Quote:The vast, vast majority of Middle Easterners are Muslims, thanks largely to the excellent and thorough purging of non-Muslism that has been done over the decades.
Actually one of the main reasons there's so many Lebanese Muslims here is because the U.N demanded we take them, as part of the West's plan to de-Muslimify Lebanon and attempt to make it Christian, for a second time. Obviously it didn't work very well that time either, but it was worth a try I guess, no?
Quote:Funny how Muslim criminals stray from Islam but Christian criminals are somehow living the Christian life through crime - as you would have us believe it. You are implying in your usual devious manner that criminality comes with being an Italian Catholic.
Well as we hear so often from Christians, Christ came for the sinners, and Christianity tolerates all this kind of stuff, claiming to be so peaceful and all accepting etc. So yes in a sense those criminals are perfectly normal Christians.
Quote:So why the hell are there so many more Mohammedans in prison than their proportion of the population would warrant?
As a follow on from above, Christians are so good at being criminals, they rarely get caught, professionals I tell ya. Muslims on the other hand are rank amateurs when it comes to crime, because our religion actually despises crime and works to abolish it, not tolerate it. Also don't forget a lot of them are political prisoners who are inside on trumped up terrorism charges.