abu_rashid wrote on Sep 26
th, 2010 at 7:53pm:
Cockney Troll,
Quote:What is a deliberate act, is the thousands of missiles aimed and fired daily at Sderot.
I think you mean an-Najd, squatter.
Fabbo!! So we can then rename Palestinians as the Levantines, since that was the name of the area before it was called Palestine (and after it was called Judea and Samaria and Israel).
Quote:Yeah, what sort of idiot takes a baby to a violent protest???
Nowhere does it state the baby attended the protest. Since the protest was in a village, it's quite likely innocent bystanders could've been affected, especially with the trigger happy squatters that pollute the holy land. [/quote]
You make it up as you go, don't you? Your opening gambit was 'baby murdering scum', implying that the settlers wanted to kill young Mo, that it was an intentional killing - but now, when questioned, he's suddenly an innocent bystander. But the report says that the teargas was fired "to break up a protest in al-Issawiya". Young Mo was in the crowd of protesters. He didn't 'attend', he was taken there, most probably by his father or other male relatives.
But then again, jew-baiting is a spectator sport in those parts. More fun than getting down to the mundane business of actually creating a functioning society. Can't be fagged with that while there are 'polluters' to heckle.
Imagine, just imagine, if anyone referred to Arabs or Muslims as 'polluters' in Australia or any other non-Arab, non-Muslim country. There would be weeks of wall-to-wall rage boys killing and burning to salve the hurt feelings.