skippy. wrote on Dec 21
st, 2010 at 12:46pm:
codswal wrote on Dec 21
st, 2010 at 8:58am:
it strikes me that we can barely take care of the 21million we already have here.. hospitals still have long queues... our court room are fully booked.some towns have no doctors. we have dwindling water supplies..
just to name a few.
and those that do have to pay tax and utilitites are fed up with them going up and up.
If we are already soooooooo full of people why did the Howard government offer people money via the baby bonus to have more kids?
Why did Peter Costello say have one baby for yourself and one for the country?
Why did the Howard government think we needed to boost our population so much?
"If we are already soooooooo full of people why did the Howard government offer people money via the baby bonus to have more kids?"Because our population is/was aging fast than children were being born and would eventually lead to ONE worker having to support FIVE retirees.
"Isn't it true, according to the Howard government, that Australia is facing a negative population growth?
Were the Liberal party wrong on their assessments? and if so how do you know better?"Yes it is true we may have negative population growth, but it doesn't neccessarily mean that immigration is a better answer than having babies. If we have more children, there is an opportunity for them to learn the job skills we will be short of in the future.
But with wholesale immigration, there is no guarantee that the people arriving will have the required skills or even the ability to learn those skills...
There's not much point in importing a dozen, 55 yr old olive farmers, when we're short of the time you retrain them, they'd be wanting to retire...
We have an obligation to accept and care for legitimate refugees, but that doesn't mean everyone who turns up looking for a new life and a beach front villa...