunately, the reunion for the Archangels and Ascended Masters has significantly delayed for various reasons. My beloved son Jesus had already announced them for some time before but they had to be postponed.

My beloved, focus now very strong on your Twin Flames. Imagine how you are with them, dream of this time as intense as you can. You are in a time window, which can enable much and also will enable. Some Twin Flames have incarnated on Earth together to conduct their missions jointly. For this, it will now be easier, because the energies of this portal help waking up still sleeping Twins. It is not easy for you, I know it. Usually one Twin is more spiritually developed than the other. It is your job to help them to be awake, to explain to them and fulfill the tasks together. Love your Twin unconditional, do not be deterred by their lack of knowledge. They need you now more than ever.

I also know that some of you have given up the hope of a wake up of your Twins and turn away from them. I beseech you therefore, turn around and turn to them with unconditional love. Only together the common tasks can be fulfilled. Were it otherwise, only one Twin had incarnated. Do I have to remind you of your obligations, your contracts, you’ve closed before your incarnation? It is not easy for common incarnate Twin Flames, but it is possible to do it. But only if the More advanced help his still sleeping or just waking Twin.

My dear children, and I appeal to all of the light carriers, now is the time where you have to let your light shine ever more. The changes that are now obviously require your presence, your love and compassion for your fellow man. The forthcoming revelations will confuse many people and maybe even put in fear because their been so well-ordered world will be falling apart. Their supposed security will be collapsing and they’ll need your help now more than ever. You are the beacon in the strong surf that points the way. It’s part of your job to throw a lifeline to your fellow man through your own peace and serenity.

Lead them by your example through the coming weeks, you’re not going through it alone. Since your stellar families will soon be able to land open, you will get great help. Even my Angels and Ascended Masters support you in your quest.

You are so great my loved ones, we applaud you for your good work so far. Together, this work, where people have failed over eons, will be accomplished. It is unstoppable. It’s now just a matter of preparing as many people as possible to ascend. A wonderful life in the higher dimensions and more is the reward for your wonderful services. Your efforts are seen and appreciated by us. The energies of this portal will remain until Ascension. The portal has also opened a door for those who are already prepared to ascend. Some of you may now be needed on the new earth, to make preparations for the big event in not more than six weeks. Use so please these wonderful opportunities and energies and with mindfulness you can now manifest a great deal in a very short time. You can also speed up and influence the changes even more.

My beloved children, I envelope you in my infinite love. You are all quite fantastic people, light carriers, wayshowers and starseeds; my beloved incarnated Angels and Ascended Masters I refer here as well. Could you only all enjoy the view, which I have at the sight of Gaia. You would be amazed and would not doubt your success anymore.

I am your mother, I am Lady Maria.
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Christ Light

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Re: Consciousness
Reply #497 - Nov 15th, 2012 at 5:33pm

Soul Origin and History Reading for Margaret

Published on Nov 13, 2012 by Richard Presser
Order your own Family or Personal Soul Origin and History Reading at . Find "The Truth About 2012" at . Find the free copies of Jeshua's Newsletter, "Jeshua, Then and Now..." at . Go to for further information on what is happening at the end of 2012. Go to for all of our products and services. Other major websites include , , , , , .
This is the Soul Origin and History Reading for Margaret, describing the creation of her soul and the work she has done to support humanity after "The Fall" in Atlantis, and her planned assistance with Ascension.
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Christ Light

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Re: Consciousness
Reply #498 - Nov 16th, 2012 at 7:25pm

Albert Einstein- How I See the World

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Christ Light

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Re: Consciousness
Reply #499 - Nov 18th, 2012 at 11:21am

11/17/2012 -- 6.1M earthquake in Tonga -- EIGHT 6.0M+ in the past 7 days (week)

Published on Nov 16, 2012 by DutchsinseReloaded
NEW Dutchsinse youtube channel here! :

A noticeable unrest taking shape over the past 14 days --- past 7 days having EIGHT 6.0 magnitude and greater earthquakes.

Here is my most recent full length earthquake overview:

Use the links here to monitor earthquakes nationally, and internationally:

Full website post on the subject:
Science & Technology
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Christ Light

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Re: Consciousness
Reply #500 - Nov 18th, 2012 at 12:37pm

14 NOV: Filmed in Australia during Solar Eclipse

Published on Nov 17, 2012 by idahopicker
This is a pretty interesting one....

News & Politics

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Christ Light

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Re: Consciousness
Reply #501 - Nov 25th, 2012 at 4:48am


Once again we send our heartiest congratulations for a job well done.  Your many group meditations at the opening of the eleven-twenty-two, while passing through the window or gate, whichever term you prefer, have been amazingly successful.  The influx of further energies has taken another great jump.

Your current state of consciousness and intent have , of course, determined exactly what you are experiencing and how it is manifesting for you, but that is exactly as it should be.

