abu_rashid wrote on Dec 21
st, 2010 at 9:07pm:
"if any one slew a person - unless it be for murder or for spreading mischief in the land - it would be as if he slew the whole people: and if any one saved a life, it would be as if he saved the life of the whole people" (al-Ma'idah 5:32)
Abu quotes the Koran...
"On that account:
We ordained for the Children of Israel that if any one slew a person - unless it be for murder or for spreading mischief in the land - it would be as if he slew the whole people: and if any one saved a life, it would be as if he saved the life of the whole people...."
Koran 5.32
N.B. Allah supposedly, is speaking to whom???
So, there are no direct restrictions in this verse [5.32],
on moslems slaying mankind then???
Abu shows us, that Allah's law declares that muslims, must never knowingly kill another person.CORRECTION;Abu shows us, that Allah's law declares that muslims must never knowingly kill
another moslem.
"......If a man kills
a believer intentionally, his recompense is Hell, to abide therein (For ever): And the wrath and the curse of Allah are upon him, and a dreadful penalty is prepared for him."
Koran 4.092, 93
You have read Koran 5.32 [above].
What does the
next Koran verse declare???
"The punishment of those who wage war against Allah and His messenger and strive to make mischief in the land is only this, that
they should be murdered or crucified or their hands and their feet should be cut off on opposite sides or they should be imprisoned; this shall be as a disgrace for them in this world..."
Koran 5.33
So ISLAMIC law is.....???
Never, never, ever, kill a fellow moslem.
But infidels???
No worries!
"Allah hath purchased of the believers their persons and their goods; for theirs
(in return) is the garden (of Paradise):
they fight in His cause, and slay and are slain: a promise binding on Him in truth, through the Law, the Gospel, and the Qur'an: and who is more faithful to his covenant than Allah? then rejoice in the bargain which ye have concluded: that is the achievement supreme. "
Koran 9.111
v. 9.111, in its guarantee of paradise to those who "fight in His cause, and slay and are slain" for Allah, is clearly encouraging the martyrdom of moslems, in 'the Cause of Allah'.
Their reward, is paradise.
Suicide bombing, anyone?
But who can moslems fight???
Allah's enemies.
But who are, Allah's enemies????
Allah declares who his enemies are, in the Koran...
"...Allah is an enemy to those who reject Faith."
Koran 2.98
And THAT, is real ISLAM.
The reason for being, for a good moslem, is to fight infidels, in Allah's cause, aka Jihad.
ISLAM also sanctions the use of terror, and threats, and intimidation, and violence, against wayward members of its own community, to keep the moslem community inline, behind their community leaders...
"Ibn 'Abbas reported that the Prophet said: "The bare essence of Islam and the basics of the religion are three [acts], upon which Islam has been established.
Whoever leaves one of them becomes an unbeliever and his blood may legally be spilled. [The acts are:] Testifying that there is no God except Allah, the obligatory prayers, and the fast of Ramadan."...."
law/fiqhussunnah/fus3_50 #3.110
"Whoever......becomes an unbeliever.....his blood may legally be spilled."That determination is essentially repeated here, in the Hadith...
"...the Prophet said, If somebody (a Muslim) discards his religion, kill him."
hadithsunnah/bukhari/ #004.052.260
That, is a *legal sanction* from ISLAM, for a moslem to execute all apostates [ex-moslems] they come across.
And THAT, is
real ISLAM.
There are many, many, things about ISLAM which devout moslems living in Australia, are NOT disclosing to the non-moslem community.
Ask yourself.....
Why not????
Real ISLAM, and good moslems, are guided in their 'faith',
and in how they conduct their daily lives, by what Allah revealed to Mohammed.
And what Allah revealed to Mohammed, is set out within ISLAM's religious texts.
And it is undeniable that the Koran, and the Hadith [ISLAM's own foundation 'scriptures'], themselves, ARE THE SOURCE, and inspiration, of all ISLAMIC violence against all non-moslems in this world.And i ask, why do scholars and politicians in the West, today, deny this fact?
Our scholars and politicians in the West are not idiots,
they know.
BUT, why won't they reveal these things, to the public, to their citizens?
'We are pledging to wage war against all mankind'Ishaq: 204 - "‘Men, do you know what you are pledging yourselves to in swearing allegiance to this man [Muhammad]?’ ‘Yes.
In swearing allegiance to him we are pledging to wage war against all mankind.’"
Ishaq:231 - "
Muslims are one ummah (community) to the exclusion of all men. Believers are friends of one another to the exclusion of all outsiders."
And here is Al-Tabari, a very early Muslim historian, in book 9, chapter or section 69, reporting words that Muslims believe to have been said by Mohammed himself -
"Killing infidels is a small matter to us".
cited by 'dumbledoresarmy', here...