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Elite Private Schools Rake In The Profits. (Read 15099 times)
Binary Ninja
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Australian Politics

Posts: 460
Re: Elite Private Schools Rake In The Profits.
Reply #75 - Sep 13th, 2010 at 6:29pm
ya full of it long.. a non for profit org such as the school got 9 million dollars in fed funding under the SES scheme but made a yearly profit of 4.7 million ..

their are people out their who pay SFA in tax but earn a pretty penny
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Suck it up Princess's Labor are in
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Re: Elite Private Schools Rake In The Profits.
Reply #76 - Sep 13th, 2010 at 6:32pm
Binary Ninja wrote on Sep 13th, 2010 at 6:29pm:
their are people out their who pay SFA in tax but earn a pretty penny

Loser talk... the words of one who wil never succeed because he is worried about what everyone else is doing and gettin gmore than him.

Enjoy welfare!
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Binary Ninja
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Re: Elite Private Schools Rake In The Profits.
Reply #77 - Sep 13th, 2010 at 6:37pm
no idea long you have no freckign idea what so ever , but as a coalition supporter it isn't surprising
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Suck it up Princess's Labor are in
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Re: Elite Private Schools Rake In The Profits.
Reply #78 - Sep 13th, 2010 at 6:38pm
Mantra is very emotionally driven regarding the subject of private schools, IMO (she is a woman though, so it's excused). Things like private schools enrage women in particular because they are extremely obsessed with 'equality' to an extent that even the biggest of the beta-bitch males do not approach. Cultural marxism and blank slateism have a much more profound influence on females than men.
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Re: Elite Private Schools Rake In The Profits.
Reply #79 - Sep 13th, 2010 at 6:40pm
Binary Ninja wrote on Sep 13th, 2010 at 6:37pm:
no idea long you have no freckign idea what so ever , but as a coalition supporter it isn't surprising

You've got to want success, if you don't whining about not having the spoils of it doesn't make a lot of sense.
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Politicians and Nappies need to be changed often and for the same reason.

One trouble with political jokes is that they often get elected.

Alan Joyce for PM
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Re: Elite Private Schools Rake In The Profits.
Reply #80 - Sep 13th, 2010 at 6:48pm
qikvtec wrote on Sep 13th, 2010 at 6:40pm:
Binary Ninja wrote on Sep 13th, 2010 at 6:37pm:
no idea long you have no freckign idea what so ever , but as a coalition supporter it isn't surprising

You've got to want success, if you don't whining about not having the spoils of it doesn't make a lot of sense.

exactly. sometimes the ALP should stand for the Australian Losers Party.
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AUSSIE: "Speaking for myself, I could not care less about 298 human beings having their life snuffed out in a nano-second, or what impact that loss has on Members of their family, their parents..."
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Binary Ninja
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Re: Elite Private Schools Rake In The Profits.
Reply #81 - Sep 13th, 2010 at 6:52pm
it doesn't take to much intelligence to know this is a forum , you cant tell how rich or hard working or successful some one is.. but you can tell from the closed minded posts what sort of values some one has ..
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Suck it up Princess's Labor are in
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Re: Elite Private Schools Rake In The Profits.
Reply #82 - Sep 13th, 2010 at 6:54pm
Binary Ninja wrote on Sep 13th, 2010 at 6:52pm:
it doesn't take to much intelligence to know this is a forum , you cant tell how rich or hard working or successful some one is..
but you can tell from the closed minded posts what sort of values some one has ..

Have a crack at it.
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Politicians and Nappies need to be changed often and for the same reason.

One trouble with political jokes is that they often get elected.

Alan Joyce for PM
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Binary Ninja
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Australian Politics

Posts: 460
Re: Elite Private Schools Rake In The Profits.
Reply #83 - Sep 13th, 2010 at 7:04pm
from the posts from some individuals  i have seen here it shows no respect for others opinions at all  , Then it would be just outright lies in some cases / posts .. but as said coalition supporters are getting this reputation and this pretty much sums them up sore losers

The Liberal and National parties have a profoundly successful ability at attracting a disproportional quantity of the most embittered, politically pungent elements of Australian society as supporters – a dark, angry, belligerent underbelly that believes the only acceptable outcome of any political contest is the one they believe in.
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Suck it up Princess's Labor are in
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In Defence Of Liberty

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Re: Elite Private Schools Rake In The Profits.
Reply #84 - Sep 13th, 2010 at 9:36pm
Binary Ninja wrote on Sep 13th, 2010 at 9:49am:
deepthought wrote on Sep 13th, 2010 at 9:14am:
Are you suggesting that some taxpayers receive nothing at all for their contribution and why do you actively discriminate against their children so?

Their tax dollars you say if some even pay taxes ... I mean some of these can be earning 10 x more then me yet pay the same amount of tax what a crock .. They can see their tax dollars in road , rail and other areas ..

It is Socio Economic based setup eg...needs based and was supposed to bring down the high fee's which haven't happened .. RORT at the best by these schools and these elite schools do not require these funds which is clearly evident by the private funding they get on top of the fee's they charge and alongside  the 10 swimming pools , the 18 ovals etc... As pointed out in a post some of these schools make profit 4.7 million in a year ..

Is it right for these schools to get this massive funding when other schools cant even afford to build a school hall , or a class room ..

It is a needs based system they do not need for anything as they have it all plus more so therefore by definition they do not qualify

Some of the parents of those who attend private schools pay no taxes?  Source please.