We see also that you have given yourselves another boost of the rate in which you are absorbing the changes, in order to be ready for the final developments which are approaching.  Please relax into this.  We assure you once again that you are more than on schedule and nothing may now deter your further awakening.

Your intent, past experience, your life agreements, which some call contracts, and your highest Selves will determine the course of your development.  And each of you has set an agenda which will best be of benefit to self and the All.

Be at peace and in greatest joy and gratitude.  Your highest versions of yourselves are about to introduce themselves to you.  The exact timing of this, and the rapidity with which it occurs, will be determined by your highest Selves and your guides.  No matter how ready you may think you are for this experience, we assure you that a full scale and immediate onset of this could quite easily “blow your minds”.  Allow it to occur in the highest and best way.  You know what is best for you, and the you that we speak of is about to be experienced in ways you may not even have imagined yet.

What we wish to impart today is that it will all be you.  It will take many more such ‘ascensions’ before you truly, truly grasp that in all of its possibilities, but it will feel as if at last you will have made this first great leap.  And if you are inquisitive to know now what we are meaning, realize that it has already begun.  Feel your way into this.  Drop your walls.  Expand your feeling, your sensing, your knowing, and grow with it as it moves you, as you move you, to the balance point and beyond.  We, of course, urge you, guide you, and protect you throughout.  May the peace and joy of your true being be yours from this day forward.

As we have already said through other channels, “Expect miracles.  You are one.”  I, Michael, and all of my legion, walk with you now, as we have throughout your journey, and ask you to request our help whenever you feel the need.

We will speak further.  Good day.
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Christ Light

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Re: Consciousness
Reply #502 - Nov 28th, 2012 at 6:10pm

Shanta Gabriel for Archangel Gabriel, November 21, 2012.

The 12:12:12 Activation
- November 23, 2012 in Messages from Archangel Gabriel -


Dear Ones,

The 12:12:12 Activation on December 12, 2012 will bring the highest frequencies ever encoded in the Light of the Christ Consciousness to the planet for transformation of the Earth and all beings.

Through the power of the associated gateways held open by the Archangels at the 11:11, a new force of the Christ Consciousness will be made available during the 12:12:12 Activation. The power of this awakening energy enables each person to have the experience of the Christ Light at the moment of the 12:12:12 Coding. Once experienced you will not fall back into old ways, as the Golden Christ Light literally expunges from your being frequencies that no longer serve you. Transformed by Light, the cells awaken to the coding embedded by your soul. This activation has been held in abeyance until the earth consciousness would support mass awakening. Awareness and preparation are key signatures for the transformation available through the Christ Light. That time is Now.

The 12:12:12 represents an activation of Divine Love within, through and around you. When Divine Love activates the light-encoded filaments within your being, there is a communion of awakening. It moves the body into the 12-helix system and allows the connection of the DNA strands. This activates subtle energy that unites the new 12-chakra system. Light alone cannot create the connection, even though the Divine Intelligence is there within the Light Force. Divine Love is required to awaken the coding of your Soul’s union with the completion inherent in the Twelve. This is the awakening of the Christ Consciousness.

Divine Unity

Through the 12:12:12 there will be a sense of being reborn into unity with all aspects of you. Greet yourself with a new level of respect and honor your commitment to this life. Your willingness to proceed on the Path of Light throughout time has brought you to a completion of one aspect of your soul’s journey. Your task now is to take this new fullness deeply into your being to empower you. Let the Christ Light permeate every cell and create a new healing force that will pervade your consciousness. When you integrate this alignment within you, the Divine Love in your energy fields will activate your DNA and become so pervasive that your world will literally begin to change around you.

Begin to use this new connection to the Christ Energy, which contains the Light Force of Healing and Compassion. Bring it to all your stories, all your relationships and all the places in your life that still do not appear to radiate with all the goodness that you have imagined. Use this Golden Light to strengthen yourself with true forgiveness and compassion. No matter what is occurring, focus on the Oneness within the true Light of the Christ and bring this Divine Love and Compassion to yourself. Create a habit of doing this before any other reaction can take place and you will discover that this truly is a new time to be alive.

New Structures in the Human Energy System


With the 12:12:12 Activation, new structures are being built in the human energy system. The alignment of the 12-strands connection in the DNA structure opens the way for the creation of the 12-chakra system. This paradigm shift within the development of the encoded human being begins to create a fully aligned structure that operates at the highest frequency of energy available now. This new aligned energy system allows the human to not only navigate this new earth time, but also pave the way for others to respond. The codings set into the human energy system that fire at different times have been creating waves of change within the structures set into the old world paradigm. Each person will now feel the soul impulse to move into purposeful action, retreat or choose to leave the planet entirely to await a more developed time on Earth.

