Dsmithy70 wrote on Feb 17
th, 2011 at 10:17pm:
mellie wrote on Feb 17
th, 2011 at 7:28pm:
Maybe you can find where he lives in Sydney and send his carers the bill for his airfare.
Have you no courage of your convictions?
We have a thread at the bottom of the page with 500 posts and I reckon at least 100 of those are yours Mellie arguing in every possible way against showing any compassion towards "Boat People" "illegals" as you call them, never refugee it would invoke thoughts of maybe helping instead of scorning.
Compassion will only encourage them is the undertone.
As Morrison changes his stance so do you, miss timing eh, unfortunate error of a truely compassionate person.
You are a bait to divert Morrisons "Unfortunate Error" into a positive for the Liberals, unfortunately the media in it's never ending search for a head line seem to have fallen for it as well.
Actually you do have the courage of your convictions......you have the courage to post such a balled face lie for all of us to see and expect it to just slide.
You see them as all being one in the same, you objectify them, categorically define them as aliens, (fair enough), however, when it comes to children, for me this is where things change.
I don't care what race they are, to me they are innocent children, and really, I think he's suffered enough for his relatives actions.
I'm angry with his parents having rendered him an orphan, angry with our government for having failed to implement the appropriate policy, though I cant be angry at the child, and nor should any of you.
The best possible outcome is for this child is to stay in Australia, having no immediate family to go home to, they are all here it seems, so what can you do?
The child is clearly traumatised, our miserable flaccid border policy's are what stuffed him up, we have to fix him.
The change has to start with government policy, but I draw the line at punishing children for their parents irresponsible actions, and that of our governments.