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Question: Is Andrew Bolt fit to publish?

« Created by: Equitist on: Dec 16th, 2010 at 4:14pm »

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Calls for Bolt to resign re call for PM to resign (Read 30243 times)
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Re: Calls for Bolt to resign re call for PM to resign
Reply #285 - Dec 19th, 2010 at 7:05am
Jaykaye_09 wrote on Dec 18th, 2010 at 8:12pm:
codswal wrote on Dec 18th, 2010 at 5:35pm:
I too find him very easy to read..that will also get up someones nose...

Like Grug. Or Spot. Or pretty much the entire Mr. Men series.

you are so cute and original...

lets see you could have added JAYKAYE to that list..but as I usually dont reply to you as what you write is  all so dumb uninteresting and undebateable like this silly comment on a very serious subject board...

but dont let that get in the way of  your trivia

RESPONSIBILTY for people dying wouldnt be one of your strong points would it?
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Re: Calls for Bolt to resign re call for PM to resign
Reply #286 - Dec 19th, 2010 at 7:07am
Dnarever wrote on Dec 18th, 2010 at 8:08pm:
codswal wrote on Dec 18th, 2010 at 4:50pm:
darkhall67 wrote on Dec 18th, 2010 at 4:34pm:
He's NOT a #$%&"*+` journalist.


I would call him a columnist - he is a talented writer and uses humour very well (not always intentionally).

To me a journalist should be able to pass the journalists ethics tests and in my opinion a writer who is so obviously biased and incapable of objectivity does not qualify.

he is also on TV quite a bit dnare.. so his opinions must count for something... objectivity... do you really know anyone that is THAT objective?. well to the standards that you believe in anyway.
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Miss Anne Dryst
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Re: Calls for Bolt to resign re call for PM to resign
Reply #287 - Dec 19th, 2010 at 7:18am
codswal wrote on Dec 19th, 2010 at 7:07am:
Dnarever wrote on Dec 18th, 2010 at 8:08pm:
codswal wrote on Dec 18th, 2010 at 4:50pm:
darkhall67 wrote on Dec 18th, 2010 at 4:34pm:
He's NOT a #$%&"*+` journalist.


I would call him a columnist - he is a talented writer and uses humour very well (not always intentionally).

To me a journalist should be able to pass the journalists ethics tests and in my opinion a writer who is so obviously biased and incapable of objectivity does not qualify.

he is also on TV quite a bit dnare.. so his opinions must count for something... objectivity... do you really know anyone that is THAT objective?. well to the standards that you believe in anyway.

Take it easy codswal, its a challenging time of the year for the poor guy, as he has heard rumours that Santa doesn't exist.
Yet in his mind he keeps telling himself otherwise.
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It's hard to soar like an eagle when conversing with turkeys
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Miss Anne Dryst
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Re: Calls for Bolt to resign re call for PM to resign
Reply #288 - Dec 19th, 2010 at 7:21am
codswal wrote on Dec 19th, 2010 at 7:05am:
Jaykaye_09 wrote on Dec 18th, 2010 at 8:12pm:
codswal wrote on Dec 18th, 2010 at 5:35pm:
I too find him very easy to read..that will also get up someones nose...

Like Grug. Or Spot. Or pretty much the entire Mr. Men series.

you are so cute and original...

lets see you could have added JAYKAYE to that list..but as I usually dont reply to you as what you write is  all so dumb uninteresting and undebateable like this silly comment on a very serious subject board...

but dont let that get in the way of  your trivia

RESPONSIBILTY for people dying wouldnt be one of your strong points would it?

But he does excel in soiling the pages of the The Age and The Sydney Morning Herald, which is the closet he gets to reading from his bible of propaganda.
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It's hard to soar like an eagle when conversing with turkeys
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Re: Calls for Bolt to resign re call for PM to resign
Reply #289 - Dec 19th, 2010 at 8:36am
Miss Anne Dryst wrote on Dec 19th, 2010 at 7:21am:
codswal wrote on Dec 19th, 2010 at 7:05am:
Jaykaye_09 wrote on Dec 18th, 2010 at 8:12pm:
codswal wrote on Dec 18th, 2010 at 5:35pm:
I too find him very easy to read..that will also get up someones nose...

