If politicians spent as much time on executing meaningful policy as they do those exercising their right to free speech and public opinion, we'd have it made.
Perhaps this is why our country is in the state it's in, because rather than run the country, some politicians are too busy bogged-down trying to control public opinion.
Since when did Bob Brown become Gillards PR consultant?
What has Andrew Bolt said or thought that most Australians haven't already said and thought already?
I think Bob Brown has a hold of himself, this and should resign with some shred of dignity himself, and so do many others re-his blatant hypocrisy over this and the preference deals he made with Labor he vehemently condemned before and during the election.
Or does it only count if a hypocrite like Bob Brown calls for someone's resignation?
Andrew Bolt is well within his rights to express his own views , opinions on his own blog.

So you lied when you chucked your little tanty and said you would not post here again? I know you never stopped posting here, but you at least stopped the mellie nick,for a week.Bring back maqqa ,mel.