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Muslim protesters on trial for burning  poppies (Read 8635 times)
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Australian Politics

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Townsville NQ
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Re: Muslim protesters on trial for burning  poppies
Reply #45 - Mar 23rd, 2011 at 9:07am
Lestat wrote on Mar 22nd, 2011 at 12:21pm:
chicken_lipsforme wrote on Mar 22nd, 2011 at 8:54am:
GH wrote on Feb 24th, 2011 at 10:55pm:
TWO Muslim protesters set fire to giant poppies at the end of a two-minute silence on Armistice Day as a crowd chanted “British soldiers burn in hell”, a court heard yesterday.

Mohammed Haque, 30, and Emdadur Choudhury, 26, were at the demonstration by Muslims Against Crusaders near the end of a charity walk for service personnel.

Haque and Choudhury were filmed unfurling plastic poppies and burning them at the end of a silence close to London’s Royal Albert Hall on November 11 last year, the court heard.

Witness Tony Kibble told police: “I felt sick inside. It is something that means so much to me. So to see what I believed was a wreath of poppies fall to the ground, it was despicable.”

Prosecutor Simon Ray said: “The actions went far beyond the boundaries of political protest and freedom of expression.”

He said the protesters were close to serving and former members of the armed forces and their relatives attending the Walk For Heroes event.

The case is being heard by Belmarsh magistrates, but at Woolwich crown court, amid tight security due to protests from the far right English Defence League and MAC.

Haque, of Bethnal Green and Choudhury, of Whitechapel, both East London, deny using ­threatening, abusive or insulting words or behaviour.The trial continues.

Read more:

It's a pity the stocks went out of fashion where the public could gather around and throw rotten fruit at the heads of those held.
These halfwits burning poppies don't realise that Armistice Day has no relevance to todays war on terror.
The British should just deport the scum.

I heard a rumour that being such the supporter of democracy that you claim you are, that you support the rights of people to protest...and that you believe that freedom of expression is a central tenet in a democratic society.

I guess it was just a rumour eh.....

You dimwits make it too highlight the faults and hypocricy of democracy. You do more to damage the idealism of democracy then any jihadists could hope for....all you have to do, well...just be yourself.


And these scum use the veil of democracy as a cloak to shield them from critisism for their disgusting acts.
Their actions has nothing to do with the right to protest.
They went their to cause trouble and they found it.
Their 'protest' had no bearing on Armistice Day.
It's a pity the servicemen and ex-servicemen didn't take to these Islamic maggots with clubs.
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Re: Muslim protesters on trial for burning  poppies
Reply #46 - Mar 23rd, 2011 at 9:38am
Lestat wrote on Mar 22nd, 2011 at 12:21pm:
I heard a rumour that being such the supporter of democracy that you claim you are, that you support the rights of people to protest...and that you believe that freedom of expression is a central tenet in a democratic society.

I guess it was just a rumour eh.....

You dimwits make it too highlight the faults and hypocricy of democracy. You do more to damage the idealism of democracy then any jihadists could hope for....all you have to do, well...just be yourself.


AN excellent example of how the swivel eyed jihadis exploit democracy to provoke - but when growled at, they squeal about democracy.

None of this great awareness of democracy is evident when Islam is criticised. Then it's burn and kill and go apesh!t. For the jihadi sons of Mohammed, it is aLways different standards.

Only the swivel eyes are a constant.

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A cat with a view
Re: Muslim protesters on trial for burning  poppies
Reply #47 - Mar 23rd, 2011 at 10:54am
Soren wrote on Mar 23rd, 2011 at 9:38am:

AN excellent example of how the swivel eyed jihadis exploit democracy to provoke - but when growled at, they squeal about democracy.

A duality.

Moslems always present and express a duality [a duplicitous mindset], when portraying ISLAM/moslems, to non-moslems.


ISLAM portrays its violent murderous Jihad 'martyrs' as, the 'victims'.

Ans the world neither questions, acknowledges, OR EVEN RECOGNISES, such open, bare faced duplicity of thought which moslems exhibit.

AND, it is the victims of ISLAMIC Jihad violence, who are portrayed [by moslems] as aggressors, for defending themselves from the violent, murderous, rage of ISLAM's adherents.