Like Grug. Or Spot. Or pretty much the entire Mr. Men series.

you are so cute and original...

lets see you could have added JAYKAYE to that list..but as I usually dont reply to you as what you write is  all so dumb uninteresting and undebateable like this silly comment on a very serious subject board...

but dont let that get in the way of  your trivia

RESPONSIBILTY for people dying wouldnt be one of your strong points would it?

But he does excel in soiling the pages of the The Age and The Sydney Morning Herald, which is the closet he gets to reading from his bible of propaganda.

who are you referring too jaykaye or Bolt??..

I cant believe the broadsheets would be bothered printing JKs childish blurbs.. but I could be wrong.
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Re: Calls for Bolt to resign re call for PM to resign
Reply #290 - Dec 19th, 2010 at 9:00am
We popped up to Inverbrackie last night before having a gander at the Lobethal Christmas lights and were delighted to see that the far right liberal party faction's Neo Nationalist thugs were no where to be seen even though the first of the refugee families were moved into housing there yesterday.
I should add Cory Bernardi to the list of panelists for the new show "Master Race" as he is easily as big a racist and stirrer of hatred and fear as the three stooges Bolt, Ackerman and Jones.
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Go the Bunnies
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Postmodern Trendoid III
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Re: Calls for Bolt to resign re call for PM to resign
Reply #291 - Dec 20th, 2010 at 10:45am
codswal wrote on Dec 18th, 2010 at 6:00pm:
Postmodern Trendoid III wrote on Dec 18th, 2010 at 5:40pm:
As for your own "reasoning", you say he is "telling it how he sees it". Well, that counts for zero. Anyone capable of putting a couple sentences together can "tell it how he sees it".  If a 4 year old "tells us how he/she sees it" then that seems good enough for you, which, by default, utterly destroys any supposed superiority in Bolt's arguments.



hes a journalist he is paid as a journalist... if thats your take on it.. then that goes for every journalist that ever was..

get over yourself... do as I do.. dont read the ones you dont like...

he will never say what you lwant to hear...

that everything this govt does and has done is fantastic.isgreat. is showing great leadership..blah.blah.blah.

infact right now you will fin d it bloody hard to find one journalist on your side of the fence saying anything worthy of you will find it hard to find someone to read..

The very fact that Bolt is masquerading as a journalist is the problem. Bolt is subverting the chain of cause and effect to suit his political ends. To claim Gillard "has blood on her hands" is to make Gillard responsible for the weather, rough seas, rocks, crappy boats, the people on the aforementioned boat, and the smugglers. Where is the responsibility of those on the boat? and the smugglers? How can anyone be blamed for bad weather? Miss Anne Dryst couldn't answer this question and departed from this discussion once she had to contemplate using logic, rather than an aversion for someone (gillard).
Logic 101: having an aversion for something does not make that something responsible for the act in question. Are you intellectually honest? Or are you, like many others here, passing off your hatred for Gillard as if that amounts to any to anything when one epistemologically examines the chain of cause and effect?
If Gillard is responsible for this incident, then, using Bolt's own unique brand of "logic", Bolt is responsible for the deaths of innocents in the Iraq war.

hey you cant have it both ways... if you want every word spoken/written taken as gospel.. then it has to go for everyone..'

Blood on her Hands... in fact meant responsibilty for the boat being in our waters in the first place.

if the govt isnt responsible who should be????...

was the capt of the Navy ship asleep at the wheel when they slipped past??

so we can blame him... how about Smith the defence force minister isnt he responsible for the Navy

you see we need someone to step up and accept responsibility, something this Labor govt finds very hard to do.

govts are there to make decisions that we cant make.. that includes going to war, or not going to war.

in this case this govt chose to cancel the pacific solution, that was working, as best anything like that could work.

but they saw a vote in their decision, and they took it.. stopped some voting green I believe.

now whether it was right or wrong. is anyones guess. but from where I sit.. it was this very action that increased the boat activity. nothing else just that very act.

and the boats started coming in all matter what the risks...

with the end result being what we have seen this week.we should count our lucky stars this hasnt happened over and over again.

but dont blame the messenger..and dont twist it all around to say.. well yes we can hold you responsible.

