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Aussey Farmers furious over Gillards apple deal (Read 7868 times)
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Re: Aussey Farmers furious over Gillards apple deal
Reply #30 - Feb 17th, 2011 at 1:39pm
As for me, I will only buy the Australian grown apples.    Smiley
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Re: Aussey Farmers furious over Gillards apple deal
Reply #31 - Feb 17th, 2011 at 1:44pm
Gillard bobbing for Kiwi  Apples

TASMANIAN growers are outraged that New Zealand apples may soon be allowed into Tasmanian markets.

Australian apple growers face an influx of cheap imports from across the Tasman after Prime Minister Julia Gillard confirmed yesterday that she would no longer fight international demands for looser quarantine rules.

Ms Gillard was greeted by loud applause in the New Zealand Parliament yesterday when she confirmed that she had accepted a World Trade Organisation order for Australia to drop tough restrictions on imported apples.

"Let me be clear that Australia accepts the verdict of the global umpire and will implement the WTO rulings on the importation of New Zealand apples into Australia," she told NZ parliamentarians.

The trans-Tasman neighbours have battled over apple imports since 1921.

Fruit Growers Tasmania spokeswoman Lucy Gregg said the arrival of New Zealand apples could devastate local orchards if the risk analysis assessment by Biosecurity Australia wasn't tight.

"These protocols need to ensure our industry is protected, seeing that the imports will be on the way," Ms Gregg said.

Apple growers across the country have been warning that diseases like fire blight could be spread from NZ imports.

Trade Minister Craig Emerson last year ordered Biosecurity Australia to conduct a scientific review of quarantine rules.

Ms Gillard yesterday defended Australia's appeals against the WTO ruling.

"You would expect that in a rules-based trading system, which is what our world trade system is through the WTO, that as a nation we would use those rules and use appeal rights as they were made available," she said.

"But the umpire has now spoken, we will abide by the decision."

"But the umpire has now spoken, we will abide by the decision."


   The umpire ?

She's full of herself, has basically said, appeal it if you like, but I'm impressing my NZ mate here so tough luck, the decisions already made.

Is she right there?

If I didn't know any better, I'd say she's trying to commit political suicide, why on earth would she want to p1ss the farmers off like this?

Roll Eyes 

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Re: Aussey Farmers furious over Gillards apple deal
Reply #32 - Feb 17th, 2011 at 1:45pm
As for me, I will only buy the Australian grown apples.    Smiley

Likewise...just in protest to this, and I don't care if they are 50c a kilo, I'm not buying NZ apples when we have our own farmers to take care of.
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Re: Aussey Farmers furious over Gillards apple deal
Reply #33 - Feb 17th, 2011 at 1:49pm
"Let me be clear that Australia accepts the verdict of the global umpire and will implement the WTO rulings on the importation of New Zealand apples into Australia," she told NZ parliamentarians.

This is sounding a tad Orwellian, what an 'odd fellow' she is. Roll Eyes

Global umpire?

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Re: Aussey Farmers furious over Gillards apple deal
Reply #34 - Feb 17th, 2011 at 2:02pm
You will find most Australians are price prostitutes mellie, and will seize a bargain whenever they find one.
The ban on NZ apples hasn't made sense for some years now considering how long it's been since the last case of fire blight in NZ.
And also that NZ has been routinely exporting apples into Asia now for more than two decades without issue only further erodes any case to ban them from our shelves.
We are supposed to be having a free trade agreement with NZ.
Then let it be a free trade agreement.
As it is the Chinese will soon have their apples here for sale with their silly 'Great Wall' sticker on them, so why not our kiwi brothers.
I've eaten their fruit many a time in Asia, and there's nothing wrong with it.
At least we should be given the choice on the shelves, so why not let the market decide.
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Australian Politics

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Re: Aussey Farmers furious over Gillards apple deal
Reply #35 - Feb 17th, 2011 at 2:07pm
Gillard would have to be the dopiest bitch I have ever came across, and the sooner someone displaces here the better for ALL Australians before she has us in a black hole we can never get out of.

If anyone ran their business the way she is running the Australian economy, they would be out backwards in 6 months.  This stupid skank wouldn’t be able to run a brothel next to a pub! 

NZ will only let Australia invest $500million in their country, but Australia will let NZ invest $1billion in ours.

What’s wrong with this picture?   

I really don’t know why she just doesn’t put Australia for sale on Ebay and be done with it.
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ire futuis vobismetipsis

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Re: Aussey Farmers furious over Gillards apple deal
Reply #36 - Feb 17th, 2011 at 2:16pm
culldav wrote on Feb 17th, 2011 at 2:07pm:
Gillard would have to be the dopiest bitch I have ever came across, and the sooner someone displaces here the better for ALL Australians before she has us in a black hole we can never get out of.

