janko wrote on Sep 9
th, 2010 at 7:40am:
Sellect a labour seat that has won narrowly in the last ellection. Than offer the winning labour member a good job ( if he knows howto think just a bit) than he would know that the present Gillard government can not last for long, so he would grabb it. Than the byellection would most likely go to the coalition. That would mean : one seat less for labour, and one more seat for the coalition. I find that such trick are used all the times in aussie politics, just as bribes are used to bribe independants, and even offering non-labour members a ministery jobs. By the way, the broadband has helped Julia Gilard to remain in the office, it is sure that broadband will cost her the office becouse it will take 8 years to roll out the optic fible cable. Only in 3 years before the next election, it will become apperent that broadband as we know it now, will become a grey haired donosour !
#1: use a spell checker.
#2: be careful what you wish for.
the under lying reason why any gov't here wants fiber internet is NOT to help us out.
it's to implement a better big brother.
i'll give some reasons:
#1: free to air TV and cable are suffering now, because they are censored.
ppl have a greater choice in info/entertainment on the internet. and minimal censorship. take this site eg, do you really think this will be here with the govt controlling broadband?
not likely, and this is a pretty mild forum.
#2: at this point, it's very easy to send moneys thru various sites from one country to another without the tax dept entering the picture. and boy, do they want that stopped.
#3: porn sites rate almost as highly as You Tube, Yahoo, et al. that's now.
whilst this site is #732,458. LOL.
#4: the media is just waiting to take the internet over. 5-6 years tops.
could go on and on, but i'm sure you get the picture or maybe you won't, in a few years time.