Bolt/ we dont make these decisions.  we pay someone higher to do that

Why do you dissolve the responsibility of those on the boat and the smugglers? To merely suit your political bias? I say that would be a fair assumption.
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Postmodern Trendoid III
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Re: Calls for Bolt to resign re call for PM to resign
Reply #292 - Dec 20th, 2010 at 10:54am
Soren wrote on Dec 18th, 2010 at 7:12pm:
Postmodern Trendoid III wrote on Dec 18th, 2010 at 5:40pm:
codswal wrote on Dec 18th, 2010 at 4:32pm:
As for your own "reasoning", you say he is "telling it how he sees it". Well, that counts for zero. Anyone capable of putting a couple sentences together can "tell it how he sees it".  If a 4 year old "tells us how he/she sees it" then that seems good enough for you, which, by default, utterly destroys any supposed superiority in Bolt's arguments.



hes a journalist he is paid as a journalist... if thats your take on it.. then that goes for every journalist that ever was..

get over yourself... do as I do.. dont read the ones you dont like...

he will never say what you lwant to hear...

that everything this govt does and has done is fantastic.isgreat. is showing great leadership..blah.blah.blah.

infact right now you will fin d it bloody hard to find one journalist on your side of the fence saying anything worthy of you will find it hard to find someone to read..

The very fact that Bolt is masquerading as a journalist is the problem. Bolt is subverting the chain of cause and effect to suit his political ends. To claim Gillard "has blood on her hands" is to make Gillard responsible for the weather, rough seas, rocks, crappy boats, the people on the aforementioned boat, and the smugglers. Where is the responsibility of those on the boat? and the smugglers? How can anyone be blamed for bad weather? Miss Anne Dryst couldn't answer this question and departed from this discussion once she had to contemplate using logic, rather than an aversion for someone (gillard).
Logic 101: having an aversion for something does not make that something responsible for the act in question. Are you intellectually honest? Or are you, like many others here, passing off your hatred for Gillard as if that amounts to any to anything when one epistemologically examines the chain of cause and effect?
If Gillard is responsible for this incident, then, using Bolt's own unique brand of "logic", Bolt is responsible for the deaths of innocents in the Iraq war.

Here's an excellent counter to your 'cause and effect':

Howard had a problem similar to Rudd/Gillard's now. He came up with a solution and the problem ceased to exist.

Rudd/Gillard inherited that solution and turned it into the very problem Howard himself encountered all those years ago.

So now we are back exactly where we were.

You are not serious in suggesting that Rudd/Gillard have nothing to do with abolishing the solution without coming up with an equal or better one - but that it's just all wind and weathr and geopolitical whatnot, do you?

Where's the responsibility of those on the boat and the smugglers? There is an element of risk in everything we do; this is more so the case when hopping on a crappy boat and sailing to another country.

Why doesn't Bolt use this particular style of argument - blaming someone 100 times removed from the act in question - onto Liberal politicians on a regular basis? Moreover, why doesn't he apply it to himself? Why? Because he possesses an underlying hatred for Gillard/Rudd/Labor and has no intention of appying his own brand of "logic" consistently. Bolt is a fraud.
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Re: Calls for Bolt to resign re call for PM to resign
Reply #293 - Dec 20th, 2010 at 11:00am

Crikey, this thread has ballooned by about 5 pages since I was last on here - and the poll trends have reversed...

Is it worth reading through all those posts - and/or can someone give me a precis of the nature of same!?

