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Joshua’s Tomb vandalized with Arabic graffiti (Read 868 times)
Cockney Doll
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Australian Politics

Posts: 333
Queens Park.Sydney
Joshua’s Tomb vandalized with Arabic graffiti
Dec 18th, 2010 at 11:24pm
Just think what would happen if the arabs had control over all the holy sites in Israel.

I shudder to think. The last time Jerusalem ws in Arab hands Rachel's tomb was used as a toilet.


Pal-Arabs vandalized Joshua’s Tomb in Samaria’s Timnat Heres with Arabic graffiti overnight Thursday.

Hundreds of Jewish worshippers, escorted by the IDF, arrived at the site which is located between Barak and Ariel, and discovered graffiti on surrounding walls which advocated martyrdom.   “We swear to remain loyal to the blood of martyrs,” read the graffiti. “We are defenders of the national project,” “No appeasement, speak to your enemy through shooting,” and “Fatah was here” was also spray-painted on the walls.

“Only barbarians are capable of committing such harmful, threatening acts,”
head of the Samaria regional council Gershon Mesika said. “People who are capable of desecrating such a holy site in such a grave manner are not fit to be called civilized people.”

“If Jews were to desecrate a Muslim holy tomb in the same manner, the whole world would rage and erupt,”
Mesika added.
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Aussie Muslim

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Re: Joshua’s Tomb vandalized with Arabic graffiti
Reply #1 - Dec 19th, 2010 at 10:03am
Just think what would happen if the arabs had control over all the holy sites in Israel.

Bit late... since all of Palestine was under Muslim Shari'ah rule for about 1200 years....

There goes the propaganda value of that ridiculous statement.

I shudder to think. The last time Jerusalem ws in Arab hands Rachel's tomb was used as a toilet.

This sounds invented to me. Raheel (peace be upon her) is a blessed figure in our beliefs, and I very much doubt any Muslim would do that. Also consider that the site is a mosque anyway, and it just sounds ridiculous to think Muslims used it as a toilet. More Zionist propaganda. Anyway like with a lot of the "claimed" Jewish sties in Palestine, it's not even definite that is her tomb. According to some Talmudic texts, her tomb is north of al-Quds, not south.

Pal-Arabs vandalized Joshua’s Tomb in Samaria’s Timnat Heres with Arabic graffiti overnight Thursday.

Hundreds of Jewish worshippers, escorted by the IDF, arrived at the site which is located between Barak and Ariel, and discovered graffiti on surrounding walls...

So not actually on the tomb itself, but on surrounding walls? Bit sensationalist I think. Sounds a bit like the "Ground Zero Mosque" to me, which isn't actually at Ground Zero and isn't actually a Mosque.

Nevermind, as long as you think you're getting a little propaganda value from it all... carry on.
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Cockney Doll
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Australian Politics

Posts: 333
Queens Park.Sydney
Re: Joshua’s Tomb vandalized with Arabic graffiti
Reply #2 - Dec 19th, 2010 at 1:13pm
Amazing how the truth hurts !!

If you think that Plaestine was under Sharia law for 1200 years, you have rocks for brains...truly pathetic

During the Jordanian occupation, Jewish and  Christian sites were vandalised and were off limits to Jews and Christians.

Under Israeli rule, all Muslim and Christian site are accessible to all.
Jordanians destroyed 58 synagogues in the old City of Jerusalem.

Jordan systematically desecrated the Ancient Jewish Cemetery on the Mount of Olives.
Jordan enforced apartheid laws preventing Jews from accessing the Temple mount and Western Wall.

The list goes on.

The walls aren't the tomb ... at least now you are admitting the vandalism

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Cockney Doll
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Australian Politics

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Queens Park.Sydney
Re: Joshua’s Tomb vandalized with Arabic graffiti
Reply #3 - Dec 19th, 2010 at 1:29pm
Jordan, although mandated by the UN to let Jews and Christians visit their holy sites, refused access to them. They also led a systematic destruction of the Jewish Quarter including many ancient synagogues . Under Jordanian rule of East Jerusalem, all Israelis (irrespective of their religion) were forbidden from entering the Old City and other holy sites.

The Jewish Cemetary on the Mount of Olives was desecrated, with gravestones used to build latrines for Jordanian army barracks , and almost every synagogue was demolished in the period from 1948 to 1967.

