philperth2010 wrote on Dec 18
th, 2010 at 11:02am:
Bolt should be allowed to have his is worthless anyway!!!
Don't judge a man by his opinions, but what his opinions have made of him.
Georg Christoph Lichtenberg (1742 - 1799)
There is nothing worthwhile or positive in anything Bolt says......he is a negative influence on a society that considers itself better than it really is......Australia has nothing to be proud of.....if we were really as good as we think we are we would rise above the racism and intolerance of race and religion.....extremists of any persuasion are the problem not the solution......and you fools fall to the lowest denominator every time Bolt makes a rant.....I hope you are proud of yourselves???
you make me laugh phil... a dead give away for people who dont read him you sure have a lot to say about him.... no he doesnt stir up race hatred...he tells us what some like yourself would rather not know.. how sad is that??.. would you like everything through rose tinted spectacles, put the realities in a dark nasty place.. and the world is all good. is that the way it should be?
has he been taken to court for defamation, slander,lies. by anyone from the left in particular..
your rant is what I see thats wrong with you lefties.. you attack anyone that happens to have a different point of view.. I expected better of you for some reason..
its a tough world and full of differing opinions..that doesnt mean those who are opposed to yourself are automatically fools of the lowest denominator.. I am one of those people that does my best to see things from the other perspective.. not easy on here I grant you. and no I dont agree with all the righties..especially when they attack for the sake of getting their own back.. childish I cant be bothered..
if you remember I often had a swipe at macca on yahoo for doing just that.. I miss him btw..
.. so many on here so predictable..
have a great Christmas phil hope the weathers good to you