Cyclone Larry relief fund.
Submitted: Friday, Apr 07, 2006 at 02:24
Bros 1
The Cyclone Larry victim relief fund is rapidly approaching the $14 million mark, with donations today taking the current total to over $13.8 million, Premier Peter Beattie announced today.
Mr Beattie said that National Australia Bank today banked the $635,000 collected from the public through their branches along with a matching contribution of $250,000, taking the total from bank and customers to $885,000.
"I commend NAB staff and customers alike for their efforts, and I can assure them that the victims of Cyclone Larry will benefit from their generosity," Mr Beattie said.
"Today Zinifex Ltd contributed $80,000, and the Redcliffe City Council has donated $15,000.
"Yesterday IGA donated $100,000 as well as $130,000 in food vouchers, BP contributed $80,000, Terry White Chemist and Alphapharm $30,000 and $25,000 respectively, and Roche Mining $20,000.
"The hotline has received 11,975 calls, and there have been 36,431 donations at bank branches.
"Today's donatios have brought the total to $13,812,959.70 - within striking distance of $14 million.
"I again thank all those who've made a donation, and encourage everyone to keep digging deep."
Donations can be made through any Commonwealth Bank branch, the hotline on 1800 150 411 or online
Major Donors Amt
Commonwealth Government 1,100,000
Queensland Government 1,100,000
Commonwealth Bank of Australia 1,000,000
Westpac ($500k now, $500k in infrastructure) 500,000
BHP Billiton 350,000
NT Government 250,000
NAB plus customer donations- matching donations up to $250,000 885,000
Queensland and NSW Club Industry 200,000
UBS Global Asset Management 200,000
IGA - $100k plus $130k food vouchers 100,000
ANZ 100,000
Macarthur Coal Limited 100,000
RACQ 100,000
Rio Tinto/Comalco Aluminium 100,000
TABCORP 100,000
Victorian Government 100,000
Visy Industries 100,000
XStrata Queensland 100,000
Zinifex Ltd 80,000
Peaody Pacific 75,000
Ports Corporation of Queensland 55,000
Stanwell Corporation 55,000
Bank of Queensland 50,000
BP 50,000
Coles Myer 50,000
Darwin City Council 50,000
Gold Coast City Council 50,000
LMG Charity 50,000
NRMA Insurance Ltd 50,000
Pharmacy Guild of Australia 50,000
Queensland Newspapers 50,000
Suncorp 50,000
Rugby League Crowds (T'ville $32,254.55; Bris $9,752.10) 42,007
Reef Hotel Casino 35,000
Shangri-La, The Marina, Cairns 30,000
Shangri-La International 30,000
Terry White Chemist 30,000
Alphapharm 25,000
Woodside Energy 25,000
Carter & Spencer Group 20,000
Guild Insurance & Financial Services 20,000
Noosa Shire Council 20,000
Roche Mining 20,000
Wilson HTM 20,000
Retravision Qld 16,800
Redcliffe City Council 15,000
Australian Pharmacy professional Conference Delegates 14,000
Advantage Motorcycles Pty Ltd 13,900
Townsville RSL 11,500
The Rivkin Report 10,755
Medtonic Australia 10,444
Australian Stock Exchange 10,000
B&R Enclosures Pty Ltd 10,000
Bloomfield Collieries Pty Limited 10,000
Broncos 10,000
Clayton Utz 10,000
East West International Pty Ltd 10,000
Freehills 10,000
Hyne Timber 10,000
Man Investments Australia 10,000
Muslim Community 10,000
Pfizer Australia Pty Ltd 10,000
Cao Chenxi/Shao Xia 10,000
JF & AM Jones 10,000
LN & JK Collins 10,000
S Gibson 10,000
D O'Shea 10,000
P Santalucia 10,000
S & G Andrejic 10,000
W Brett 10,000 there a cyclone levy relief fund a Labor government forgot about still luring about, if so, what's left in it?