In ANOTHER "face saving" compromise ...
A driver who happens to be caught speeding by a camera cannot reasonably object, on receiving an infringement notice, that there weren't any warning signs in the vicinity of the offence. Everyone is required to obey the law, with or without prompting from signs.
That point fortunately appears to have been accepted by Victoria's Coalition parties now that they are in office. In opposition, Coalition politicians sometimes indulged the fantasies of those who believe that speed cameras, radars and lasers are merely means of revenue-raising, and who seize on every verified fault in these instruments as proof of their belief.
On the eve of last November's election, then opposition leader Ted Baillieu vowed to lift restrictions on publishing speed-camera locations, and now that Mr Baillieu is Premier the official website Cameras Cut Crashes will publish camera locations
weekly instead of monthly.
Victoria Police will continue to use covert mobile cameras to catch speeding drivers. locations ?
Afraid not, lead-feet
The web-site (and the Melbourne Herald-Sun) will name a road in a suburb where a mobile speed camera is scheduled to be placed at some stage in the coming week
The SAME detail was PREVIOUSLY available for the coming month
The Victorian Police will STILL have the option of UN-SCHEDULED mobile speed camera operations
A responsable back-down by the Baillieu Government