Bolt, Ackerman and Jones could have their own show on channel 10 called : MASTER RACE.
They could get Neo Nationalist gangs of 20 or more to compete for the title while putting forward their own far right doctorine to the Australian population.
Events could be : kicking to death the aged Aborigonal man in a dark ally.
Gang raping and mudering the lone Vietnamese Grandmother.
Knifing a lone Iraqi taxi driver at night, stealing his cash and then drive his taxi into the Yarra with him locked in the boot.
Humiliating a young Chinese couple in a public park and posting it on the internet.
Shouting down meetings discussing the intergration of Asylum seekers and handing out hate pamphlets to school kids.
There could be points awarded for cowardice, the biggest group on the smallest and most vunerable target, blame shifting, the most amount of cash stolen, the most humliated victim, the most sensless act of violence and the biggest drain on the welfare system.
This would be an ideal vehicle for Bolt Ackerman and Jones to showcase their views and talents