Dnarever wrote on Dec 17
th, 2010 at 12:57pm:
I do not recall Bolt calling on the previous Lib'n PM to resign when he had ordered the illegal invasion of a couintry by mistake, he got half the reasons wrong and lied to support the other half.
good try dnare... NO AUSTRALIAN LOST HIS/HER LIFE IN IRAQ... DUE TO ENEMY FIRE.... when are you going to get that through your heads.. tsk.tsk...
4 people died in roof cavities...5 people died due to refugees setting their boat on fire..we wont talk about the trauma to the Navy personel will we... and now 30 odd people have died on a reef.
policies that included DEATH at the end of the road..
we are I believe talking about DEATH here after all..
I mean it isnt as if they havent had many many warnings.. is it?...
war is war is war.. its lousy and one day who knows the world may learn to live with itself in the mean time. we and that includes the Labor Govt are still training men and women to fight for our safety or priciples..
they are trained, its a fact of life. to kill our enemies.which in turn means they can be killed.and they know this long before they go into action.
we buy war machines. and ammunition left right and centre.WHY??????..
mostly in the hope we never have to use them.but if we do see the need to use them.should we turn our back and say oh thats none of our business our armies are for show and parades only.we dont do war.