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Question: Is Andrew Bolt fit to publish?

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Calls for Bolt to resign re call for PM to resign (Read 30241 times)
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Re: Calls for Bolt to resign re call for PM to resign
Reply #255 - Dec 18th, 2010 at 12:41pm
I have stated this was an accident and a failure of the system......I have not blamed anyone or any organization (accept for the people smugglers)......the inquiry set up by the government will determine where the system failed and what measures can be taken to prevent ANY vessels entering Australian waters undetected.....especially where there is a known intrusion point......the conservatives are the ones blaming everyone and claiming this was not an predictable.....Australia should do what it said it would do and honor it's international commitment.....we are judged by our actions and what we do against adversity.....take a look at your selves and the way you are is not a pretty sight!!!


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Re: Calls for Bolt to resign re call for PM to resign
Reply #256 - Dec 18th, 2010 at 12:50pm
codswal wrote on Dec 18th, 2010 at 11:29am:
philperth2010 wrote on Dec 18th, 2010 at 11:02am:
Bolt should be allowed to have his is worthless anyway!!!

Don't judge a man by his opinions, but what his opinions have made of him.
Georg Christoph Lichtenberg (1742 - 1799)

There is nothing worthwhile or positive in anything Bolt says......he is a negative influence on a society that considers itself better than it really is......Australia has nothing to be proud of.....if we were really as good as we think we are we would rise above the racism and intolerance of race and religion.....extremists of any persuasion are the problem not the solution......and you fools fall to the lowest denominator every time Bolt makes a rant.....I hope you are proud of yourselves???


you make me laugh phil... a dead give away for people who dont read him you sure have a lot to say about him.... no he doesnt stir up race hatred...he tells us what some like yourself would rather not know.. how sad is that??.. would you like everything through rose tinted spectacles, put the realities in a dark nasty place.. and the world is all good. is that the way it should be?

has he been taken to court for defamation, slander,lies. by anyone from the left in particular..

your rant is what I see thats wrong with you lefties.. you attack anyone that happens to have a different point of view.. I expected better of you for some reason..

its a tough world and full of differing opinions..that doesnt mean those who are opposed to yourself are automatically fools of the lowest denominator.. I am one of those people that does my best to see things from the other perspective.. not easy on here I grant you. and no I dont agree with all the righties..especially when they attack for the sake of getting their own back.. childish I cant be bothered..

if you remember I often had a swipe at macca on yahoo for doing just that.. I miss him btw..
.. so many on here so predictable..

have a great Christmas phil hope the weathers good to you

Same to you and your family Cods!!!

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If knowledge can create problems, it is not through ignorance that we can solve them.
Isaac Asimov (1920 - 1992)
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Re: Calls for Bolt to resign re call for PM to resign
Reply #257 - Dec 18th, 2010 at 12:58pm
Miss Anne Dryst wrote on Dec 18th, 2010 at 4:48am:
mellie wrote on Dec 17th, 2010 at 11:25pm:
In other words, Gillard is a dangerous socialist US Muppet who will support what ever indictment the US have penned for Assange, this and will command their loyal obedient Operah licking subservient (Gillard) to urge besotted Australians to do the same  ...if this means their falsely charging Assange with being a spy, then so be it.

The US government have allot to answer for, particularly this socialist-left administration.

They should stick their face out of Australian politics and mind their own business.

Because if they wont, we'll gladly mind it for them....  via Wikileaks.


Game over!

They can charge Assange as much as they like, but Wikileaks isn't going away.

Maybe so, but I think it has been discovered why Julia Gillard quickly labelled Julian Assange as a criminal.
That was Julia Gillard tried to discredit Julian Assange because Julia Gillard knew that she was about to be uncovered by Wikileaks for her comments about conspiring against Kevin Rudd 12 months ago.
Julia Gillard is trying to discredit Andrew Bolt, discredit Wikileaks, discredit Julian Assange, discredit anyone who dares publish the truth about her.
Look forward to more Wikileaks about the Real Julia Gillard!
When they get discovered will anyone really be surprised though.

