Belgarion wrote on Jan 23
rd, 2011 at 2:21am:
OK... The rule of the road says "action to avoid collision should be positive, obvious and made in good time". Given that both vessels were engaged in activity outside the normal behaviour of ships going about their lawful business, we may safely say they both ignored this one
What does it say about a ship deliberatly changing onto a collision course with a stationary vessel as the Maru 2 obviously did.
Belgarion wrote on Jan 23
rd, 2011 at 2:21am:
Quote:Which brings us to..
"15. Crossing situations
When two power-driven vessels are crossing, the vessel which has the other on the starboard side must give way and avoid crossing ahead of her.
Ady Gill had maneuvered to place Shonan Maru as the give way vessel and was stopped in the water, then, as Shonan Maru altered course, probably to bring Ady Gill in effective range of her water cannon, Ady Gill accelerated in what was a deliberate move to ensure a collision.
The Ady Gill was statioary with the Maru on a course to pass by at least 30 mtrs and probably more like 70 mtrs till the Maru turned directly at the Ady Gill at speed.
The Ady Gill had not manouvered to place the Maru anywhere.
The Ady Gill brought up power too late in what looks like an attempt to manouver
Quote:The presence of the other Sea Shepherd vessel, Bob Barker, is also a factor. From the video taken of the incident this vessel appears to be directly ahead of Shonan Maru thus presenting a possible risk of collision and possibly playing a part in the maneuvers of Shonan Maru.
Rubbish - The film from the Barker clearly shows the Ady Gill Between the Maru and the Barler - this means that obviously untill the Maru Changed direction towards the Gill it was going away from or parrallel to the Barker.