Gillard bobbing for Kiwi ApplesTASMANIAN growers are outraged that New Zealand apples may soon be allowed into Tasmanian markets.
Australian apple growers face an influx of cheap imports from across the Tasman after Prime Minister Julia Gillard confirmed yesterday that she would no longer fight international demands for looser quarantine rules.
Ms Gillard was greeted by loud applause in the New Zealand Parliament yesterday when she confirmed that she had accepted a World Trade Organisation order for Australia to drop tough restrictions on imported apples.
"Let me be clear that Australia accepts the verdict of the global umpire and will implement the WTO rulings on the importation of New Zealand apples into Australia," she told NZ parliamentarians.
The trans-Tasman neighbours have battled over apple imports since 1921.
Fruit Growers Tasmania spokeswoman Lucy Gregg said the arrival of New Zealand apples could devastate local orchards if the risk analysis assessment by Biosecurity Australia wasn't tight.
"These protocols need to ensure our industry is protected, seeing that the imports will be on the way," Ms Gregg said.
Apple growers across the country have been warning that diseases like fire blight could be spread from NZ imports.
Trade Minister Craig Emerson last year ordered Biosecurity Australia to conduct a scientific review of quarantine rules.
Ms Gillard yesterday defended Australia's appeals against the WTO ruling.
"You would expect that in a rules-based trading system, which is what our world trade system is through the WTO, that as a nation we would use those rules and use appeal rights as they were made available," she said.
"But the umpire has now spoken, we will abide by the decision.""But the umpire has now spoken, we will abide by the decision."
The umpire ?
She's full of herself, has basically said, appeal it if you like, but I'm impressing my NZ mate here so tough luck, the decisions already made.
Is she right there?
If I didn't know any better, I'd say she's trying to commit political suicide, why on earth would she want to p1ss the farmers off like this?