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The Sea Shepherd Is Winning The Battle. (Read 6895 times)
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Re: The Sea Shepherd Is Winning The Battle.
Reply #45 - Jan 23rd, 2011 at 1:15am
freediver wrote on Jan 22nd, 2011 at 7:30pm:
Let me see - we have a process which appears to be causing a reduction in numbers of stock.

No. We have a process that either has started to cause a reduction, or has for some unfathomable (to you) reason, caused the whales to hide from ships.

The whale numbers are not declining they are playing hide and seek.

the scientific term for this method of survival is hiderousseekius.

Have you any examples of endangered species which have been able to survive by playing a few rounds of hide and seek?

A species apperas to be in decline in an area where they are being hunted because they are playing hide and seek - Now I have heard everything, I think there is a much more obvious reason.

As long as the process continues as is the numbers would continue to decline

Can you explain the logic behind that?

well if the current species target of around 900 whales per season is causing the numbers to be reduced it stands to reason that to continue with the same quota from the reduced number of whales would have a progressivly greater impact, the number would obviously reduce at an accelerated rate.

i.e. taking a larger quota then is naturally replenished is not sustainable.
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« Last Edit: Jan 23rd, 2011 at 11:55pm by Dnarever »  
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Re: The Sea Shepherd Is Winning The Battle.
Reply #46 - Jan 23rd, 2011 at 2:21am
Dnarever wrote on Jan 23rd, 2011 at 12:56am:
Belgarion wrote on Jan 22nd, 2011 at 11:09pm:
I could attempt to explain the situation in laymans terms but I doubt you would be receptive to the facts, as they would interfere with your pre-conceptions.

I believe that the inverse is true

This shows the vision from the BoB Barker and the Maru2 - which both clearly show the Maru going to miss by a long way and then turn into the Ady Gill.

Vision from the Ady Gill Shows the same thing.

It is difficult to deciede if you guys do not believ what you see or only see what you want to believe.

OK... The rule of the road says "action to avoid collision should be positive, obvious and made in good time". Given that both vessels were engaged in activity outside the normal behaviour of ships going about their lawful business, we may safely say they both ignored this one.

Which brings us to..

"15. Crossing situations

When two power-driven vessels are crossing, the vessel which has the other on the starboard side must give way and avoid crossing ahead of her.

Ady Gill had maneuvered to place Shonan Maru as the give way vessel and was stopped in the water, then, as Shonan Maru altered course, probably  to bring Ady Gill in effective range of her water cannon, Ady Gill accelerated in what was a deliberate move to ensure a collision.

The presence of the other Sea Shepherd  vessel, Bob Barker, is also a factor. From the video taken of the incident this vessel appears to be directly ahead of Shonan Maru thus presenting a possible risk of collision and possibly playing a part in the maneuvers of Shonan Maru. The NZ enquiry found both vessels at fault :
however  the video evidence clearly shows the actual collision was caused by the actions of Ady Gil.
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Re: The Sea Shepherd Is Winning The Battle.
Reply #47 - Jan 23rd, 2011 at 9:40am
If Sea SHepherd had any justifiable claim at all against the Japs for sinking that boat, it would be in the courts. But it isn't, because it was Sea Shepherd's fault and they know it. If anything the Japs for charge them for damage to the paint job. Except the Japs aren't a bunch of whiny little kids playing pirates then complaining when reality smacks them in the face.
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Re: The Sea Shepherd Is Winning The Battle.
Reply #48 - Jan 23rd, 2011 at 10:29am
Belgarion wrote on Jan 23rd, 2011 at 2:21am:
OK... The rule of the road says "action to avoid collision should be positive, obvious and made in good time". Given that both vessels were engaged in activity outside the normal behaviour of ships going about their lawful business, we may safely say they both ignored this one

What does it say about a ship deliberatly changing onto a collision course  with a stationary vessel as the Maru 2 obviously did.

Belgarion wrote on Jan 23rd, 2011 at 2:21am:
Which brings us to..

"15. Crossing situations

When two power-driven vessels are crossing, the vessel which has the other on the starboard side must give way and avoid crossing ahead of her.

Ady Gill had maneuvered to place Shonan Maru as the give way vessel and was stopped in the water, then, as Shonan Maru altered course, probably  to bring Ady Gill in effective range of her water cannon, Ady Gill accelerated in what was a deliberate move to ensure a collision.