When it's become apparent that this autocratic government has an aversion towards anything that publishes public opinion or  truth, be it bloggers, columnists, journalists, diarists, website owners...or even the general public and freedom writers, those with a humble opinion.

What politician was it again who set out to conspire against it's own people 'in secret' with our internet service providers shortly before an election?


And yes, the recent Wikileak concerning Gillard having eyed off the top-job well before Rudd lost popularity, this and having liaised with the US about her intention speaks for itself.

Gillard would have us believe she virtually stumbled onto the top job out of mere necessity, ie "someone had to do it"...when in fact, she had been planning this 'topple' since Rudd was elected, if not before even. Hence her move from the far-left faction to the centre.

In other words, our Gillards the treacherous back-stabbing closet socialist with a far-left agenda aligned with another far-left party (the Greens) to cat-scratch her way to victory.

I'm not going to say it again......  bugger it, I think I will....


Most of the libs would have seen this coming, but the Labor supporters were caught off guard, were mesmerised by their 'red herring' and had no idea that what they were indeed voting for was anything but the traditional Labor party as they knew it to be.

Yes she should be sacked,for deceiving her nation and her colleagues, and attempting to cover her tracks as she set about publicly defaming an Australian in strife overseas who dared to expose the malignant state of her government.

Rotten to the core.

It's hardly surprising why the left and right factions of both Labor and Greens remain divided over Wikileaks, and a number of other key-policy areas, pretty soon, Gillard will be a one woman army, her against the rest of Australia given her popularity's declining by the day.

Funny, we haven't heard much about any recent poll results, re- Gillards popularity, and would this be because her popularity's dropped even lower than Rudds ever did, thus would beg the question, why aren't Labors factional-warlords replacing her too?

Bill Shortens plan is humming along nicely, with Arbib now a US Spy and out of the game after having conspired with the US to topple Rudd, I should think Bill Shorten and GG mummy-in-law would be very pleased with themselves.

There is noone else left but Shorten to run for the ALP leadership, as the rest are so sh1t stained ....and even he has his dirty laundry your more conservative Australians might feel squeamish about.

She's even lost the support of her more loyal independents.

Without the Greens and the Independents backing, what is left of a Labor minority government?


They are just in it for themselves now... i'm sure of it.

Time this government called it a day!

Bring on the next election.


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All together now Labor voters.......&&&&lap-tops, pink-bats refugees and Clunker-cars&&&&insurance.AES256
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Re: Calls for Bolt to resign re call for PM to resign
Reply #258 - Dec 18th, 2010 at 2:07pm
philperth2010 wrote on Dec 18th, 2010 at 12:41pm:
I have stated this was an accident and a failure of the system......I have not blamed anyone or any organization (accept for the people smugglers)......the inquiry set up by the government will determine where the system failed and what measures can be taken to prevent ANY vessels entering Australian waters undetected.....especially where there is a known intrusion point......the conservatives are the ones blaming everyone and claiming this was not an predictable.....Australia should do what it said it would do and honor it's international commitment.....we are judged by our actions and what we do against adversity.....take a look at your selves and the way you are is not a pretty sight!!!


Wrong Phil, this was NOT an accident. If I was to go on the road in a vehicle with no brakes, bald tyres, and dodgy steering, then have a collision with another vehicle caused by the failure of my vehicle. Would you call that an accident? Just bad luck?

