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Increase GST, expert urges
A VISITING tax expert has urged Australia to increase the goods and services tax and slash other taxes to make life simpler for businesses and householders.
Chas Roy-Chowdhury, head of taxation for the British-based Association of Chartered Certified Accountants, said that at 10 per cent, Australia's GST rate was low by world standards.
European experience showed it could be increased to 20 per cent without adverse effects, encountering public resistance only when it moved towards 25 per cent.
He also said Australia's high headline rates of personal and company tax disadvantaged the country internationally, making it appear to be a high-tax country when it was not.
''If I was a multinational looking to invest, the high rates before deductions, offsets and exemptions might put me off,'' Mr Roy-Chowdhury said. He backed the Henry review's plan to eliminate most exemptions and ensure all types of income were taxed, which would make the headline rates lower at no cost to revenue, and Australia more attractive for investors.
''It also would be good for Australians,'' Mr Roy-Chowdhury told The Age. ''If you can see what you are paying, you buy in to the system; tax doesn't become a separate dark art you leave to other people.''
While increasing the GST might not sound popular, he said that if it was packaged with lower personal tax rates most people might find themselves better off.
The Henry review recommends that fringe benefits and employers' super contributions be taxed as income in the hands of recipients and that the fringe benefits tax exemption now enjoyed by charities be phased out.
It has published an indicative tax scale with only two rates for most people: zero for the first $25,000 and 35 per cent for everything thereafter, up to $180,000.
''That sort of simplicity is worth paying for,'' said Mr Roy-Chowdhury. ''I would advocate smoothing the way by sending anyone adversely affected a cheque in the post.''
Asked if he was suggesting bribing losers to accept the new system, he said transitional rebates had an honourable history overseas and were worth the expense.
He welcomed the Henry review's aim of making the system so simple that tax returns were not needed, but warned Australia not to go as far as Britain had done and make returns optional.
''In introducing a new computer system, the UK authorities have just discovered they have been collecting the wrong amounts of money,'' he said. ''People have been switching jobs so often it has overwhelmed the system.''