And you contradict yourself by saying they pay no taxes but they can see their taxes spent on road and rail.  Why not education too?  Why do you divide society and say only some are deserving of a taxpayer funded education?  Since when have some Australians become so discriminatory?  Since the return of divisive government in 2007?
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Binary Ninja
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Re: Elite Private Schools Rake In The Profits.
Reply #85 - Sep 13th, 2010 at 10:20pm
it was a mocking of the amount they pay don't get your panties in a knot over words...

they choose the super rich o school they pay the fees and expect the average Australian to fork out our hard earned tax dollars to fund these school as well .. FFS they made a 4.7 million profit  why the hell they need funds for ...

no thanks i am not funding some snotty nose elitist kid because their parent have a complaint they pay tax ...

If they can afford that and there toorak mansion so be it
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Suck it up Princess's Labor are in
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In Defence Of Liberty

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Re: Elite Private Schools Rake In The Profits.
Reply #86 - Sep 14th, 2010 at 5:14am
Binary Ninja wrote on Sep 13th, 2010 at 10:20pm:
no thanks i am not funding some snotty nose elitist kid . . .

And therein lies the fundamental difference between the left and right.  

While the right believe every child has the same entitlement from the public purse in a society which calls itself decent and equitable, the left still divide society into the worthy and the unworthy.

And inevitably decide the 'unworthy' (the 'snotty elitist') should pick up the bill for no material benefit themselves.

This class based ego-centric antagonism, generated from bitter envy and hatred, is anathema to the Liberal voter who seeks equality of entitlement for all Australians.
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Binary Ninja
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Re: Elite Private Schools Rake In The Profits.
Reply #87 - Sep 14th, 2010 at 7:28am
deepthought wrote on Sep 14th, 2010 at 5:14am:
While the right believe every child has the
same entitlement
from the public purse in a society which calls itself decent and equitable, the left still divide society into the worthy and the unworthy.

It is not equal , it is not fair and this is the reason why they should get nothing what state school make $4.7million profit , what state school has the resources of 18 ovals , 10 tennis courts and the other resources on offer at these schools that any state , independent or catholic would ever see in their lifetimes ... If they actually needed it then fine but they don't and don't deserve it on the basis of socio economic SES scheme which is what these funds are ... if you make $4.7 million profit you are not on the low socio economic scale..
deepthought wrote on Sep 14th, 2010 at 5:14am:
This class based ego-centric antagonism, generated from bitter envy and hatred, is anathema to the Liberal voter who seeks equality of entitlement for all Australians.

I think even a national supporter would be offended and would more then love to receive $9 million of funding for one school in their region .. The liberal voter has never sort equality for all Australians that would have to be the biggest lie of all time ...

They have always been known as the elitist party , always looking after the big end of town and rejecting the workers rights  .. WORK CHOICES was a prime example of equal rights , private health cover boosted financially from government then they let them jack up fee's , asylum seeker rights, government and CEO wage rises went through the roof under Howard and not monitored all the while no wage rises for the average worker ... very fair , very equal

You , your party , your ideals are what is wrong with this country and at least we got rid of this party  from destroying the country job future further ....
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Suck it up Princess's Labor are in
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Re: Elite Private Schools Rake In The Profits.
Reply #88 - Sep 14th, 2010 at 9:03am
I think the Liberal's philosophy tends to achieve true equality more than the Labor philosophy. The example of Work Choices, brought up in the previous post, illustrates that well. Those against Work Choices say they are for "worker's rights". But by enforcing "worker's rights" you are giving them something they didn't have to begin with. So it's not really a "right" at all. You have no inherit right not to be fired. Real rights, the ones that matter, are natural rights. Life, liberty and property don't exist because we have laws. We have laws because life, liberty and property have always existed, they are inherent in our human nature. If you want to go beyond that, if you want to give somebody a right they wouldn't naturally have without the government, you necessarily have to take rights away from others. Like in the case of "worker's rights", you necessarily have to take away certain freedoms from their employers. The people who gave them jobs to begin with. So what you're doing is tilting the playing field. Without enforced "worker's rights" what you have is a truly level playing field where employers and employees enter into consensual contracts for employment without outside inference from the government. That seems more equal than tilting the playing field for the unionised workers.

The same applies across the board. Liberals tend to believe in a level playing field whereas Labor consistently attempts to tilt the playing field for whatever reasons. Whether it's allegiance to the unions or a legitimate attempt to achieve more equal results. Note I said attempt, because while intentions may be good the results often aren't. I think it was the noble prize winning economist Milton Friedman who noted that societies who put equality ahead of freedom get neither while societies who put freedom first, get a great deal of both. And I think that's the major difference between the Liberals and Labor. While the Liberals aren't perfect on promoting liberty, they've definitely disappointed me, the core of their philosophical differences with Labor is the idea that freedom should put ahead of equality as a political goal. Labor doesn't think like that. They think force is a legitimate means of achieving equality and that's why they consistently tilt the playing field. Whether it's "worker's rights" or progressive taxation. The closest they've got recently to a truly level playing field proposal is the national broadband network. Although I personally believe something like that should be handled by the private sector. If they keep bringing ideas like that forward that might stay in power beyond this little stint as a coalition government.
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Binary Ninja
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Re: Elite Private Schools Rake In The Profits.
Reply #89 - Sep 14th, 2010 at 9:17am
bob that is utter crap and you know it ... entering into contracts , dealing with employers is hard enough to do let alone for the younger generation.. we fought for certain principles / conditions in our employment this is the rights and the Liberals stripped it away with work choices hence why they are not in government now ...

a prime example of this liberal mentality is when i was made redundant after 9 + years due to GFC ... they said they didn't have to pay me long service leave because i hadn't reached 10 years  .. utter shite it is paid pro rata after 7 years i only knew this as i was older / wiser but some of the younger employees who were laid off at same time never knew their entitlements / pay outs etc...and left them very
open to being ripped off..

The employer employs staff to make his business run he does so according to the award whether state or federal or modern now.. under the award certain conditions rights exist always have until they were removed under work choices ...
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