If I was in a position of authority, where my ruling encouraged hundreds of such vehicles to go out on the roads, would I not bear some responsibility?
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Re: Calls for Bolt to resign re call for PM to resign
Reply #259 - Dec 18th, 2010 at 4:07pm
With rioting ongoing at the Christmas Island Prison, the Police and security should be authorized to use force and fire on the rioters if necessary to restore order.  Get real Gillard and secure or borders or resign a failure.
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Re: Calls for Bolt to resign re call for PM to resign
Reply #260 - Dec 18th, 2010 at 4:10pm
longweekend58 wrote on Dec 18th, 2010 at 6:01am:
darkhall67 wrote on Dec 17th, 2010 at 4:28pm:
longweekend58 wrote on Dec 17th, 2010 at 4:25pm:
Dsmithy70 wrote on Dec 17th, 2010 at 4:18pm:
longweekend58 wrote on Dec 17th, 2010 at 4:10pm:
Dsmithy70 wrote on Dec 17th, 2010 at 4:00pm:
Andrei.Hicks wrote on Dec 17th, 2010 at 2:54pm:
Left wingers traditionally are anti-war.

Right back to 1939 there were Left wingers campaigning for appeasement.

I wish, sometimes, they had some backbone and were in favour of going and kicking ass.

I'm anti-war
I'd much rather see a pollies head explode than 1 to 2 million ordinary people suffer for a few's ego & meglomania.
But of course that sort of thing is illegal.

Thats a shockingly naive attitude. what do u do when u see a woman being attacked by a man? say 'im anti violence'? and when someone comes at you with an axe do you stand there because you dont believe in fighting?

You arent anti-war... why dont you try and redefine it correctly.

I think most here(yes even you longy) can understand the point I was getting across without having to be lead by the nose.
Except of course those who read & believe Bolt, & I don't give a rats whether they can understand or not

no thats not true. saying you are 'anti-war' is like saying you are anti-disease. it has no point and adds no value to a debate. almost NO BODY chooses war as an option ro all but the most serious of situations. but to just say you are 'anti-war' in this context means precisely NOTHING. it adds nothing to the debate, says nothing about you and your ACTUAL opinion.

I'm also anti-war. as is John Howard. Im also anti-violence, but it didnt stope me attacking two sudanese assaulting a girl.

Was their nationality relevant?

Surely "two men attacking a girl" would have sufficed to illustrate your point.

it was very relevant. Adelaide has a problem with its sudanese population that seems to be almost without execption, violent. as a case in point, there was a riot in the city involving HALF the sudanese popultion and one boy was killed.

If their nationality was relevant ( did you ask to see their passports)  then I assume you wouldnt have got involved if the two assailants were caucasian?
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Re: Calls for Bolt to resign re call for PM to resign
Reply #261 - Dec 18th, 2010 at 4:19pm
darkhall67 wrote on Dec 18th, 2010 at 4:10pm:
longweekend58 wrote on Dec 18th, 2010 at 6:01am:
darkhall67 wrote on Dec 17th, 2010 at 4:28pm:
longweekend58 wrote on Dec 17th, 2010 at 4:25pm:
Dsmithy70 wrote on Dec 17th, 2010 at 4:18pm:
longweekend58 wrote on Dec 17th, 2010 at 4:10pm:
Dsmithy70 wrote on Dec 17th, 2010 at 4:00pm:
Andrei.Hicks wrote on Dec 17th, 2010 at 2:54pm:
Left wingers traditionally are anti-war.

Right back to 1939 there were Left wingers campaigning for appeasement.

I wish, sometimes, they had some backbone and were in favour of going and kicking ass.

I'm anti-war
I'd much rather see a pollies head explode than 1 to 2 million ordinary people suffer for a few's ego & meglomania.
But of course that sort of thing is illegal.

Thats a shockingly naive attitude. what do u do when u see a woman being attacked by a man? say 'im anti violence'? and when someone comes at you with an axe do you stand there because you dont believe in fighting?

You arent anti-war... why dont you try and redefine it correctly.

I think most here(yes even you longy) can understand the point I was getting across without having to be lead by the nose.
Except of course those who read & believe Bolt, & I don't give a rats whether they can understand or not

no thats not true. saying you are 'anti-war' is like saying you are anti-disease. it has no point and adds no value to a debate. almost NO BODY chooses war as an option ro all but the most serious of situations. but to just say you are 'anti-war' in this context means precisely NOTHING. it adds nothing to the debate, says nothing about you and your ACTUAL opinion.

