I think GALP (Labor & Greens) are desperately grabbing at bitter straws, when attempting to re-direct media attention and stifle public opinion concerning the bigger issues they're conveniently side-stepping.
Who's responsible for our nation, Andrew Bolt or Julia Gillard?
Bolts blog only reflects a widely held public consensus, which is this government are absolutely atrocious and should be held accountable for their actions, or inactions in some cases.
They sacked Rudd for a lot less!

In fact some might argue that by not stating the obvious, and or insisting Gillard should be sacked/resign herself suggests this country and it's people accept the wayward deeds of it's flawed government therefore we as individuals and as a nation of democratic people have almost a duty to let the world know we are not at all at ease with our current governments UNDEMOCRATIC process, and that what our government stands for or represents is not at all consistent with the views held by the Australian people at large.
In other words, please excuse our PM, she's a bit loopy, and please don't judge us in accordance with this lunatics failings, as we don't agree with her either.
Fair enough?

Gillard embarrassed herself and made wild accusations concerning Wikileaks founder Julian Assange, when claiming he had committed crimes, 'in her opinion'...so why cant others argue that she should resign 'in their opinion' ?
Then, not to be outdone by Bolt, halfwit Bob Brown pipes up in Gillards defence (shock horror shock) and argues that Bolt should resign himself for sharing 'his opinion' also.
This country and it's government are an absolute joke, and you wonder why nothing is getting done?
I'm sorry, but if Bolt should resign, then shouldn't Bob Brown and Gillard for their having shared their 'own opinions' also?...or are politicians allowed to go around making wild and false accusations about anyone they please, including Australians in strife overseas they should be supporting not slandering in order to suit their own political agenda?
Eye for an eye.