Under Israeli rule, all Moslem and Christian holy sites have been preserved and made accessible to people of all faiths.  Under Jordanian rule, Jewish holy sites were desecrated: all synagogues in the Old City were torched, and tombstones from the ancient Mount of Olives cemetery was used to pave roads and build latrines. Jews were also denied access to places of worship at the Western Wall, Tomb of Rachel, Tomb of Joseph, and cave of the Patriarchs.

Rachael's tomb is NOT a mosque...heaven forbid
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Cockney Doll
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Australian Politics

Posts: 333
Queens Park.Sydney
Re: Joshua’s Tomb vandalized with Arabic graffiti
Reply #4 - Dec 19th, 2010 at 1:35pm
    For hundreds of years, the shape of Rachel’s Tomb resembled the grave of a vali (a Muslim saint). The building received its distinctive shape in 1622 when the Turkish governor of Jerusalem, Mohammad Pasha, permitted the Jews to wall off the four pillars that supported the dome and for the first time Rachel’s Tomb became a closed building.9 This was allowed by the Turkish governor to prevent Arab shepherds from grazing their flocks at the site.10 Yet according to one report, an English traveler claims this was done “to make access to it more difficult for the Jews.”11

    For centuries, Rachel’s Tomb was considered only a Jewish holy place. The sixteenth-century Arab historian Mujir al-Din regarded Rachel’s Tomb as a Jewish holy place.12 Beginning in 1841, the keys to the place were deposited exclusively with Jewish caretakers who managed the site until it fell into Jordanian hands in 1948.13 In contravention of the armistice agreement, Jordan prevented Jews from accessing the site during all the years of its rule (1948-1967).14 Following the Six-Day War, Jews returned to Rachel’s Tomb, with millions of Jews from around the world having visited the site. According to Jewish tradition, Rachel died on the 11th day of the Hebrew month of Heshvan (October 19); in 2010, some 100,000 Jews visited Rachel’s Tomb on that day.15

[b]    For many centuries, Jews were compelled to pay protection money and ransom to the Arabs who lived in the area so they wouldn’t harm Rachel’s Tomb and the Jews who visited it. In 1796, Rabbi Moshe Yerushalmi, an Ashkenazi Jew from central Europe who immigrated to Israel, related that a non-Jew sits at Rachel’s Tomb and collects money from Jews seeking to visit the site.16 Other sources attest to Jews who paid taxes, levies, and presented gifts to the Arab residents of the region.[/b]

    Dr. Ludwig August Frankl of Vienna, a poet and author, related that the Sephardi community in Jerusalem was compelled to pay 5,000 piastres to an Arab from Bethlehem at the start of the nineteenth century for the right to visit Rachel’s Tomb.17 Other testimonies relate that in order to prevent damage to Rachel’s Tomb, payment was transferred to Bedouin members of the Taamra tribe who lived in the region, who had also begun to bury their dead near the tomb during that era.18 There is a Muslim cemetery on three sides of the compound that mainly belongs to the Taamra tribe and the entire attitude of the Muslims to Rachel’s Tomb derives to a large extent from this tribe, which began burying its dead at the site during the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries due to its proximity to Rachel’s Tomb. The origins of the practice, as the Land of Israel researcher Eli Schiller writes, is the popular Muslim belief that “the closer that the deceased is buried to the tomb of a sainted personality, the greater will be his rewards in the world to come.”19

    Taxes were also collected from the Sephardi Jewish community in Jerusalem to pay the authorities for various “rights,” such as passage to the Western Wall, passage of funerals to the Mount of Olives, and for the protection of gravestones there, as well as payment to the Arabs of Bethlehem for safeguarding Rachel’s Tomb.20

    One of the scribes who managed the accounts of the Sephardi Kolel during the eighteenth century reported on the protection money that the Jewish community at that time had to transfer to the “non-Jews and lords of the lands who are called toeffendis…(15,000) Turkish grush…and these are the people who patrol the ways of Jaffa Road, Kiryat Yearim, the people of the Rama, the site of Samuel the Prophet, the people of Nablus Road, the people of the Efrat Road, the tomb of our matriarch Rachel…so they would not come to grave-robbing, heaven forbid. And sometimes they complain to us that we have fallen behind on their routine payments and they come scrabbling on the gravestones in the dead of night, and they did their things in stealth because their home is there. Therefore, we are compelled against our will to propitiate them.”21

