Good statistic Muso.
But like all things 'earthly', I must adhere to the principle of Tides and say that maybe in 2015 there will be another 'peak' period ...and maybe the time between such peak periods will shorten?
...I'm just going with 'coincidence' thats all, which is something Science can't always prove (the Grey Nurse Shark population was a good example of the short-comings of Science).
I don't think we have Global Warming well underway, but we have the 'potential' to do so ...just like we had the 'potential' to annihilate human existence in all out Thermonuclear War (USSR/USA) for some silly belief of making the entire Northern Hemisphere 'all white'.
So if we nearly 'shot ourselves' in the head, then I'm sure we are nearly doing ourselves in with pollutants like a Drug/Alcohol overdose.
...I'm just going with 'common sense' thats all.
Belief systems, like the reason behind the Cold War (see Gen Macarthur) is quite amazing with Humanity and there is no reason to deny that a part of the world that has the cultural characteristic and dream to 'fly' away to 'Heaven' (and leave a Hell behind for everyone else) would put out such a thing as this.
You watch, there will be more 'Habitable' Planets made publically aware ...all out of reach like a Carrot on a Stick. NASA scientists also did the "Fear of" factor with the Supernova nearby that could wipe us all out sooner than we think.
So everybody "bow down" and give total empowerment to NASA and the American Dream.
This Topic aside ...I do think the 'majority' of NASA does a great job on behalf of everyone on this planet. They are not perfect.
The world looks to us in regards to Water, Oceans, etc. This would be 'official', except for some Harkonnen's (ALP/Coalition) ruling the roost here in Australia on behalf of some other parts of the world.