I'm also anti-war. as is John Howard. Im also anti-violence, but it didnt stope me attacking two sudanese assaulting a girl.

Was their nationality relevant?

Surely "two men attacking a girl" would have sufficed to illustrate your point.

it was very relevant. Adelaide has a problem with its sudanese population that seems to be almost without execption, violent. as a case in point, there was a riot in the city involving HALF the sudanese popultion and one boy was killed.

If their nationality was relevant ( did you ask to see their passports)  then I assume you wouldnt have got involved if the two assailants were caucasian?

They were SUDANESE. give your left-wing racial crying a break for a minute. Like it or not, they sudanese population is violent, law breaking and almost entirely unemployed and virtually unemployable.

My comment that they were sudanese was by matter of commentary only. At the time of the police report I thought they were actually Jamaican.

I await your pointless retort on my 'racist' reference to Jamaicans.

Oh, and I saw your sterotype on MSN today - the buss passengers that sat and did nothing while 5 others assaulted a pregnant girl.
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AUSSIE: "Speaking for myself, I could not care less about 298 human beings having their life snuffed out in a nano-second, or what impact that loss has on Members of their family, their parents..."
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Re: Calls for Bolt to resign re call for PM to resign
Reply #262 - Dec 18th, 2010 at 4:21pm
At the time of the police report I thought they were actually Jamaican.

They must have had dreadlocks. Roll Eyes
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Re: Calls for Bolt to resign re call for PM to resign
Reply #263 - Dec 18th, 2010 at 4:31pm
longweekend58 wrote on Dec 18th, 2010 at 4:19pm:
darkhall67 wrote on Dec 18th, 2010 at 4:10pm:
longweekend58 wrote on Dec 18th, 2010 at 6:01am:
darkhall67 wrote on Dec 17th, 2010 at 4:28pm:
longweekend58 wrote on Dec 17th, 2010 at 4:25pm:
Dsmithy70 wrote on Dec 17th, 2010 at 4:18pm:
longweekend58 wrote on Dec 17th, 2010 at 4:10pm:
Dsmithy70 wrote on Dec 17th, 2010 at 4:00pm:
Andrei.Hicks wrote on Dec 17th, 2010 at 2:54pm:
Left wingers traditionally are anti-war.

Right back to 1939 there were Left wingers campaigning for appeasement.

I wish, sometimes, they had some backbone and were in favour of going and kicking ass.

I'm anti-war
I'd much rather see a pollies head explode than 1 to 2 million ordinary people suffer for a few's ego & meglomania.
But of course that sort of thing is illegal.

Thats a shockingly naive attitude. what do u do when u see a woman being attacked by a man? say 'im anti violence'? and when someone comes at you with an axe do you stand there because you dont believe in fighting?

You arent anti-war... why dont you try and redefine it correctly.

I think most here(yes even you longy) can understand the point I was getting across without having to be lead by the nose.
Except of course those who read & believe Bolt, & I don't give a rats whether they can understand or not

no thats not true. saying you are 'anti-war' is like saying you are anti-disease. it has no point and adds no value to a debate. almost NO BODY chooses war as an option ro all but the most serious of situations. but to just say you are 'anti-war' in this context means precisely NOTHING. it adds nothing to the debate, says nothing about you and your ACTUAL opinion.

I'm also anti-war. as is John Howard. Im also anti-violence, but it didnt stope me attacking two sudanese assaulting a girl.

Was their nationality relevant?

Surely "two men attacking a girl" would have sufficed to illustrate your point.

it was very relevant. Adelaide has a problem with its sudanese population that seems to be almost without execption, violent. as a case in point, there was a riot in the city involving HALF the sudanese popultion and one boy was killed.