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Lamenting the shift in the Australian psyche, away from the egalitarian ideal of the fair-go - and the rise of short-sighted pollies, who worship the 'Growth Fairy' and seek to divide and conquer!
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Postmodern Trendoid III
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Re: Calls for Bolt to resign re call for PM to resign
Reply #294 - Dec 20th, 2010 at 11:20am
Equitist wrote on Dec 20th, 2010 at 11:00am:
Crikey, this thread has ballooned by about 5 pages since I was last on here - and the poll trends have reversed...

Is it worth reading through all those posts - and/or can someone give me a precis of the nature of same!?

It's mostly just posters blaming Gillard because she happens to be the PM, while not provding any logical argument as to why she should shoulder the blame.
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Re: Calls for Bolt to resign re call for PM to resign
Reply #295 - Dec 20th, 2010 at 11:24am
Postmodern Trendoid III wrote on Dec 18th, 2010 at 5:40pm:
codswal wrote on Dec 18th, 2010 at 4:32pm:
As for your own "reasoning", you say he is "telling it how he sees it". Well, that counts for zero. Anyone capable of putting a couple sentences together can "tell it how he sees it".  If a 4 year old "tells us how he/she sees it" then that seems good enough for you, which, by default, utterly destroys any supposed superiority in Bolt's arguments.



hes a journalist he is paid as a journalist... if thats your take on it.. then that goes for every journalist that ever was..

get over yourself... do as I do.. dont read the ones you dont like...

he will never say what you lwant to hear...

that everything this govt does and has done is fantastic.isgreat. is showing great leadership..blah.blah.blah.

infact right now you will fin d it bloody hard to find one journalist on your side of the fence saying anything worthy of you will find it hard to find someone to read..

The very fact that Bolt is masquerading as a journalist is the problem. Bolt is subverting the chain of cause and effect to suit his political ends. To claim Gillard "has blood on her hands" is to make Gillard responsible for the weather, rough seas, rocks, crappy boats, the people on the aforementioned boat, and the smugglers. Where is the responsibility of those on the boat? and the smugglers? How can anyone be blamed for bad weather? Miss Anne Dryst couldn't answer this question and departed from this discussion once she had to contemplate using logic, rather than an aversion for someone (gillard).
Logic 101: having an aversion for something does not make that something responsible for the act in question. Are you intellectually honest? Or are you, like many others here, passing off your hatred for Gillard as if that amounts to any to anything when one epistemologically examines the chain of cause and effect?
If Gillard is responsible for this incident, then, using Bolt's own unique brand of "logic", Bolt is responsible for the deaths of innocents in the Iraq war.

AB warned the government some years ago regarding the potential ramifications of their reckless policy fiddling.
This has nothing whatsoever to do with Gillard being responsible for bad weather or bad boats etc, but it's EVERYTHING to do with the governments removal of a working policy only then to install a failed one.
And then stupidly wait until the problem is well out of hand before recognising that the problem has gotten away from them.
As if their weakening of the policy was ever going to have a different result.
So yes, this government because of it's inept incompetent handling of our border protection system now does have 'blood on it's hands'.
Because that boat would not have been there had the former governments border protection laws still been in force.
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"Another boat, another policy failure from the Howard government"

Julia Gillard
Shadow Health Minister
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Re: Calls for Bolt to resign re call for PM to resign
Reply #296 - Dec 20th, 2010 at 11:46am
codswal wrote on Dec 19th, 2010 at 7:07am:
he is also on TV quite a bit dnare.. so his opinions must count for something... objectivity... do you really know anyone that is THAT objective?. well to the standards that you believe in anyway.

Nobody is fully objective.

But few show so little objectivity either.

I journalist is meant to by trying to show as balanced a view as possible if they want to maintain that status.

Over a decade of deliberate biased writing fails to meet the required standard in my view.

Its no big deal really but this does undermine credability.

When I read a few of these guys I often identify articals which could easily have been writen critical of Labor before the event
and then tailored to meet the story of the day.

The intent to write something critical of labor is present before the story or event which will make up the story.

