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Consciousness (Read 383251 times)
Gold Member

Christ Light

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The Pyramid of LIGHT
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Re: Consciousness
Reply #615 - Aug 18th, 2013 at 8:52pm
so the aforementioned master sagan

proves that the 4th dimension is in full and factual effect

do you think, lighted one,

that this is the finite boundary in the multidimensional

reality of harmonic existence?

that the 4th dimension is the highest frequency

attainable in the all that is?

im interested


- : )

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ॐ May Much LOVE and CHRISTS LIGHT be upon and within us all.... namasté ▲ - : )  ╰დ╮ॐ╭დ╯
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Christ Light

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Re: Consciousness
Reply #616 - Aug 18th, 2013 at 9:00pm
as we continue onward,

and seeings you would have by now realized 4th

dimensional fact....

(The Miraculous World)

The Fifth Dimension - Heaven... The Plane of Light
For most religions, the Fifth Dimension is the highest realms a Soul can reach.

Spiritually, starting from the beginning, it is the last stop downward on the dimensional ladder before we enter the realms of limitation. We incarnate here as androgynous stellar beings. Since we live on Stars we have luminous Light Bodies. These eternal forms have no need for pain, the warning signals that physical bodies provide. Therefore there is no physical suffering. Neither do we suffer from any form of separation because we constantly experience the Oneness of Mother/Father Creator.

We base our actions entirely on Love, never fear. This is because fear does not exist at this level. We are unstoppable and living Miraculous lives. Immortality is an experiential given. Many times in a Near Death Experience, a person will travel thru a long tunnel. The tunnel traverses the darkness (the Fourth Dimension) and ends in a bright opening of Golden or White Light (the Fifth Dimension). This is the Birth Canal of the Soul and the doorway to Heaven.

We travel by application of Divine Will. We need not die to have this experience. The shortest distance between two points is not a straight line or curved line. In the Fifth Dimension, one simply duplicates herself to her destination(s). We travel by moving through the doorway at the center of the star. We do not fly as this movement is similar to teleportation. Flying is only a viable means of transportation on the Third and Fourth Dimensions.

In many Ascension stories, the Earth transforms... along with her inhabitants into her fifth-dimensional Light Body. This is when Gaia physically shifts from a dense, material body to one of Light... A Star. The present Earth changes and Ancient prophecies are guides to this probable future. However, the Fifth Dimensional Manifestation of a star is neither hot nor fiery... It is soft.

This is known as THE MIRACULOUS WORLD...

(The Fifth Dimension)

The Miraculous World
Dimensionally... it is the next step up from The Magical World
The Probabilities of this Fifth Plane
Are just now presenting themselves to Humanity

Go outside on some clear Night
Look up in the Sky and catch a glimpse of the Stars
There are more Stars than we can Imagine
With even more Planets racing around Them
And this is only the Third-Dimensional aspect that we are Seeing

Look at your Hand... move your Fingers
To make all of this Exist and Work
Takes Forces and a form of Intelligence
That is not possible to Imagine
And this is only the Third-Dimensional
Aspect of our Existence
Although this may sound Oversimplified
It does seem to point to one Thing
The Universe is a Miraculous Place

If it can Create all of This
It can do just about any thing it Wants
In The Miraculous World
Linear or "horizontal" Logic
Which uses past Experience and one's Beliefs
To determine what is Real
Is NOT what directs one's Actions
Nor is it one's Feelings
Regardless of how Powerful they Are
Instead "Vertical" Logic
Which is information received Directly
From One's Spirit
Provides the data from which to Act

This is spontaneous Revelation
And is the key to consciously Living
In the Eternal Now
You are in Essence... channeling your Spirit

When we find ourselves acting Out
And identifying with the Following
You can Say
"I am living in A Miraculous World"
You experience the awesome reality of living in the faith that you are in the hands of your Spirit
You perceive everything as "okay"... even if it's sometimes unpleasant... because you know that Spirit is directing your Course
You see your identity as a Divine being Unfold
Your reliance on Material and Magical perceptions is superseded by your reliance on Miraculous Perceptions
You perceive other's pictures of reality as just that - their pictures - and do not take their projections Personally
You realize that, in many areas of your life and especially your mission, the walls of time/space are not a Limitation
You live with the understanding that by remaining open and empty... the Universe can manifest miracles through You
You love everyone and know that they are part of the Divine Whole
You are grateful to be Alive
You see your Vision of Heaven on Earth Manifesting
You share your Vision, cosmic identity, and insights freely and Naturally
Miracles are a Given
Here are few Identities
Or ways to Function
Which take a stand for the Validity
Of The Miraculous World
I Am A
Angelic... Extraterrestrial... Other-dimensional Adept
DivineCosmicHoly being
Code Master
Grid TemplateExpert
Energy-flow Director
Receiver Transmitter for your off-Planet
Other-dimensional Team
Transdimensional Trail Blazer
Divine Fool
Moving from The Magical World
To The Miraculous World
Is similar to moving From
The Material to The Magical

There is a barrier that separates these Worlds
...The Fear of the Unknown...
Inherent in the Human Form
And reinforced by the Dark Forces
Makes Beings hesitate to explore New Worlds
On the other hand, many beings don't explore other worlds because they are just plain ignorant of their existence: Spirit has dictated that the veils in their consciousness remain in place - they can do no more.

