sir prince duke alevine wrote on Jan 11
th, 2011 at 9:04am:
Pope Benedict XVI has called for Pakistan to repeal its anti-blasphemy law and demanded that governments in predominantly Muslim countries do much more to protect minority Christians from violent attacks.
Hey Papa, you really, really, think ISLAM is going to reform itself ???
To even imagine such a thing is la-la-land stuff. Quote:.
'Internal interference'
An influential religious party in Pakistan said the pontiff's remarks were offensive and amounted to interfering in Pakistan's internal affairs.
"The pope has given a statement today that has not only offended the 180 million Muslims in Pakistan, it has also hurt the sentiments of the entire Islamic world," said Hafiz Hussain Ahmed, a senior leader of Jamiat-e-Ulema-e-Islam (JUI).
Why so???
ISLAM is NOT going to reform itself.
Reform of ISLAM is
Why so ???
To all good moslems, any suggestion [coming from
a moslem] of reform of ISLAM is regarded as outrageous, criminal, and a sign of disbelief [AND,
by ISLAMIC law, this crime [
of insulting ISLAM] is punishable by death].
For a non-moslem, like Papa, to call for the reform of ISLAM, a worthy response would be a declaration of
open war against Catholics.
[The TRUTH is, that ISLAM is already engaged in a secret war [a war hidden behind a veil] against Catholics, AND, all 'unbelievers'!]
Reform from within ISLAM [by 'moderate' moslems] is impossible.
Why can't ISLAM reform itself???
ISLAMIC doctrine is not open to reform.
Why not???
Because ISLAM is Allah's [
perfect religion!
How can moslems reform something, which good moslems regard as perfect already???And that, is the basic logic of WHY ISLAM is not open to reform.i.e.
Why would good moslems try to reform something,
which good moslems regard as perfect already???
And, how can moslems 'reform' what the Koran calls for ???
How, when good moslems regard
every word of the Koran, as without error, and
as being the actual speech of Allah ???
We non-moslems can legitimately seek to separate ourselves from the influences of both moslems, and ISLAM.
But we cannot expect that real ISLAM will
EVER be reformed.
It never will be.
The current [cultural] warfare against non-moslems and non-moslem nations, can never be abandoned, by ISLAM, or by good moslems.
Because Jihad [religious fighting in Allah's cause] is
THE basic tenet of ISLAM.
Jihad, is a good moslems
reason to exist.
All good moslems who are residing in non-moslem host nations, have the nature [politically], of 'flags in the wind'.
Publicly, good moslems residing in non-moslem host nations,
studiously try to reflect the political environment in which they 'travel'.
Today, a good moslem may make the claim that he is 'moderate', and tolerant.
But when it suits their purpose [i.e.
when Allah provides the 'opportunity'], or when the political environment changes to favour moslems, those good moslems residing in non-moslem host nations, will
'turn in the wind', and will always revert to being Jihadists [i.e. good moslems].
Who is a moslem ???
A moslem, is a person who *chooses* to embrace a philosophy [ISLAM] which tells moslems that it is 'lawful' for moslems, to kill those who do not believe, as they believe.THAT, is basic ISLAMIC doctrine.
And many other authentic, and approved ISLAMIC doctrines, towards all unbelievers, further confirm that troubling assertion [i.e. that it is 'lawful',
it is an OBLIGATION, for every good moslem to hold enmity in his heart for all unbelievers. ].
All good moslems *deceitfully* *pretend* to be liberal [tolerant], in all of those jurisdictions where they are still politically weak.
In those places where good moslems become politically strong [e.g. Pakistan, e.g. blasphemy laws], good moslems
always reveal their intolerance of everything which is deemed to be un-ISLAMIC, and commonly act violently against those who do not believe, as they believe.
And why?
Because Allah gives moslems the authority to treat non-moslems in that way;
Koran 3.151
Koran 60.1
Koran 2.98
Koran 47:8-11
Koran 4.74-76
Pope JPII kisses the Koran
How ecumenical of him.This, is what Pope JPII is kissing...
"...Allah's curse be on them: [Jews and Christians]"
Koran 9.30, 31