Further evolution on planetary levels creates new openings for souls to step into. Those whose light encoded DNA has allowed their energy frequencies to shift, now work in a multidimensional earth simultaneously magnetizing other souls. An entrainment of energy frequencies ensues as your own inner coding, firing in resonance, attracts more who are ready for the awakening. It is a truly exciting time to be alive and you were born to be the creator of the new structures of the Earth. Within this new energy, you may feel as though you have finally come Home.

Create an empowered vision to serve you as you raise your energy frequencies within the new light structures of the 12:12 codes. This will activate your energy centers in a new way. Create a deep vital connection to an Earth awaiting this time of honoring. You have unseen partners whose work includes your evolution, to assist in the creation of a fully functioning world that operates on a higher frequency of Light and Divine Love.

You were born for this. Now is your time. Envision the helix of the 12 strands of Light-encoded DNA within you going deep into the Earth and above your head. This will empower the connection of the 12-chakra system above, within and below your body. Join with others in the 12:12:12 timings to assist the firing of new matrix energy codes. These will be the structures that help create a new Earth – one where the spirit within all things in honored, and beauty and harmony are sanctified.

If you are reading this, you are aligned to the Christ Energy that empowers new life at the coded time on 12:12:12 this December 12, 2012. It is the true beginning of a paradigm shift that will continue for the next three years. All will change. Commit to graceful evolution and begin to build the new structures within your being, so those in the world can follow the blueprint. You have always been one who paved the way, and this still continues. The alignment of the 12:12:12 energy is what has been called the “Second Coming.” Misunderstood for centuries, this connection to the Christ Consciousness is within you, and is not the arrival of a single enlightened being in the world. The awakening of full evolutionary spiritual energy is available within all beings, if they choose it, and are willing to bring into the planet the evolutionary shift in consciousness that the Earth awaits. It is your time to choose.

Receive Forgiveness

In the Activation of the 12:12:12, Divine Forgiveness is provided for a healing of old wounds. Your job is to receive the healing by accepting forgiveness for past errors you believe you made. Allow the light of Divine Love to permeate all the old structures you built around the idea of shame and unworthiness. Forgive the attacks on yourself for having failed to do whatever you thought you “should be doing.” This new Light encoded with the Christed energy carries a frequency of healing and love. It also holds an alignment with your multi-dimensional selves in order to create more unity and wholeness within your being.

You committed spiritual warriors stepped foot on this path the moment you were born. You witnessed dedication in the world around you to all that you considered untrue. You picked up your Soul’s banner of Truth, Illumination and Expansion and began moving in directions that were met with fear and controversy. This may even have caused dissension in your family dynamics that continue to this day. Through it all you were committed to your belief in Divine Light and the process of evolution – a way that honored the sanctity of all life on Earth.

A recognition that other dimensions exist that merge and coincide with ancient wisdom and illumined Truth has pervaded your consciousness. You have been open to receive the teachings that resonated deep within your being, no matter how it appeared to others. Through the wave of rising consciousness it has taken great courage to hold strong to your beliefs. On December 12, 2012, the 12:12:12 Activation is an anchoring of all you held to be true within your soul.

Here is a prayer to assist the activation:

Divine Presence,

During this 12:12:12 Activation, I invite the Divine Love and Golden Light active in the Christ Consciousness to flow gracefully through me and anchor upon the Earth. I now ask for an awakening connection within my DNA to Divine Love, Compassion and Light from the Highest Source to the 12 strands of DNA within me creating the full helix of Light that activates my 12-chakra system. I ask for my Soul’s alignment to all the Divine Love and Light that I can receive for the good of my evolution and the evolution of the Earth at this time. I invite the assistance of the Angels, Archangels, Masters and all the beings of Light who work for my awakening to be with me in this process.

May all beings awaken to their Divine Potential and bring the presence of Divine Love into their hearts. May ever more Grace flow through us all to bless this planet. May the Earth be honored in a new way that allows our beautiful planet to thrive. May every heart feel the gifts of this loving Presence within them so Peace may prevail on Earth. Thank you God for this and all our blessings.

And so it is.