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« Last Edit: Aug 18th, 2013 at 9:09pm by it_is_the_light »  

ॐ May Much LOVE and CHRISTS LIGHT be upon and within us all.... namasté ▲ - : )  ╰დ╮ॐ╭დ╯
it_is_the_light it_is_the_light Christ+Light Christ+Light  
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Gold Member

Christ Light

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The Pyramid of LIGHT
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Re: Consciousness
Reply #617 - Aug 18th, 2013 at 9:04pm
There is a barrier that separates these Worlds


yes there are multiple dimensions..

one not ready to receive truth will not experience this

it will not be visible to those in judgement and ego

and until you transcend the 3rd and 4th dimensions...

this is not to say the higher relms do not exist,

you just are not able to see it,


therefore no being can prove this unto another

and it will only be experienced when one is able

to transition and evolve..

all is well lighted one, you will get there fear not

and be at peace


- : )
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ॐ May Much LOVE and CHRISTS LIGHT be upon and within us all.... namasté ▲ - : )  ╰დ╮ॐ╭დ╯
it_is_the_light it_is_the_light Christ+Light Christ+Light  
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Re: Consciousness
Reply #618 - Aug 18th, 2013 at 9:10pm
it_is_the_light wrote on Aug 18th, 2013 at 9:04pm:
There is a barrier that separates these Worlds


yes there are multiple dimensions..

one not ready to receive truth will not experience this

it will not be visible to those in judgement and ego

and until you transcend the 3rd and 4th dimensions...

this is not to say the higher relms do not exist,

you just are not able to see it,

therefore no being can prove this unto another

and it will only be experienced when one is able

to transition and evolve..

all is well lighted one, you will get there fear not

and be at peace


- : )


Einstein & Lorentz discovered the 4th dimension of time.

Carl Sagan mentions nothing about contacting friends in the 9th dimension.


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Christ Light

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The Pyramid of LIGHT
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Re: Consciousness
Reply #619 - Aug 18th, 2013 at 9:12pm
" Dear master Light,

I am an expert on master Sagan's teachings "

excuse me for a moment



- : )
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ॐ May Much LOVE and CHRISTS LIGHT be upon and within us all.... namasté ▲ - : )  ╰დ╮ॐ╭დ╯
it_is_the_light it_is_the_light Christ+Light Christ+Light  
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Christ Light

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The Pyramid of LIGHT
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Re: Consciousness
Reply #620 - Aug 18th, 2013 at 9:13pm
lighted one....

what if i told you

you already exist in the 9th dimension

and you dont have to smoke anything to get back there

- : )
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ॐ May Much LOVE and CHRISTS LIGHT be upon and within us all.... namasté ▲ - : )  ╰დ╮ॐ╭დ╯
it_is_the_light it_is_the_light Christ+Light Christ+Light  
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Australian Politics

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Re: Consciousness
Reply #621 - Aug 18th, 2013 at 9:24pm
it_is_the_light wrote on Aug 18th, 2013 at 9:13pm:
lighted one....

what if i told you

you already exist in the 9th dimension

and you dont have to smoke anything to get back there

- : )

Dear master Light,
many scientists believe in string theory where there are 11 dimensions.
The maths certainly works.

My point of contention was whether or not the girl below
was really contacting friends in the 9th dimension. (0.24s)

I then politely wrote:

She must be smoking crack.

If you were offended then I am sorry.

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Christ Light

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The Pyramid of LIGHT
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Re: Consciousness
Reply #622 - Aug 18th, 2013 at 9:33pm
no need to be sorry

you do not offend me

beloved brother being,

remember the tesseract?

check this out..



- : )
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« Last Edit: Aug 18th, 2013 at 9:42pm by it_is_the_light »  

ॐ May Much LOVE and CHRISTS LIGHT be upon and within us all.... namasté ▲ - : )  ╰დ╮ॐ╭დ╯
it_is_the_light it_is_the_light Christ+Light Christ+Light  
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Australian Politics

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Re: Consciousness
Reply #623 - Aug 19th, 2013 at 10:44am
Yes I remember the tesseract.

In the future we may find evidence of such phenomena that you espouse.