The Ady Gill was statioary with the Maru on a course to pass by at least 30 mtrs and probably more like 70 mtrs till the Maru turned directly at the Ady Gill at speed.

The Ady Gill had not manouvered to place the Maru anywhere.

The Ady Gill brought up power too late in what looks like an attempt to manouver

The presence of the other Sea Shepherd  vessel, Bob Barker, is also a factor. From the video taken of the incident this vessel appears to be directly ahead of Shonan Maru thus presenting a possible risk of collision and possibly playing a part in the maneuvers of Shonan Maru.

Rubbish - The film from the Barker clearly shows the Ady Gill Between the Maru and the Barler - this means that obviously untill the Maru Changed direction towards the Gill it was going away from or parrallel to the Barker.

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Re: The Sea Shepherd Is Winning The Battle.
Reply #49 - Jan 23rd, 2011 at 10:34am
Belgarion wrote on Jan 23rd, 2011 at 2:21am:
The NZ enquiry found both vessels at fault :
however  the video evidence clearly shows the actual collision was caused by the actions of Ady Gil.

An exhaustive investigation by New Zealand authorities has found both Japanese whalers and Sea Shepherd activists at fault for the Ady Gil collision in Antarctica.
The whalers' security ship, Shonan Maru No. 2, should have kept clear of the Ady Gil under international collision regulations, and had ample opportunity to avoid hitting it, the Maritime New Zealand inquiry concluded.
But MNZ also found the Ady Gil failed to take avoiding action, and its helmsman did not see the Japanese ship bearing down until seconds before the impact.

As unbelievable as this is what they have ruled is that if a vessel turns directly towards you and you can not get out of the way it is your fault.

A ruling with no credability.

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Re: The Sea Shepherd Is Winning The Battle.
Reply #50 - Jan 23rd, 2011 at 10:38am
Perhaps they had more to go on than a dodgy little video.
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Re: The Sea Shepherd Is Winning The Battle.
Reply #51 - Jan 23rd, 2011 at 11:16am
freediver wrote on Jan 23rd, 2011 at 10:38am:
Perhaps they had more to go on than a dodgy little video.

Indeed they did. What the video shows however is Ady Gil deliberately moving across the bow of Shonan Maru. Wathc the video taken from Bob Barker 1:28 to 1:34. you will notice the ATB on Shonan Maru remains constant while that of Ady Gill broadens considerably, indicating forward movement.  There is also the video from Shonan Mary ath the same time clearly showing the wake of Ady Gill indicating forward movement.

Thr ROTR clearly states that the give way vessel (Shonan Maru) must take early and substantial action to keep clear. It also says the  stand on vessel (Ady Gill) shall maintain her course and speed, but may take action to avoid collision. Neither vessel did any of these things. Ady Gill in fact manipulated the situation to cause the collision.

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« Last Edit: Jan 23rd, 2011 at 11:21am by Belgarion »  

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Re: The Sea Shepherd Is Winning The Battle.
Reply #52 - Jan 23rd, 2011 at 1:03pm
So the whalers didn't sink the Ady Gill - Sea Shepherd did.
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Re: The Sea Shepherd Is Winning The Battle.
Reply #53 - Jan 23rd, 2011 at 6:21pm
freediver wrote on Jan 23rd, 2011 at 10:38am:
Perhaps they had more to go on than a dodgy little video.

Or 4 from both sides and the centre which all show the same thing.
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Re: The Sea Shepherd Is Winning The Battle.
Reply #54 - Jan 23rd, 2011 at 6:33pm
Belgarion wrote on Jan 23rd, 2011 at 11:16am:
freediver wrote on Jan 23rd, 2011 at 10:38am:
Perhaps they had more to go on than a dodgy little video.

Indeed they did. What the video shows however is Ady Gil deliberately moving across the bow of Shonan Maru. Wathc the video taken from Bob Barker 1:28 to 1:34. you will notice the ATB on Shonan Maru remains constant while that of Ady Gill broadens considerably, indicating forward movement.  There is also the video from Shonan Mary ath the same time clearly showing the wake of Ady Gill indicating forward movement.

Thr ROTR clearly states that the give way vessel (Shonan Maru) must take early and substantial action to keep clear. It also says the  stand on vessel (Ady Gill) shall maintain her course and speed, but may take action to avoid collision. Neither vessel did any of these things. Ady Gill in fact manipulated the situation to cause the collision.

