Mantra, this entire thread is hypocritical witch hunt thread, I mean when you accused me of being a granny murderer, on account of my family having taken the advice from my grandmothers palliative care team to increase her morphine, you immediately jumped in and exited others to hound me off the boards.
I think it's become apparent, that you a few cracker/yahoo hacks would rather I posted elsewhere, fortunately for you, I have decided to do just that.
With respects to what you alleged went on over on Cracker, i'm sure freediver has already read my PM's, and able to determine for himself why the sudden change of heart.
I think the trick to spotting someone up to mischief, is 'inconsistencies' with their posting ... take yourself Mantra, when I first came here, you even went to the trouble of sucking up to me telling me how much you enjoyed my writing over on cracker.
Fact is, I knew you were sucking up, were hoping I wouldn't mention any of it here, however when you began discussing it here first yourself, I had no choice but to defend myself, this and tell it like it was.
I think you get paranoid, edgy, and basically, dump yourself in it because the harder you try to allude to others being the trouble maker, threads upon threads, requesting others to either ban me, or have my threads pulled tells the story.
Like I said, I think you have become rather histrionic and even pathological in your age, I mean you were always a shocker, and tried to recruit 'dullard'/naive others into attacking your perceived target/enemy for you, it's just most of them grow up, and out of your flame-war games, then they move on. You, well you seemingly make a career out of targeting persons of interest, those you feel threatened by it seams.
You claim to have adult children, odd, because I always had you pegged as some disturbed trans-gendered male in his 20's 30's tops.
I could be wrong I guess, (or am I thinking of Carl) and I suspect you will tell me so as soon as I have hit send.

Believe me, I'm not your enemy, Mantra, the guys in the white coats you had best start keeping an eye out for them.
Take care