mozzaok wrote on Sep 14
th, 2010 at 11:58pm:
Unbelievable, David provides some relevant information, and gets pounced upon by people whose position on the whole debate is entirely based on the fact that the political party they choose to vote for chose not to do it, irrespective of the arguments for or against.
Not so unbelievable, if you consider that some may have skin in the game. That said, if anyone's paying bobby for what she does here, then they're not getting value for money.
Quote:The last point about maintaining the copper network as backup is not a viable option, and for those who have been so strident in their criticism of the NBN for lack of a business plan,
For economic justifications, the OECD has many,,3343,en_2649_34225_44245946_1_1_1_1,00.html among them.
Quote: then I think they should find out about the maintenance, and reliability of copper next to fibre.
I'll give you a hint, Fibre wins.
So while we can look forward to the coalition fanboys lapping up the drivel that Abbotts new attack dog on the NBN, Malcolm(psst want to buy some Ozemail shares) Turnbull(psst, I know this Godwin bloke, he is a whizz at emails, maybe we could put him in charge) we can also assume that his pledge to "Demolish it", is as stupid as his ridiculously ill conceived, and rejected policy to hand over 6 billion to private companies in the false hope that they will magically make the copper stop breaking down, and also work faster.
Turnbull may at least have some understanding of the issues. With luck, he'll concentrate of Labor's authoritarianism (as exemplified by the filter and proposals to monitor email and web access). That's a real weakness. On technical and economic grounds, he can't win.
Quote:So keep up the good job David, and keep countering political BS with some facts, and just hope that eventually the bloody minded contrariness will wear thin.
Be warned though, the Libs will try the same thing as they did with the BER, and every time a truck breaks down, and a job gets delayed they will make hysterical claims about waste and ineptitude,
Funny you should mention that. Yesterday at he was quoted as saying:
Quote:I've already described it as school halls on steroids, and we can be certain the NBN will be to this term of government what pink batts and school halls were to the last term of government.
Just goes to show, with a politician who's such a consistent berk, you don't need to be prescient.
Quote: and the fanboys will lap it up, but even so, we will drag them kicking and screaming into the 21st century, and wean them off their fixation about the viability of 19th century copper phone lines to see us through the future.
Observing qikvtec in other threads, I'm comfortable that his use of non sequitur and disjoint insults supports my diagnosis of him as a Troll.