Just listen to yourself Miss, demanding a schoolgirl adhere to her own what, 'schooly' duty of care?
Get real!
Your ideology is a tad warped here i'm afraid, for you just cant get the fact that these players are guilty of having neglected their own professional duty of care, as per their own AFL contracts, this and have not been forced to take responsibility for their own actions.
Why, because it's easier to blame the school-girl, and get on with the game.
They may think they have silenced her for now, and that it will all blow over, but eventually, the truth will come out in the wash, there are too many interested party's involved in the affair now for it not to.
And when it does.... you had best be prepared for the consequences.
Because the naughty school-girl turned me on excuse wont cut it when the ethics committee get involved, and they will.