With these articles the question is not if the writer is going to critisise Labor today but how is he going to critisise Labor today.

A pretty grubby form of artivcle writing I would say.
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Re: Calls for Bolt to resign re call for PM to resign
Reply #297 - Dec 20th, 2010 at 12:27pm
Bolt has seemed to really stir the pot on this.

Looks like he wont be going anywhere with all the hits his employer got on the website.

His little bit of venom just paid for itself hundreds of times over.

People still havent clicked yet that the best way to make people like Bolt, Latham, Kyle Sandilands and all the others who make money out of the outrageous statements they make is to ignore them.
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And why not, if you will permit me; why shouldn’t I, if you will permit me; spend my first week as prime minister, should that happen, on this, on your, country - Abbott with the Garma People Aug 13
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Re: Calls for Bolt to resign re call for PM to resign
Reply #298 - Dec 20th, 2010 at 12:39pm
chicken_lipsforme wrote on Dec 20th, 2010 at 11:24am:
Postmodern Trendoid III wrote on Dec 18th, 2010 at 5:40pm:
codswal wrote on Dec 18th, 2010 at 4:32pm:
As for your own "reasoning", you say he is "telling it how he sees it". Well, that counts for zero. Anyone capable of putting a couple sentences together can "tell it how he sees it".  If a 4 year old "tells us how he/she sees it" then that seems good enough for you, which, by default, utterly destroys any supposed superiority in Bolt's arguments.



hes a journalist he is paid as a journalist... if thats your take on it.. then that goes for every journalist that ever was..

get over yourself... do as I do.. dont read the ones you dont like...

he will never say what you lwant to hear...

that everything this govt does and has done is fantastic.isgreat. is showing great leadership..blah.blah.blah.

infact right now you will fin d it bloody hard to find one journalist on your side of the fence saying anything worthy of you will find it hard to find someone to read..

The very fact that Bolt is masquerading as a journalist is the problem. Bolt is subverting the chain of cause and effect to suit his political ends. To claim Gillard "has blood on her hands" is to make Gillard responsible for the weather, rough seas, rocks, crappy boats, the people on the aforementioned boat, and the smugglers. Where is the responsibility of those on the boat? and the smugglers? How can anyone be blamed for bad weather? Miss Anne Dryst couldn't answer this question and departed from this discussion once she had to contemplate using logic, rather than an aversion for someone (gillard).
Logic 101: having an aversion for something does not make that something responsible for the act in question. Are you intellectually honest? Or are you, like many others here, passing off your hatred for Gillard as if that amounts to any to anything when one epistemologically examines the chain of cause and effect?
If Gillard is responsible for this incident, then, using Bolt's own unique brand of "logic", Bolt is responsible for the deaths of innocents in the Iraq war.

AB warned the government some years ago regarding the potential ramifications of their reckless policy fiddling.
This has nothing whatsoever to do with Gillard being responsible for bad weather or bad boats etc, but it's EVERYTHING to do with the governments removal of a working policy only then to install a failed one.
And then stupidly wait until the problem is well out of hand before recognising that the problem has gotten away from them.
As if their weakening of the policy was ever going to have a different result.
So yes, this government because of it's inept incompetent handling of our border protection system now does have 'blood on it's hands'.
Because that boat would not have been there had the former governments border protection laws still been in force.

chicken I dont know how many times that has been spelt out on this forum and others.. they just dont comprehend couldnt possibly have ANYTHING to do with rudd/gillards change of policy...we are dumb for imagining it???.. now we are told that a thriving people smuggling business has errupted overseas.. but again got nothing to do with our govts policies..

wish I knew who was to blame... cant be Howard this time round, can it??.... and its not rudd/gillard.. so WHO????  did cause this influx of over over 100 boats a year..

do you think it was that.. "Where the bloody hell are you"??? ad???

must have been!
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Re: Calls for Bolt to resign re call for PM to resign
Reply #299 - Dec 20th, 2010 at 12:40pm

the vote is soundly in favour of Bolt the champ
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