The Ady Gill brought power up very late and I would agree that their panic action probably made the collision worse but no doubt their was going to be impact anyway.

Thr ROTR clearly states that the give way vessel (Shonan Maru) must take early and substantial action to keep clear.

They did take early and substantial action but it was not to keep clear it was to deliberatly initiate a collision or very near collision course.

Had the Maru 2 maintained its original line it would have passed probably 70 mtrs away from the Ady Gill with no chance of an accident.
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Re: The Sea Shepherd Is Winning The Battle.
Reply #55 - Jan 23rd, 2011 at 10:00pm
The Ady Gill brought power up very late and I would agree that their panic action probably made the collision worse

Grin So they 'accidentally' rammed their own boat, then deliberately sank it. Then tried to blame someone else.

but no doubt their was going to be impact anyway

No doubt? I have plenty of doubt. If Sea Shepherd was not there with the sole intention of getting in the way of ships in antarctic waters, there would have been no collision. If Paul Watson had not ordered the Ady Gill to be sank after the collision, it would not have sank. What do you think Sea Shepherd is trying to do with their ships? Keep out of the way and let the whalers go about their business?
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Re: The Sea Shepherd Is Winning The Battle.
Reply #56 - Jan 23rd, 2011 at 11:54pm
freediver wrote on Jan 23rd, 2011 at 10:00pm:
The Ady Gill brought power up very late and I would agree that their panic action probably made the collision worse

 So they 'accidentally' rammed their own boat, then deliberately sank it. Then tried to blame someone else.

You seem to be talanted at identifying what was not said.

No doubt? I have plenty of doubt.

I had no doubt you would, I also have no doubt that had the Maru not been turned directly towards the Ady Gill there would have been no collision, Had the Ady gill needed to move 70 mtrs it would have been a tad more obvious.

If Sea Shepherd was not there with the sole intention of getting in the way of ships in antarctic waters, there would have been no collision.

And if the Japanese were not illegally poaching whales in the southern ocean then neither would have been there.

If Paul Watson had not ordered the Ady Gill to be sank after the collision, it would not have sank.

The damaged boat would have been more valuable to sea shepherd had it reached port. I doubt the decision was as simple as you suggest - yes I have seen the quotes and the captain thinks his boat could have been saved.
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Re: The Sea Shepherd Is Winning The Battle.
Reply #57 - Jan 24th, 2011 at 12:25am
And if the Japanese were not illegally poaching whales in the southern ocean then neither would have been there

Actually, going by the convention on whaling, it's not illegal at all.

If the catch is declared to be for scientific purposes then it's legal anywhere - even within declared whale sanctuaries.

And according to the convention, that catch can then be disposed of in any way they desire - destroyed, sold, eaten etc.

Sure, you can bleat that they're exploiting the wording of the convention, but you'll find that if you attempt to contest it in a court of law that there's nothing illegal about it.
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Re: The Sea Shepherd Is Winning The Battle.
Reply #58 - Jan 24th, 2011 at 12:55am
Life_goes_on wrote on Jan 24th, 2011 at 12:25am:
Sure, you can bleat that they're exploiting the wording of the convention, but you'll find that if you attempt to contest it in a court of law that there's nothing illegal about it.

You mean that running a commercial fishing opperation disguised as a scientific study is using a loop hole, I would think more like corruption and dishonesty at a national level.

If you go out there and catch whales for a study you would find yourself in a lot of trouble - it is illegal.

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Re: The Sea Shepherd Is Winning The Battle.
Reply #59 - Jan 24th, 2011 at 10:03pm
And if the Japanese were not illegally poaching whales

You are right. They are not illegally poaching whales. There is a reaosn why we don't let lunatics take the law into their own hands.

The damaged boat would have been more valuable to sea shepherd had it reached port. I doubt the decision was as simple as you suggest - yes I have seen the quotes and the captain thinks his boat could have been saved.

Wrong. It was more valuable for the media coverage of it getting sunk - simple as that. Sea Shepherd want idiots to think the Japs sank their boat, when in fact they sank it themselves.

If you go out there and catch whales for a study you would find yourself in a lot of trouble - it is illegal.

What the Japanese are doing is not illegal. It is that simple.
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