Andrei.Hicks wrote on Nov 19
th, 2010 at 9:16am:
The point is that we are under no obligation to let these people in.
Why should we?
Why is it our problem if groups of young men (suspected Tamil Tiger terrorists) are turning up on boats and then demanding to be let in?
Who on earth do these people think they are?
They have also cherry picked which country to come to. Passing by third countries to get to Australia?
Why? Because they want a better life than they'd get in say Indonesia.
I refuse to see why we should pick up the bill for suspected terrorists and other useless people.
No thanks - we don't want them.
I believe the failure of the left to even comprehend this issue is directly atributed to their failure to understand four simple, basic concepts.
ETHICS : It`s blatantly unethical to encourage cheats, que jumpers ahead of honest applicants. I believe their recent attack on ethics is their latest inventive, deceptive spin (lie) "positive discrimination", positive discrimination is only another term for hypocrisy.
POTENTIAL : With the massive numbers of refugees, and potential escapees from brutality (brutality which so many lefties want left unopposed) within range of Australia. This problem has the potential to really get out of hand, we can`t afford the resources, or the money to process / manage this mess.
CONSERVATION : It`s our duty to recognise potential problems before they occur, and to conserve Australia in reasonable shape for following generations,shallow thinkers can`t see past next week. The massive number of human misery could absolutely swamp Australia, without actually scratching the surface of the problem.
STANDARDS : The concept of standards is totally foreign to the dependants of society, who live off the standards of society, but who incapable of understanding a position of responsibility themselves. Their entire mentality is a clamorous grabbing mentality, totally absorbed with their own needs and their selfish welfare. They aren`t programmed to think responsibly.