If their nationality was relevant ( did you ask to see their passports)  then I assume you wouldnt have got involved if the two assailants were caucasian?

They were SUDANESE. give your left-wing racial crying a break for a minute. Like it or not, they sudanese population is violent, law breaking and almost entirely unemployed and virtually unemployable.

My comment that they were sudanese was by matter of commentary only. At the time of the police report I thought they were actually Jamaican.

I await your pointless retort on my 'racist' reference to Jamaicans.

Oh, and I saw your sterotype on MSN today - the buss passengers that sat and did nothing while 5 others assaulted a pregnant girl.

It was irrelevant to the topic.

You were talking about being anti war and anti violence.

NOTHING was relevant about mentioning their nationality.


And i have no idea what you are talking about with my "sterotype" or people on a buss.
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Re: Calls for Bolt to resign re call for PM to resign
Reply #264 - Dec 18th, 2010 at 4:32pm
As for your own "reasoning", you say he is "telling it how he sees it". Well, that counts for zero. Anyone capable of putting a couple sentences together can "tell it how he sees it".  If a 4 year old "tells us how he/she sees it" then that seems good enough for you, which, by default, utterly destroys any supposed superiority in Bolt's arguments.



hes a journalist he is paid as a journalist... if thats your take on it.. then that goes for every journalist that ever was..

get over yourself... do as I do.. dont read the ones you dont like...

he will never say what you lwant to hear...

that everything this govt does and has done is fantastic.isgreat. is showing great leadership..blah.blah.blah.

infact right now you will fin d it bloody hard to find one journalist on your side of the fence saying anything worthy of you will find it hard to find someone to read..

try Laurie Oakes in todays Tele.. he talks about them taking acting classes to liven the show up!!! my god..30 dead in a cruel sea.. and thats what he writes about

its a show dont you know?. thats right next week. the Bafras--- no the Oscars--the Oh Dear who can we blame for this awards.!
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Re: Calls for Bolt to resign re call for PM to resign
Reply #265 - Dec 18th, 2010 at 4:34pm

He's NOT a #$%&"*+` journalist.
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Re: Calls for Bolt to resign re call for PM to resign
Reply #266 - Dec 18th, 2010 at 4:41pm
darkhall67 wrote on Dec 18th, 2010 at 4:31pm:
longweekend58 wrote on Dec 18th, 2010 at 4:19pm:
darkhall67 wrote on Dec 18th, 2010 at 4:10pm:
longweekend58 wrote on Dec 18th, 2010 at 6:01am:
darkhall67 wrote on Dec 17th, 2010 at 4:28pm:
longweekend58 wrote on Dec 17th, 2010 at 4:25pm:
Dsmithy70 wrote on Dec 17th, 2010 at 4:18pm:
longweekend58 wrote on Dec 17th, 2010 at 4:10pm:
Dsmithy70 wrote on Dec 17th, 2010 at 4:00pm:
Andrei.Hicks wrote on Dec 17th, 2010 at 2:54pm:
Left wingers traditionally are anti-war.

Right back to 1939 there were Left wingers campaigning for appeasement.

I wish, sometimes, they had some backbone and were in favour of going and kicking ass.

I'm anti-war
I'd much rather see a pollies head explode than 1 to 2 million ordinary people suffer for a few's ego & meglomania.
But of course that sort of thing is illegal.

Thats a shockingly naive attitude. what do u do when u see a woman being attacked by a man? say 'im anti violence'? and when someone comes at you with an axe do you stand there because you dont believe in fighting?

You arent anti-war... why dont you try and redefine it correctly.

I think most here(yes even you longy) can understand the point I was getting across without having to be lead by the nose.
Except of course those who read & believe Bolt, & I don't give a rats whether they can understand or not

no thats not true. saying you are 'anti-war' is like saying you are anti-disease. it has no point and adds no value to a debate. almost NO BODY chooses war as an option ro all but the most serious of situations. but to just say you are 'anti-war' in this context means precisely NOTHING. it adds nothing to the debate, says nothing about you and your ACTUAL opinion.