If anyone ran their business the way she is running the Australian economy, they would be out backwards in 6 months.  This stupid skank wouldn’t be able to run a brothel next to a pub!  

NZ will only let Australia invest $500million in their country, but Australia will let NZ invest $1billion in ours.

What’s wrong with this picture?  

I really don’t know why she just doesn’t put Australia for sale on Ebay and be done with it.

Australia has been at the arse end of EVERY free trade deal we've struck.
This is just the latest on a long list by both sides.
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REBELLION is not what most people think it is.
REBELLION is when you turn off the TV & start educating & thinking for yourself.
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Re: Aussey Farmers furious over Gillards apple deal
Reply #37 - Feb 17th, 2011 at 2:23pm

I'm guessing that this may have something to do with exchange rates - see: -

New Zealand Dollar          1.32753         0.753276
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Australian Politics

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Re: Aussey Farmers furious over Gillards apple deal
Reply #38 - Feb 17th, 2011 at 2:28pm
Pauline Hanson’s words are ringing in my ears when Howard excluded Australian pig farmers from his FTA with the USA.  I know Pauline had her faults, but her words are ringing true right now

FMD, who are these morons that are getting elected into powerful positions, and what’s even worse, what’s the bloody matter with the Australian people that keep voting this cretins into power.
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Re: Aussey Farmers furious over Gillards apple deal
Reply #39 - Feb 17th, 2011 at 2:31pm
I would like to believe the exchange rates are a true indication of this difference, but we all know they are just fantasy, and that NZ would just increase the price of their business or product to match the AUD, so Australia wouldn't really be getting value for money would we.
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Ex Member

Re: Aussey Farmers furious over Gillards apple deal
Reply #40 - Feb 17th, 2011 at 2:34pm
Australia has been at the arse end of EVERY free trade deal we've struck.
This is just the latest on a long list by both sides. This is one of the reasons why I don't vote for Labor or Liberal.   Wink
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Australian Politics

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Re: Aussey Farmers furious over Gillards apple deal
Reply #41 - Feb 17th, 2011 at 2:34pm
Lets just hope Mel this political suicide is fast and not slow, I want this nut-case bitch gone ASAP
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Re: Aussey Farmers furious over Gillards apple deal
Reply #42 - Feb 17th, 2011 at 2:41pm
This skank is not happy being an anal mole and taking up the ring from every “tree ape” country she comes in contact with north of Australia, now she’s bending over again and taking up the arse from New Zealand.  Surely that pillow biting handbag she carries around with her give her enough anal sex.
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Re: Aussey Farmers furious over Gillards apple deal
Reply #43 - Feb 17th, 2011 at 2:47pm
I've looked into it, Gillard had no say in the matter...we had banned apples coming in from New Zealand for the past 90 years, but now, a rather Orwellian WTO (World Trade Authority) calls the shots it seems and tells us who we trade with, like it or not.

I knew what the WTO was, and it's association with WHO, though didn't realise they had this much power over governments, they really are the umpire, Gillard called it like it was, for once.

New Zealand apples are known to be infested with a disease called fire Blight, and once it's in, it's turning back...bit like our fruit fly...only this attacks pears and your lovely garden roses also.

Happy Valentines!

They will more than likely introduce them to Tas first, to see what happens, so if it catches on, then it's contained, and not allowed to spread on the mainland at least...mean hu.. Undecided

Poor Tasmanians, if we aren't grafting limbs onto the backs of their necks for spare parts, we are contaminating their produce with fire blight.

Our government cut scientific research/testing funding to screen produce some years ago, and now we lack the scientists required to test this produce properly ourselves it seems, though I dare say we will import a team, we will have to.

This or give our own horticulturists a crash-course.

Anyway, read up on it at your discretion if you are interested in it...I for one am, and am not overly keen on some Owellian-like WTO telling our nation who we must trade with, like it or not.

You guys really need to read 1984, by George Orwell, if you haven't already... Wink


Fire Blight is a bacteria btw... in case you were wondering!

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Australian Politics

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Re: Aussey Farmers furious over Gillards apple deal
Reply #44 - Feb 17th, 2011 at 3:09pm
The Tasmanians always reminds me of seeing those rats with human ears growing from their backs.  LOL

They just have to rent the movie 1984, cost 2 bucks.   As I have said, Australia is becoming the planets toilet.

Here’s food for thought: Have you ever considered that the puppet masters just might be setting Australia up to become one big prison for the planets population considering its geographical location?

Lets face it, take away Australia’s natural resources and it doesn’t have that much to offer does it?
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