Jaykaye_09 wrote on Dec 20
th, 2010 at 2:10pm:
gizmo_2655 wrote on Dec 20
th, 2010 at 2:04pm:
Yes, there've been more 'applications' for refugee status since the conflicts began....but how many have been 'sneak over the border illegally' and how many 'through channels'???
Because THAT is what the boats are..."sneak in under the radar", not legitimate requests...
There are no legitimate channels if one wants to leave Iraq and/or Afghanistan.
Don't get me wrong, I'm no supporter of the ALP approach to supposedly illegal immigration, I just think the fervor with which some are approaching this, and the manner in which they are necessarily attributing blame, is a tad off balance.
Statements such as those above i.e. "If the previous governments policy was not diluted, this tragedy would have been avoided", really are borderline ridiculous and do no justice to the actual complexities of the issue.
Do you find the thought that had only one boat only arrived this year as opposed to hundreds, then this tragedy would have been avoided too difficult a concept to understand then.
You really don't have to add complexity where their is none I'm afraid.
Because we have come from the high water mark of 1 boat arrival in a year, 5 detainees on Nauru with closed down detention centres on the Mainland.
The problem was Solved! Gone! History!
No more protests, sewing of lips nor the wailing of asylum seekers about being locked up for months because THEIR taxpayer funded lawyers have launched yet ANOTHER appeal because they didn't like the courts determination the last time around but they still have the balls to protest because of THEIR actions.
And how far have we sunk because of this governments gross incompetence, and you talk about complexities.