Shanta Gabriel for Archangel Gabriel
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Christ Light

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Re: Consciousness
Reply #503 - Dec 1st, 2012 at 1:02pm

Published on Nov 28, 2012 by MagentaPixie2012
What is 21st December 2012 really all about? Can we "jump" forward into Earth's future and experience immortality? Will we connect with the Twin Flame? Can we communicate with Star Beings and visit their dimensions? What is "Full Ascension"
and how do we move into it? All these topics and more discussed in this video. Magenta Pixie interviews Free Spirit - Ascension Teacher, Merkabah Artist and Author of three books - "2012 Meeting the Star Beings" "Love on the shores of a distant world" and "Keys to immortality"
Free Spirit on You Tube -

Images many thanks to Free Spirit.
Background visual "Stock Footage 4 Free"
Video edited by Catzmagick Productions
All Music by Kevin Macleod of Incomputeach
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ॐ May Much LOVE and CHRISTS LIGHT be upon and within us all.... namasté ▲ - : )  ╰დ╮ॐ╭დ╯
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Christ Light

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Re: Consciousness
Reply #504 - Dec 8th, 2012 at 6:21am

The manuscript of survival – part 233 •December 6, 2012 • 12 Comments
As you are all more than aware of, things have started to happen now, and although you will all search in vain for any traces of these changes in the outside world, there are indeed some small hints as to what you have in store already appearing. We know that these signs will seem to be of no importance as of yet, but as time goes by, these small droplets of hope will start to gather in size, and soon, they will start to form into small pools. And after that, much will happen at a fast rate. We say this in order to remind you all of the fact that contrary to what many have preached already, you will not wake up to a completey changed world the day after December 21. Or rather, it will not seem to be much different from the world as it was when you went to sleep the day before. But you will know better, for before you reach that day, you will all have in some way or form become aware of the deep, deep changes that are already underway. You will feel this, literally in your bones, and even if the pomp and circumstance many will expect will seem to be less than willing to appear, you do not need any outward signs to tell you what you already know.

Mankind have already entered their future, and nothing can change that. No ”big bang” or absence thereof can do anything to alter this. You are on your way into the portal of total renewal, and for some, the changes have already started to manifest in some interesting, but rather unexpected ways. So know that nothing you do – or anyone else do for that matter – can change the fact that humanity is changing for ever even as we speak. And the change is for the better – in every sense of the word. You just have to acknowledge the fact that everything you have been told of this change beforehand could not in any way depict the real truth of it. For the real truth is beyond what your mind can comprehend, but it is not beyond what you will be able experience in the time ahead. For you will enter the zone of togetherness in a way that cannot be described. You will be the first to go through this metamorphosis, and we cannot tell you how lucky you are to be the ones chosen to be here on this planet to take part in this unprecedented event. You are the ones hand picked to be here, for you are but a handful compared to all of those souls competing for a place when the call for volunteers went out.

So know that you have all waited for this for a very, very long time indeed. And even if you today cannot yet remember the full scope of this assignment, you will soon access it fully, both in your physical body and also in your higher self. So rejoice dear ones, even if you might wake up feeling less than enthusiastic about this whole affair. For you are just like those astronauts strapped into their vehicle on the launching pad waiting for the signal to start the engines and blast off into the sky. Impatience is normal now, as you can literally feel the humming of the idling engines ready to kick off and send you all out into that so longed for journey into your true selves. So try to settle in and make yourselves comfortable, you do not have to wait much longer now before you feel yourselves lifted off from the ground of third density reality and into something far more uplifting indeed.

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ॐ May Much LOVE and CHRISTS LIGHT be upon and within us all.... namasté ▲ - : )  ╰დ╮ॐ╭დ╯
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Christ Light

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Re: Consciousness
Reply #505 - Dec 12th, 2012 at 11:25am

High Council of Orion | Ascension Message - Day 11
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Gladstone, Queensland
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Re: Consciousness
Reply #506 - Dec 13th, 2012 at 8:35pm
Why haven't you ascended yet?
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Christ Light

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Re: Consciousness
Reply #507 - Dec 14th, 2012 at 4:41pm
i am in service beloved brother/sister being

and am and already exist within these higher frequencies

and why those yes assist in this process

that doth continue to

unfold before thee in these now moments

does this comfort you?

so be it


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ॐ May Much LOVE and CHRISTS LIGHT be upon and within us all.... namasté ▲ - : )  ╰დ╮ॐ╭დ╯
it_is_the_light it_is_the_light Christ+Light Christ+Light  
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Gladstone, Queensland
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Re: Consciousness
Reply #508 - Dec 14th, 2012 at 5:27pm
it_is_the_light wrote on Dec 14th, 2012 at 4:41pm:
i am in service beloved brother/sister being

and am and already exist within these higher frequencies

and why those yes assist in this process

that doth continue to

unfold before thee in these now moments

does this comfort you?

so be it



I'm sure we can manage just fine when the event horizon comes along on the 21st December and flushes our chakras with a tidal wave of light and energy from Alcyon. 

Please don't let us detain you from important 5th dimension matters. You've already told us all that we need to know.

I know that you're not qualified to advise in the 5th dimension, but I'm sure some other beloved brother/ sister will fill in for you.

So off you go and join the flock in the 5th dimension. You know that you want to.
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Christ Light

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Re: Consciousness
Reply #509 - Dec 14th, 2012 at 6:13pm
we do not have to go anywhere

we are here

does this comfort you?

so be it


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