Quote:Laicite, secularism, in France means the exclusion of canon law, or any clerical, priestly privilege in shaping the public sphere and laws. So, for example, while bishops could sit in the House of Lords in Westminster, there is no way a bishop can be elected to sit in the French Assembly or the Senate.
The French Church can make dress rules for inside the churches but not for the street. Similarly, there can be no religious determination for Muslims, men or women, on what to wear outside the mosque. The hijab (complete hair covering) and the niqab (face covering) and the burqa (face and eye covering) are clothes worn because of religious requirements, therefore they are now banned in the public sphere. They are not banned in mosques or in private spaces.
You are nnot making any sense Soren. Banning clerical privelidge would mean not allowing a preist to hold a seat by virtue of the fact that he is a priest. It would not prevent him from holding the seat via democratic means.
Likewise, just because the church cannot legally control what people where off their property does not mean that people cannot freely choose to where religious garments. You tun secularity on it's head, by implying that because the church can't force people to do something in public, the government must force them to do the opposite. You confuse the separation of government and religion with the government dictating religious choices. The concept of secularit draws a clear line in the sand. Your upside down concept does the opposite and could be used to justify anything, including a complete ban on religion.
Quote:I agree that it is a security "principle", but I go much further than that, I say it is a cultural imperative, of our society, to be able to confront both friends, and strangers, FACE TO FACE, and I feel no shame, or embarrassment in requiring people who visit our country to respect that norm.
We never had that norm before. You are inventing it for Muslims.
Quote:All those who want to champion freedom of choice can start in Islamic countries
No Mozz. Freedom starts at home. If you want to live in a country where the government interferes with fundamental religious rights, it is you who needs to experience the consequences, not me. It is not rational to argue that we must deny ourselves basic freedoms because backwards people on the other side of the planet do it too.
Quote:I am not jesus, and I don't turn the other cheek, and I don't put the right to indulge personal quirks of foreign customs above the accepted standards of my own culture, in my own country.
But Mozz, you do not understand our standards. Our standards are based on personal freedom, live and let live etc. It is you who wants to replace this with personal quirks, and the sudden fear of a woman covering her face is a perfect example of such a quirk. It is you who demands special treatment.
Quote:I do not like meeting people in masks
It is a long standing tradition in our culture to organise elaborate social events where people do exactly that. Your supposed 'cultural norms' are a reed bending to the current of popular fear, which you can and do chop and change to justify any absurd and unnecessary government interference with our personal choices. Try as you might, you cannot come up with any rational justification for this, other than that you personally dislike the choices others make. You are not different from the Muslim who denies a woman the right to choose what to wear because he thinks he knows what is best for everyone else.
Quote:because some seventh century arab understandably feared that his neighbour
Projecting motives onto others is a favourite tactic of those who wish to deny people basic freedoms but have no rational justification for doing so.
Quote:I think muslims would get on much better if they drop their demands for special treatment
Mozz, it is you who demands special treatment, by demanding that other people dress a certain way so as not to offend your delicate sensibilities.