Quote:I don't dismiss your proposals as un-scientific - most "science" is questionable - I dismiss them as irrelevant.
I already explained why they are relevant in the sense that they pertain to important indices that have value to me and society.
Quote:Race is constructed by geography, diet and factors such as war. Mongolians moved to the Americas and become Injuns.
Yes, that is true and it is the origin of species. If you take a population of people, even a population as small as your extended family and stick them in two different locations, leave them there for a few hundred generations with no gene-flow between the two, or very negligble amounts of gene-flow between the two, they will develop group characteristics.
Quote:I don't know what the cut-off line is - at what point you describe a tribe as God's chosen people. The Nazis were pretty good at it: Germans were higher than the French, who were decadent, who were higher than the Italians, who were lazy, who were higer than the Slavs, who were almost subhuman (but not quite), and the Jews were the lowest of the low. Why?
Steven Farron has advanced some interesting arguments that the holocaust was an exercise in race norming and affirmative action taken to a horrendous extreme.
Quote:It was all very "scientific" though.
It wasn't at all. As far as I know the Nazis didn't even like intelligence testing very much; guess why?
Quote:The whole process is about alienation. You're seeking to exclude most of the world's people from entering Australia based on their race. If this isn't exclusive or elitist, what is?
I'm not sure I said that it wasn't. But even then, I have not proposed a perfectly exclusive policy anyway.
Quote:That says nothing about the effects multiethnicity may have on things that people here may consider important. I say let's have an ethnic status quo like in 1924. Bring people in here by the proportion that they are in the population at this present moment.
Quote:There are mean and nice people in every race. If you're going to use a system for classifying people, use something based on their niceness - not something they have no control over.
Niceness has nothing to do with it. I think most people the world over are nice. Perfectly nice people can have very different and conflicting interests. Remember my statement:
Quote:And who are the idiots who let them in? I can't at all fault Muslims or any immigrant groups for wanting to move to country with an infinitely higher standard of living and at the same time, retain their unique cultural heritage and customs. That's a sweet deal for anybody. They ARE just people after all, with their own interests to pursue and attend to. It's the moron Whites who let them do it in the first place that our opporbrium should be directed at.