Miss Anne Dryst wrote on Dec 17
th, 2010 at 6:33pm:
Soren wrote on Dec 17
th, 2010 at 6:30pm:
What's the outrage? A journalist is calling for a politician to resign. Sooo??
Because the lefties know that Andrew Bolt is correct.
Exactly, and he's only saying what we are all thinking.
Whilst I don't agree with Bolt on all matters, honestly who could argue this is not the general consensus, the view held by a majority of Australians right now?
Rudd was a dudd, absolutely, but at least he thought about what he said, if only a little before blurting his views to the media.
Gillard is embarrassing, the world thinks she's a joke, as do most Australians from both sides of politics.
She hasn't a diplomatic bone in her body and sprouts off half-cocked before thinking things through, and I believe it's this very impulsiveness that will ultimately wreck her short lived claim to fame, ..her being our first female PM.
Thanks to her, she'll probably be our last too...*cringe*