Archangel Gabriel's Daily Messages - February 23 - March 1, 2014
Channeled by Shelley Young
Everyone on the planet is on a sacred journey. You are on a journey to reconnect with your truth, with your divinity, your authentic power, and to assist others to do the same. You are also on the planet to offer your unique service in some way.
Some of you may feel passionate about protecting the environment. Some of you may care deeply for animals. Some may yearn to assist others with their growth, learning, healing, or spiritual path. Some of you may be drawn to energetics, astrology or meditation. Others may contribute to the vibration of the planet through the arts, through creating works of beauty, or making people laugh and spreading joy. But make no mistake about it, you all have something wonderful to contribute!
Dear Ones, if you feel drawn to one area, please honour that pull! You were born with your unique interests to help, to lovingly assist. You don’t need to reach a certain level of attainment to make a difference, in fact, many times you reach that desired level of attainment from being in service. Follow your hearts, your true service, and you will feel such a joy from honouring your soul and your purpose.
Beauty is not some ideal of physical perfection. It is not even some ideal of internal perfection. Beauty, true beauty, is found by recognizing the divine perfection that is present in all things, exactly as they are. Heaven on earth already exists, Dear Ones, in each and every one of you, and all around you, if only you have eyes to see.
Dear Ones, poor boundaries always lead to resentment. Always. Resentment leads to separation. So, interestingly, people have poor boundaries because they don’t want separation, yet those poor boundaries are what leads to the very thing they are trying to avoid.
Many of you have come to accept that healthy and appropriate boundaries are necessary to the growth and wellness of all, but have trouble knowing when it is appropriate and when it is not.
If you are about to offer help, stop for a moment and ask yourself the following questions. Did the person ask for your help? Do you really want to help, or is it just a reaction to offer out of habit, or a desire to control? Can this person reasonably handle it on their own? Is stepping in your responsibility? Is it being empowering or disempowering to the other person? How do you feel when you think about assisting? Does it make you feel angry or resentful? A good rule of thumb is to never become more invested in another person’s wellness than they are invested in it for themselves.
We understand that you are tender and loving souls and wish to make a difference. Your loved ones know that! Love them enough to be the experts of their own life expression, and love yourself enough to be the expert of your own. Help, when appropriate, and when asked, and you will find your relationships taking on a greater, more appreciative balance.
When the sun’s activity gets very intense, it can effect human beings in a variety of ways such as fatigue, dehydration, headaches, irritability. It can also energize and inspire, and move you to a whole new level of energetic beingness. Whenever the energies are intense, it is a sign to simplify your life as much as possible and to focus on tender, loving, self care.
Be kind and gentle with yourself. Spend some time outdoors. Meditate. Listen to your body and give it what it is asking for, be it certain foods, hydration, or rest. Immerse yourself in salt water. Do yoga, or any other energy clearing activity. Above all, know that this is all part of the process, part of your own evolution, and what your soul has been anxious to experience all along. By embracing these energies you can shift with grace, ease, appreciation and wonder.
Do you realize that the act of surrender can put you squarely on your healing path, even if you are not sure exactly what it is that needs to be healed? Surrender and flow bypass the mind’s desire for specifics, and allows a greater intelligence, that of your soul, your guides and the universe to deliver to you exactly what you need. You simply cannot make a mistake by navigating you life expression in such a way.
So, if you have an area of your life that seems stuck, and you are unsure of how to rectify the situation, simply surrender, and allow the universe to work its magic, assured that the highest outcome will be experienced in record time. That is not giving up, Dear Ones. That is giving UP, which is the way of the empowered human being.