Powerful symbolism indeed...
To cry, is to be human.
To clutch ones national flag is to be patriotic.
To clutch the flag and cry at the same time is to be passionate about ones nation of people, when we all know she has her black-heart set on our becoming a socialist republic, complete with new flag and president Shorten, minus the Union Jack.
Sorry, I just couldn't help but marvel at the irony of the TV footage I saw on several channels here in Australia, where there be not a flag in sight.
What are they/she saying?
Is a Gillard-Labor government gradually trying to distance themselves even further from the Australian flag, after already having changed their party logo?
I will just add, GG Quentin Bryce, her Husband Michael Bryce Ausflag director and judge,tried to pull this once before...
http://www.ausflag.com.au/launch_at_brisbane_town_hall.aspIf we become a republic, especially under a Labor government, there will be no turning back the clock, and constitutionally speaking we will be royally F&&ed, given all that protects us and stops the rest of this country being sold off at the speed of sound to foreign investors is our protective constitution, Labors ministers have tweaked this many times however, slowly creeping in their desired republic.
Becoming a republic isn't about independence or our having "grown up" as Labor would have us believe, it's about their own corporate autonomy and dictatorship, ...they have achieved this with the state of WA, and have intentions of doing the same to NT more recently.
Yes, we do live under the Southern Cross, and like it or not the British did have a lot to do with founding this great nation of ours, so why remove the Union Jack form the Australian flag, this or go so far as to edit parliamentary footage for Australian viewers only as though being seen crying with it were something to be ashamed of?
Is it?
Was Gillard concerned about offending pro-republican minority voters?
Was she afraid of appearing tokenistic?
My concern is that the footage was edited for Australian viewers, whereas it was delivered to the UK in all it's patriotic 'Union Jack' glory.
She's shallow,two-faced and false.
One parliament for us, another for our commonwealth friends and the mother country it would seem.
Some of you may find this remarkably inconsequential, but for me, it's the little symbolic things like this that lend to our nations overall character.. make us who we are.
Why should we be seen by ourselves as being one thing, yet to others as something different again?
Either we are patriotic and proud of our flag or not.
Time to get real!