Honestly, where the hell does she get off?
Quote:PRIME Minister Julia Gillard has called for opposition immigration spokesman Scott Morrison to resign following a report he urged the Liberal Party to adopt a platform against Muslim immigrants.
Mr Morrison dismissed the report as "gossip" but did not categorically deny its accuracy, saying he would not comment on shadow cabinet discussions.
Opposition Leader Tony Abbott defended his shadow minister, calling the report an "absolute travesty" of Mr Morrison's position
http://www.heraldsun.com.au/news/breaking-news/gillard-calls-for-morrison-to-res...Despots, it's smacks of a desperate Gillard publicly responding to idol gossip.
What about her own ministers, perhaps we could use this thread to expose a few of her own?
This and question why they haven't be sacked...including herself to imbecile.
"Sorry about my dreadful Australian Accent" I found this personally insulting, when she said this during her parliamentary speech in NZ recently.
I know who should resign!
She's a disgrace.