muso wrote on Dec 24
th, 2010 at 3:48pm:
Thanks Yadda,
That's an excellent example of corrupted ethical values. It takes the view that people are either wheat or tares - good or evil. It's a nice simplistic primitive view of the world that in no way reflects the state of things. Absolutely no room for tolerance or understanding.
That's exactly the kind of thinking that starts wars.
That is your opinion.
IMO, there is probably nothing more unethical in the world today, than the 'humanist' worldview, and those who promote so called liberal 'ethics'.
IMO, this generation of mankind has lost the ability to discern between good and evil.
The Judeao-Christian standards and morality,
that guided our present culture in its formative period, has been almost entirely abandoned.
Why is that?
Just take a moment, and look at the total moral mess the Western world is in today.
IMO, this is the consequence largely, of the influence of 'academics' and godless social 'theorists'!
IMO, almost all of the 'humanist', and social engineering type areas of academia, are clearly, divorced from reality.
They are living in a la-la-land,
and are unethically ignoring the consequences of their own mistaken social experiments.
They are engrossed in a politically correct idiocy, which is a denial of the real world consequences of their own moral 'inadequacy'.
These people who promote 'humanist values'
are totally, morally corrupt, and they seem to exhibit a hatred for truth.
And why?
Because the truth confronts and exposes the error of their claptrap [<--- that's a technical term] social theories.
Humanist, and liberal ethics seem embrace an idea, and want to teach us, that man is naturally good.
Today, our children are taught that it is wrong to try to
'discriminate' between good and evil, and to reject what is evil.
Today, they and we, are taught that, essentially, good and evil do not exist.
And we are taught that all people are equally like us.Today, those who abandon standards, and moral discernment are said to be 'tolerant'.
And we are taught that to differentiate the merits of different cultures, is wrong, and 'racist'.
IMO, refusing to condemn the wicked, so as to 'avoid conflict', and so as to promote 'social harmony', is not an ethical position.
It is idiocy.IMO, 'humanism', teaches mankind, to abandon all spiritual discernment.
IMO, such a position, teaches mankind, to embrace an empty, worldly, 'humanist' 'value' system, a 'religion', a political system, which uses the authority of a false 'righteousness', to rule over a 'blind', worldly directed mankind, imo.
'Humanism' spiritually guts us, imo.We are taught, to abandon all spiritual discernment, and instead, embrace an 'empty', worldly 'value' system.
And 'humanism' often seeks to puff up our self pride, but leaves us without any discernment, and without a moral compass and without any spiritual hope.
We are spiritually, dumbed down by 'humanist' values.
And it is intentional 'end game', imo.
"Unlimited tolerance must lead to the disappearance of tolerance. If we extend unlimited tolerance even to those who are intolerant, if we are not prepared to defend a tolerant society against the onslaught of the intolerant, then the tolerant will be destroyed, and tolerance with them."Karl Popper
"Tolerance becomes a crime when applied to evil."Thomas Mann
Above i said;
"And we are taught that all people are equally like us."That is not a 'racist' statement.
It is simply a determination, that i have come to, that some people make very poor choices in life.
And some people make much better 'ethical' choices in life.
That is all.
Ethics and morals are all subjective and only become "objective" when people feel that "they are in the right".
Viewing ethics and morality as subjective is merely pure honesty. The metaphysical foundations of ethics and morality have been swept away; this is a consequence of the Enlightenment. The Enlightenment wants us to seek truth, and the truth is ethics and morality is subjective; merely a projection of the individual onto the world of what he believes to be right.
To paraphrase the brilliant thinker Nietzsche, how was the faith in morality undermined? By