    Rabbi David d’Beth Hillel, a resident of Vilna who visited Syria and the Land of Israel in 1824, testified about a Muslim cemetery in the region of Rachel’s Tomb. “No person is living there, but there was a cemetery. On the opposite hill there is a village whose residents are Arabs and they are most evil. A stranger who comes to visit Rachel’s Tomb is robbed by them.”22

    In 1856, fifteen years after Montefiore had built another room to Rachel’s Tomb, James Finn, the British consul who served in Palestine during the days of Turkish rule, spoke about the payments that the Jews were forced to pay to Muslim extortionists at some holy places including Rachel’s Tomb: “300 lira per annum to the effendi whose house is adjacent to the site of crying” (the Western Wall) for the right to pray there and “100 lira a year to the Taamra Arabs for not wrecking Rachel’s Tomb near Bethlehem.”23

I won't go get the gist
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Aussie Muslim

Posts: 8353
Re: Joshua’s Tomb vandalized with Arabic graffiti
Reply #5 - Dec 19th, 2010 at 4:16pm
If you think that Plaestine was under Sharia law for 1200 years, you have rocks for brains...truly pathetic

The Islamic Caliphate opened al-Quds in the year 630 C.E, it was occupied by the British in the year 1917.

1917 - 630 = 1287.

The Crusaders briefly occupied it during that time from 1099 to 1187.

1187 - 1099 = 88

1287 - 88 = 1199, which by my book is close enough to 1200 years.

The only person with rocks for a brain here is yourself.

During the Jordanian occupation, Jewish and  Christian sites were vandalised and were off limits to Jews and Christians.

The Jordanian monarchy is an agent of the Zionists/West, so means little to me. Tell your good friends the Jordanian monarchy about it.

The walls aren't the tomb ... at least now you are admitting the vandalism

Nowhere did I previously deny anything for you to put "now you are admitting" in that sentence. And nowhere did I admit anything either. I merely commented on how the article seems to suggest it's not actually the tomb that was graffitied by was surrounding buildings. It wouldn't be the first time the Zionist garbage had cried wolf.
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Cockney Doll
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Australian Politics

Posts: 333
Queens Park.Sydney
Re: Joshua’s Tomb vandalized with Arabic graffiti
Reply #6 - Dec 19th, 2010 at 8:08pm
Are you thick, daft or just plain stupid?

Can you see the photos of the tomb.?

Where in your little  tantrum does is says sharia law.?

It doesn’t.

You are a pathetic little racist  idiot.
I should post some of your comments here, that I have taken from your muslim boards

You are a disgrace to this country and all it stands for.
Our grandparents and parents who fought against muslims during the two world wars, you are a disgrace. From the Battle of Tours, the Battle of Lepanto and the Gates of Vienna, Islam has tried time and time again, to take over western civilization by force.

This time you won’t succeed either, because the world is now aware of your ways

If you are so opposed to the West, why don't you get the hellout of here? We don't need you and your sort
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Aussie Muslim

Posts: 8353
Re: Joshua’s Tomb vandalized with Arabic graffiti
Reply #7 - Dec 19th, 2010 at 9:42pm
You are a pathetic little racist  idiot.

As is anyone who disagrees with a Jew. Come on you know you wanted to say anti-Semite didn't you?

I should post some of your comments here, that I have taken from your muslim boards

Feel free. I have often invited members of this board to discuss on Aussiemuslims, and in fact some of the posters here, like soren, were originally Aussiemuslims posters, who came here so they could post their anti-Islamic views without hindrance.

Unlike you, I do not conceal my true intentions, I stand by what I say, here or there.

You are a disgrace to this country and all it stands for.
Our grandparents and parents who fought against muslims during the two world wars, you are a disgrace

You and I both know you couldn't give a crap about this country, apart from the fact it happens to support your little Zionist entity. If Australia turned against Israel, you'd be the first one outta here, and and over there openly rubbishing Australia. My forefathers have been here since the 1820's, I very much doubt you can say the same. Where do you come from? Poland? Lithuania? And we all know where your loyalties are, and it isn't here that's for sure. Just like the Zionists of the U.S, the U.K and elsewhere, your support for your host country is purely conditional upon it's support of Israel. So don't give me this "we fought" crap.