I'm also anti-war. as is John Howard. Im also anti-violence, but it didnt stope me attacking two sudanese assaulting a girl.

Was their nationality relevant?

Surely "two men attacking a girl" would have sufficed to illustrate your point.

it was very relevant. Adelaide has a problem with its sudanese population that seems to be almost without execption, violent. as a case in point, there was a riot in the city involving HALF the sudanese popultion and one boy was killed.

If their nationality was relevant ( did you ask to see their passports)  then I assume you wouldnt have got involved if the two assailants were caucasian?

They were SUDANESE. give your left-wing racial crying a break for a minute. Like it or not, they sudanese population is violent, law breaking and almost entirely unemployed and virtually unemployable.

My comment that they were sudanese was by matter of commentary only. At the time of the police report I thought they were actually Jamaican.

I await your pointless retort on my 'racist' reference to Jamaicans.

Oh, and I saw your sterotype on MSN today - the buss passengers that sat and did nothing while 5 others assaulted a pregnant girl.

It was irrelevant to the topic.

You were talking about being anti war and anti violence.

NOTHING was relevant about mentioning their nationality.


And i have no idea what you are talking about with my "sterotype" or people on a buss.

A) it wasnt mentioned as a particularly relevant fact. It was however a fact. because your over-sensitive persona took offense is more your problemt han mine.

B) you are the one with a 'sterotype' problem so SUCK IT UP

C) grow up. it's a forum, not a statement of personal beleifs where every word and sentence is to be assessed.

D) they WERE Sudanese. why is that such a problem to you?
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AUSSIE: "Speaking for myself, I could not care less about 298 human beings having their life snuffed out in a nano-second, or what impact that loss has on Members of their family, their parents..."
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Re: Calls for Bolt to resign re call for PM to resign
Reply #267 - Dec 18th, 2010 at 4:44pm
philperth2010 wrote on Dec 18th, 2010 at 12:41pm:
I have stated this was an accident and a failure of the system......I have not blamed anyone or any organization (accept for the people smugglers)......the inquiry set up by the government will determine where the system failed and what measures can be taken to prevent ANY vessels entering Australian waters undetected.....especially where there is a known intrusion point......the conservatives are the ones blaming everyone and claiming this was not an predictable.....Australia should do what it said it would do and honor it's international commitment.....we are judged by our actions and what we do against adversity.....take a look at your selves and the way you are is not a pretty sight!!!


phil look at this way,.. you would have to admit if the boot was on the other foot you would be claiming it was the Libs fault.. look you cant help yourself you and others on here have constantly brought up the SIEVX. and Tampa.. even gillard brought up the children overboard..

come on as soon as something happens on your watch.. you immediately hit the google button...

lets not pretend you are not all squirming here and have been for almost 3 years.. not a whole lot to be proud of and one bloody expensive blooper after another.

now i  understand that, but pulllllllease. dont lets pretend as I said if the boot was on the other foot. your side wouldnt also be asking at least well as digging in the knife.

I did say in another thread.. that your side are very criticle of the right on here for saying anything..even all the phoney tears as they call it.. however none of them ever come up with any answers to stop this from happening... they can solve the problems of CLIMATE CHANGE.


but have no answers to the boat people...funny that!

sorry if thats not a pretty sight.. and I dont speak for any other righties on here either phil I only ever speak for myself.
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Re: Calls for Bolt to resign re call for PM to resign
Reply #268 - Dec 18th, 2010 at 4:45pm

So you wouldnt have intervened if they were caucasian.

Fair enough.

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Re: Calls for Bolt to resign re call for PM to resign
Reply #269 - Dec 18th, 2010 at 4:50pm
darkhall67 wrote on Dec 18th, 2010 at 4:34pm:
He's NOT a #$%&"*+` journalist.

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