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Major retailers GST campaign againgst Labor (Read 868 times)
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Major retailers GST campaign againgst Labor
Dec 19th, 2010 at 9:33am

AUSTRALIA'S biggest retail and shopping centre owners have joined forces to launch a mining tax-style campaign.

They want to convince the government to end GST exemptions for foreign goods bought over the internet.

The newly formed coalition, which includes Target, shopping centre owner Westfield, fashion retail major Just Group, department store Myer and furniture and electrical group Harvey Norman, is expected to embark on a major newspaper and television advertising program.

The move marks a significant escalation of the campaign by retailers against the tax-free threshold that allows online shoppers to purchase up to $1000 worth of goods from foreign websites without paying GST or import duty.

The strength of the dollar, which this year hit parity with the US dollar for the first time in 28 years, has driven a boom in online shopping at a time when traditional Australian retailers are warning of a downturn in sales.

"The anger out there among retailers is enormous," said Harvey Norman executive chairman Gerry Harvey. "Governments are notorious for doing nothing until they're pushed, and taking a bloody long time to do it."

Solomon Lew, chairman of Just Group parent Premier Investments, has estimated the tax loophole could be costing the government up to $2.5 billion in GST and import duty annually.

Assistant Treasurer Bill Shorten has ruled out charging GST on personal online purchases but said the government was looking at measures to crack down on those exploiting the tax-free threshold for commercial gain.

When added to Westfield's 44 shopping centres across the country, the coalition has the reach to bombard millions of shoppers with anti-government rhetoric during the post-Christmas sales.
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Bill 14% is not the alcohol content of that wine. It's your poll number
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Re: Major retailers GST campaign againgst Labor
Reply #1 - Dec 19th, 2010 at 9:55am

They need to change the name of this forum board to From Politicians Suck , to

The Australian (Newspaper)  Sucks....
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Re: Major retailers GST campaign againgst Labor
Reply #2 - Dec 19th, 2010 at 10:39am
Maqqa wrote on Dec 19th, 2010 at 9:33am:
When added to Westfield's 44 shopping centres across the country, the coalition has the reach to bombard millions of shoppers with anti-government rhetoric during the post-Christmas sales.

So the major retails are going to campaign to increase taxes on consumers........I dont think they will be getting much sympathy
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ire futuis vobismetipsis

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Re: Major retailers GST campaign againgst Labor
Reply #3 - Dec 19th, 2010 at 10:39am
This is just a bunch of crappy shop owners who have destroyed all local compition and now seek to continue their monopoly by making it harder for consumers to exercise the right of free choice.
Isn't the Liberal party sussposed to support less regulation less tax More choice and more compition?
The tentents on which the party was founded I believe yet here it is instead of standing up for the values of the party the liberal rag seeing an opportunity to maybe embrasses the government decides to toss out said ideals for a quick boost in the polls.
I'm sure the faithful are proud to desert the principals they have believed in for decades.
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REBELLION is when you turn off the TV & start educating & thinking for yourself.
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Australian Politics

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Re: Major retailers GST campaign againgst Labor
Reply #4 - Dec 19th, 2010 at 12:41pm
Ah yes the same major retailors that fail to support local jobs by importing $2 rubbish from China and selling for $100. the same compnaies that moived their production offshore to make more money now whinging becaus ewe're buying more goods online from OS cutting the thieving mongrels out of the picture.

Well this is a double edged sword, yes you'll save about 40% buying OS but if it gets out of hand 10s of thousands of retail jobs will go.

i can see in 20 years time that a vast majority of ppl will be unemployed, hence why I bought and build in new Zealand, I plan on leaving Australia in about 10 years as it will be a dump.

I buy a fair amount of camera gear, A Canon 1DsIII costs 10 grand in Oz, buying from the USA $5000, add GST shipping insurance etc, $5800 tops, thats a 4 grand saving.

Look at shoes I buy my asic gel cross trainers from the USA size 12.5 USA with postage $150, buy them from Rebel or Athletes foot $280. My golf clubs, Callaways $1200 from local pro, $630 from the USA.

Why would you buy local when you can save so much buying OS and it arrives in 3-4 days you don't even need to leave the house.

My cousin goes to Phuket every year in early december, he buys all his family very nice clothes belts wallets etc and brings them home, He buys 20x what he could get in Australia for the same price and has a good 10 night holiday aswell.

I have a probably knockoff Armani wallett that is 6 years old now and has not thrown a single thread looks and smells brand new he got for me for $10 that wallet here would be close to $200. He got me lecost wallet, versace and another brand all $10 each and still in there boxes as the Armani is like new.

Buy a wallett from grace brothers and it'll last 2 years tops.

I buy most stuff overseas now too.
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Re: Major retailers GST campaign againgst Labor
Reply #5 - Dec 19th, 2010 at 12:49pm
Taxing big business and corporations in order to distribute the wealth to the poor sounds almost humane, Robin-Hood like even...(could imagine Gillard in green tights)... until you realise the wealth trickles up, not down to the poor wretches who desperately need it.

As has been demonstrated.


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All together now Labor voters.......&&&&lap-tops, pink-bats refugees and Clunker-cars&&&&insurance.AES256
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Re: Major retailers GST campaign againgst Labor
Reply #6 - Dec 19th, 2010 at 6:02pm
i can see in 20 years time that a vast majority of ppl will be unemployed, hence why I bought and build in new Zealand, I plan on leaving Australia in about 10 years as it will be a dump.

Feel free to leave now. Your kind of attitude is unwelcome and makes you part of the problem and not part of the solution.
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AUSSIE: "Speaking for myself, I could not care less about 298 human beings having their life snuffed out in a nano-second, or what impact that loss has on Members of their family, their parents..."
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Australian Politics

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Re: Major retailers GST campaign againgst Labor
Reply #7 - Dec 20th, 2010 at 7:24am
The Labor Govt is illegitimate...

GEEEE...are you trying to talk yourself into the above statement? Not quite sure?

You voted for them and now you pay for them....GOOD LUCK!@! You will need it!!
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Re: Major retailers GST campaign againgst Labor
Reply #8 - Dec 20th, 2010 at 10:36am
Here we go again, Maqqa blaming Labor for Howards GST policy.
I supported the GST when Keating tried to intoduce it even though Howard bagged it and I supported it when Howard pinched the idea.
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Go the Bunnies
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Carlsbad, CA
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Re: Major retailers GST campaign againgst Labor
Reply #9 - Dec 20th, 2010 at 10:40am
adelcrow wrote on Dec 20th, 2010 at 10:36am:
Here we go again, Maqqa blaming Labor for Howards GST policy.
I supported the GST when Keating tried to intoduce it even though Howard bagged it and I supported it when Howard pinched the idea.

Sales tax is a decent idea. Whoever brings it in.

I would increase it above 10%.
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Australian Politics

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Re: Major retailers GST campaign againgst Labor
Reply #10 - Dec 20th, 2010 at 4:10pm
A consumption tax was always a good idea and any loopholes like online shopping should be jumped on asap, if Julia had any courage she would fix this problem now.
But we have a problem here..Labor hasnt had a leader with courage since Paul Keating and since Costello quit, the Libs are to busy sucking up to the lowest common denominator to do anything of real worth.
Bring back Costello and Keating!
I agree with Andrei  10% is to low for a consumption tax, 15% is closer to the mark and will go a long way to slowing the housing bubble instead of waiting for it to burst.
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Go the Bunnies
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