This time you won’t succeed either, because the world is now aware of your ways

You mean to say "This time we've wrapped the docile Christians around our little fingers, and so we think we can use them to wipe you out".

If you are so opposed to the West, why don't you get the hellout of here? We don't need you and your sort

Nice try to turn this into a Muslim/West issue. Not today. Why no response to the rocks for brains claim you made? Finally come to the realisation you don't even know how to count?
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Re: Joshua’s Tomb vandalized with Arabic graffiti
Reply #8 - Dec 19th, 2010 at 10:16pm
abu_rashid wrote on Dec 19th, 2010 at 9:42pm:
Feel free. I have often invited members of this board to discuss on Aussiemuslims, and in fact some of the posters here, like soren, were originally Aussiemuslims posters, who came here so they could post their anti-Islamic views without hindrance.

You can't discuss anything on Muslim controlled forums, except how great Allan is and how sharp Mohammed was. Neither being true, the discussions tend to be farcical. If you tell them so, they ban you.
I speak from experience.

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A cat with a view
Re: Joshua’s Tomb vandalized with Arabic graffiti
Reply #9 - Dec 20th, 2010 at 8:33am
Soren wrote on Dec 19th, 2010 at 10:16pm:
You can't discuss anything on Muslim controlled forums, except how great Allan is and how sharp Mohammed was.

This is true.

There is no reasoning with moslems, wherever [i.e. in any jurisdiction where] moslems have authority, OR, where reason [i.e. truth] is critical of ISLAM and moslems, their actions, their 'values' and their 'religious' doctrines.

jurisdiction = =
1 the official power to make legal decisions and judgements. Ø the territory or sphere over which the legal authority of a court or other institution extends.
2 a system of law courts.

A moslem, is a person who chooses to embrace a philosophy [ISLAM] which tells moslems that it is 'lawful' for moslems, to kill those who do not believe, as they believe.

ISLAM is a deceitful, vicious, un-reformable, political tyranny.

IMO, ISLAM is a deceptive and violent philosophy, a death cult, which creates a mental pathology, in those human beings who embrace it.

Within Sharia jurisdictions unbelief [in ISLAM] is considered a crime.

1/    'Unbelief' [in man] is a crime.
2/    The crime of 'unbelief' *must* be punished.
3/    Punishment of 'unbelief' is morally justified, because, 'unbelief' is a crime.

As stated, in the Koran;

1/    Koran 2.98 - "...Allah is an enemy to those who reject Faith." [i.e. 'Unbelief' is a crime.].
[ - - The enemy of moslems is identified. All of 'unbelieving' mankind, are the declared enemy of moslems.]

2/    Koran 47:8-11 - "...those who reject Allah have no protector."
[ - - Here, it is clearly stated to every good moslem, that moslem enmity, violence, and warfare, against 'those who reject Faith', is morally justified, and 'lawful'. /sarc off]

3/    Koran 4.74-76 - "...those who reject Faith Fight in the cause of Evil:..."
[ - - Those who reject 'Faith' are ipso facto, 'rightly' deemed as being innately evil by ISLAM, and by Allah. Therefore those who reject 'Faith', are the rightful targets of moslem enmity, violence, and warfare.
...'those who reject Faith' are also described [Koran 4.74-76], as 'oppressors' and as, 'the friends of Satan'.]

And of course, the corollary of point #3, that, "...those who reject Faith Fight in the cause of Evil:...", is therefore point #1, "...Allah is an enemy to those who reject Faith.".

"Allah 's Apostle said, " I have been ordered to fight with the people till they say, 'None has the right to be worshipped but Allah,' ...."

hadithsunnah/bukhari #004.052.196

This Hadith verse instructs moslems, that Allah commanded Mohammed to fight unbelievers, until [only] Allah is worshipped [and Sharia is imposed].
i.e. ISLAM promotes the concept to all moslems, that 'unbelief' is a crime against Allah, and that all 'unbelievers' should be viewed as criminals, and that 'unbelievers' must be fought, and defeated by 'believers'.

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"....And he said unto him, If they hear not Moses and the prophets, neither will they be persuaded, though one rose from the dead."
Luke 16:31
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