Dsmithy70 wrote on Dec 21
st, 2010 at 11:29am:
Andrei.Hicks wrote on Dec 21
st, 2010 at 11:19am:
He's probably slightly pissed off that he was asked to pull together an all-encompassing tax review and provide a set of recommendations.
Only then to see the then Government hold onto it for an inordinate amount of time, release bits of it through leaks (FBT excess etc) and then only attempt to implement 5% of what he said.
I thought the Government's handling of his Tax review was poor in the extreme.
Poor.. that's generous of you Andrei.
A f@#king dogs breakfast is a better anology
In fact I'm going to put it in writing this government is useless, Gillards way out of her depth, frankly their isn't a competent one among them.
Now my liberal friends don't get excited because frankly the opposition is no better.
Turnbull is the only one I'd give a go & expect something better by the end of his term, the rest would just give us more of the same.
lol smithy you have taken the rose tinted spectacles off at long last, havent we been trying to tell you that for yonks.. never mind better late than never..
as for Malcolm.. dont forget he did make a blue by siding with rudds ETS... that has gone completely nowhere so he was wrong.and he paid a heavy price. and when this carbon tax comes in gillard will pay an even heavier price.
there are a lot of people out there suffering due to complete and utter mismanagement of this country..not just on a Fed level either.. they are out of control..
what were we reading yesterday about the Lord Mayor of Melb. spending like hes only got 24 hours left to live.. on rubbish..
another mob of councellors have run up huge bar bills... how dare they?
we have the NSW mob who arent in enough poo already, spending millions on changing the name of the NSW Firebrigade..they deserve to be called Fire and Rescue..what tosh. give the buggers the money I say and keep the stationary..
I think all commonsense has left this country I really do!