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Christ Light

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The Pyramid of LIGHT
Gender: male
Re: Consciousness
Reply #624 - Aug 19th, 2013 at 8:14pm
AA Metatron: Sacred Activation of the Green Ray & Emerald Flame, through James Tyberonn
15 August 2013 - 11:46pm |

Sacred Activation of the Green Ray & Emerald Flame

Greetings Masters, I am Metatron Lord of Light and I greet each of you in a vector of unconditional love as you read these words.

We joyously share with you the coming 'full activation' of the Green Ray & Sacred Emerald Flame into the Ascended Earth. Masters, this is a long awaited event, one promised eons ago in an enlightened epoch. In a luminous time in which the Earth carried greater dimensional access and you communicated clearly & blissfully with all Kingdoms of the Earth. An illuminated period in which you had the ability to lucidly interact & fully communicate with all elements and kingdoms of the Earth. It was the time of the full spectrum of the Emerald Dimension....and it is returning!

Many of you are called again to anchor the activation of this emerald evolution. It is nigh and will be marked by an extraordinary trine & cometized energy, carrying expansive codes. Codes you have waited eons to receive, it is a soul promise and sacred contract for many. It is part of the new beginning, of the new perception & attributes available to you.

The Green Ray Infinity-Gate Activation

The New Earth has expanded into 12 dimensions, and you now have 12 chakras directly connected to each primary dimension and 20 chakras connecting to the intra sub-dimensional fields within the spectrums of the Omni-Earth.

You are evolving into a greater consciousness. And so it is logical to understand that this encompasses all kingdoms of the earth. The basic expansion of the Planetary Ascension also invokes humanities frequencial expansion, including the addendum of all Earth-Kingdoms into your consciousness field. It is a paradigm shift. It will offer you the ability to connect lucidly with the all consciousness of and within Gaia. It is a requisite step toward your integral identity as part of and as co creators of the Earth.

Your dimensional access increased with the planetary Ascension through your chakras. So it is that the initial Sacred Codes of each 'new' chakra be received and installed beginning in 2013, Year One of the New Earth. It is done through the Green-Ray activation.

In August the Green Ray Infinity Portal occurs in the aperture activation of the Emerald Flame. The primary opening apex is from August 12-21, 2013.

And we tell you the 4th, 8th & 9th dimensions are formulated through and with the Emerald-Ray. The 8th & 9th dimensions will begin completing receival of the Geo-Codes of Thoth, through the aperture of the Emerald Flame Activation.

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ॐ May Much LOVE and CHRISTS LIGHT be upon and within us all.... namasté ▲ - : )  ╰დ╮ॐ╭დ╯
it_is_the_light it_is_the_light Christ+Light Christ+Light  
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Christ Light

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The Pyramid of LIGHT
Gender: male
Re: Consciousness
Reply #625 - Aug 24th, 2013 at 4:57pm


There are many dear souls among you that avoid thinking wisely or intellectually. They focus on becoming either too light or too dark and they accept this way of thinking is normal when it is an imbalanced way of being. You are not derived of just light; you are a combination of both light and dark working harmoniously together when balanced equally. Each of you deals with diversity within yourself every day. You have a physical body that requires care in order for you to get through your day, and you have a thinking mind that often over processes simple situations. You also have a lovely heart that often attracts needless anxieties. It is all this that must become balanced and it can be your biggest challenge. Because of all that your physical, mental and emotional self must go through every day it is why you lose your total awareness of what is going on within these states and you don’t see that at the same time you have become driven by your physical, mental and emotional self to the point you create some imbalanced energy towards understanding of light and dark natures of living and being. The more over sensitive you are the more drawn you are to the light creating an imbalanced nature of living with light. The more greedy and selfish you come across the more imbalanced you are in the way of dark nature. Balance is essential dear ones.

Living within a state of imbalance does not bring favourable connections with your natural wisdom. You are to learn the importance of ending imbalanced cycles that lack wisdom. Many dear souls find their breaking point or their awakening when faced with certain crisis moments; a situation that caused incredible pain may create the awakening, the sudden awareness that change is necessary. When this suddenness appears, it prompts you to become aware of your situations, of your total self and to see with a truthful eye that changes are needed and they must start with you. This moment you begin to connect with the wisdom that is natural to you sparks momentum that begins to align you with your own inner wholeness and liberation. While on this course you face many truths you may have hid from and you come to many fresh eye-opening realizations because you are ready to see all, to face all. You are now ready to embrace conscious balance, to become more complete of your whole self, ready to experience life that has a steady access to wisdom and holds more than just an ability to producing wise thoughts, but actually making them. There are more than maybes in your life dear ones, inside of you is the power to overcome any obstacle and there is no maybe about it.

When you are open, you are allowing your whole self to be aware of all movement. You are not supressing thoughts to come; you are allowing your Self to approach different concepts of thinking without passing biased judgments. Allowing your Self to discover new ways of thinking and doing things can be perceived as another part of your natural wisdom. You are receptive and opened and within this practical way of being you are also demonstrated a very balanced persona. When you are within the state of allowing, you attract more intelligent opportunities into your life; you may discover yourself becoming more insightful and understanding the solution of a current situation by looking at it from the outside rather from inside. Sometimes when looking at a situation from the inside, your mind becomes flooded with heavy emotions and feelings, but when you view the situation from the outside like an outsider you see a different perspective that is devoid of emotions or attachment, you see the truth in front of you. Information begins to enter your being, which guides you to your solutions by making wisdom based decisions.

Whenever you follow rigid procedures in order to live your life, there is also rigidness in your movements and actions. When rigidness is present, there is a block of fluid intelligence; your wisdom at that moment is unavailable. Remove the rigidness and the flow of wisdom returns. You will discover true power and liberation arrives when you no longer require clinging to any process or special technique in order to live your life. When you allow yourself to live without clinging onto any techniques or procedures in order to live a balanced life, you are confident you can navigate your life as you also understand the necessity to be free of the influences heavy emotions can bring. You are giving your Self a gift of fresh new intelligence, a new way of thinking that breaks away old conditioned thought forms. Wisdom is fleeting dear ones, each new situation you come across will require new wisdom, you can’t use previous used wisdom for a new situation because each situation is different but you take what you have learned and create a new way of dealing with a new situation that is balanced and wise. on..
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ॐ May Much LOVE and CHRISTS LIGHT be upon and within us all.... namasté ▲ - : )  ╰დ╮ॐ╭დ╯
it_is_the_light it_is_the_light Christ+Light Christ+Light  
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Mawson Base
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Re: Consciousness
Reply #626 - Aug 24th, 2013 at 9:32pm
There is no evidence to support the notion that consciousness is nothing other than another neurally active function of the brain.

Consciousness generates astonishing results and interactions but the foundations of these manifestations are merely products of the human brain.

....nothing fundamentally special
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Mini Ice Age (2014-2029)
Dr Sircus cures cancer with Baking Soda and Magnesium - Jethro the MENTAL GIANT & his flute madness
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Australian Politics

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Re: Consciousness
Reply #627 - Aug 24th, 2013 at 9:36pm
Chimp_Logic wrote on Aug 24th, 2013 at 9:32pm:
There is no evidence to support the notion that consciousness is nothing other than another neurally active function of the brain.

Consciousness generates astonishing results and interactions but the foundations of these manifestations are merely products of the human brain.

....nothing fundamentally special

I disagree because consciousness is special  in that the universe is aware of itself.
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Mawson Base
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Re: Consciousness
Reply #628 - Aug 25th, 2013 at 12:13am
Bobby. wrote on Aug 24th, 2013 at 9:36pm:
Chimp_Logic wrote on Aug 24th, 2013 at 9:32pm:
There is no evidence to support the notion that consciousness is nothing other than another neurally active function of the brain.

Consciousness generates astonishing results and interactions but the foundations of these manifestations are merely products of the human brain.

....nothing fundamentally special

I disagree because consciousness is special  in that the universe is aware of itself.

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Mini Ice Age (2014-2029)
Dr Sircus cures cancer with Baking Soda and Magnesium - Jethro the MENTAL GIANT & his flute madness
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Christ Light

Posts: 41434
The Pyramid of LIGHT
Gender: male
Re: Consciousness
Reply #629 - Aug 25th, 2013 at 12:44am
"There is no evidence to support the notion that consciousness is nothing other than another neurally active function of the brain.

Consciousness generates astonishing results and interactions"

first you say no evidence, then you provide it..

thats good...

Chimp_Logic wrote on Aug 24th, 2013 at 9:32pm:
There is no evidence to support the notion that consciousness is nothing other than another neurally active function of the brain.

Consciousness generates astonishing results and interactions but the foundations of these manifestations are merely products of the human brain.

....nothing fundamentally special

a being not aware of the fact concerning consciousness

would be oblivious to the attributes, capabilities and

divine dispensation contained therein and thereout..


look in the mirror,


and here..

8-23-13 Bill Ballard ~ The 8-25-13 Cosmic Merkabah and The Mechanics of Ascension

then be at peace


- : )
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« Last Edit: Aug 25th, 2013 at 1:13am by it_is_the_light »  

ॐ May Much LOVE and CHRISTS LIGHT be upon and within us all.... namasté ▲ - : )  ╰დ╮ॐ╭დ╯
it_is_the_light it_is_the_light Christ+Light Christ+Light  
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