Merely to criticise moslem violence [towards non-moslems], is portrayed as the 'oppression' of moslems.

"Five Australian jihadists convicted - Sister, 'its not fair' "

"..The sister for one of the convicted men said...that the sentence is not fair to her community or religion."

It was reported, that her brother liked to watch videos of moslems beheading non-moslems, and now he can't,
...for a very long time.

And it's just not fair!!

Australians laws are so unfair.


This woman clearly identifies herself as a *moslem*.
And has clearly declared that *she believes*,
"...that the sentence is not fair to her community or religion."

As a moslem, this woman [along with all moslems] is effectively declaring;

'ISLAM gives us moslems the right to use violence to impose our value system upon you non-moslems.
Your non-moslem laws are illegal, and unjust.
And it is evil, and unjust, for you to use your laws to resist our Jihad, against you.'

And i assure you, imo, that that, is the mindset of all good moslems share.


We non-moslems believe that, if not perfect, our laws are equitable [just].
Because everyone, moslems and non-moslems, are equal before our laws.

But that is not the opinion of many, many, 'moslems' living within Australia.

Moslems within Australia, living within their moslem communities, inculcate, and teach each other, exactly what ISLAM teaches them,
...that the non-moslem community is 'oppressing' local moslems, by subjecting moslems to 'unjust' non-moslem laws.

And that is precisely what this woman, the sister of the convicted Jihadist, is expressing!

And all Australians should understand, that moslems do not believe in, they do not endorse, or promote, 'one law for all'.

Moslems want Sharia - for themselves, and for us.

Because Sharia is an inequitable system of laws which unashamedly favours moslems.

Sharia establishes, and is, a legal apartheid, which favours moslems..

And the Jihad [violence against non-moslems], is the path towards a Sharia system, which is justified by all moslems.

December 31, 2007
Pakistani cleric: "We want Islamic law for all Pakistan and then the world. We would like to do this by preaching. But if not then we would use force."

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"....And he said unto him, If they hear not Moses and the prophets, neither will they be persuaded, though one rose from the dead."
Luke 16:31
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Posts: 21939
A cat with a view
Re: Muslim protesters on trial for burning
Reply #48 - Mar 23rd, 2011 at 11:07am
Jihadis exploiting democracy, within non-moslem jurisdictions.

[Moslems just can't help themselves, they have to.]


So long as non-moslem jurisdictions
continue to accede to, and appease moslem demands for a 'cultural' 'accommodation' of the moslem community, the Slow Jihad will continue, apace.

After all, if the non-moslem jurisdiction is itself, slowly empowering moslems, and acceding to its own slow ISLAMISATION, why should the moslem community complain???

But eventually all good things must come to an end!

A 'Tipping point' will eventually be reached, where many persons within the non-moslem jurisdiction will begin to recognise what is happening;
The slow [Jihad] ISLAMISATION of the non-moslem jurisdiction has progressed to the point, where the moslem community has achieved a measure of empowerment, and some real political influence, upon 'public policy' within the wider non-moslem jurisdiction.


When the time is appropriate, and propitious to themselves, moslems begin to agitate for special concessions in law, which are available to, and apply to, only moslems.
And many persons within non-moslem jurisdictions now begin to recognise, that what moslems desire and aspire to, is a legal duality within the wider non-moslem jurisdiction.
Non-moslems begin to realise that what moslems really want, and what moslems are insisting upon [as a right], is (a) legal apartheid, where some laws apply to, and favour only moslems.
Non-moslems begin to realise that what moslems seek is a law sanctioned discrimination, against non-moslems, an injustice [placed upon, suffered by non-moslems, to the cost of non-moslems, and their culture].

The 'Tipping point' has been reached for moslems.
When the moslem community sees that there is a new widespread opposition to making special concessions in law [exclusively for the benefit of moslems], the moslem community will start using words like, 'discrimination', 'intolerance', 'bigotry', 'racism', 'oppressing moslems'.

When the 'Slow Jihad' becomes ineffectual, the moslem community will abandon the 'Slow Jihad'.
And a new 'Hot Jihad' will ensue, due to the 'oppression' of moslems by non-moslems [defending their cultural mores].

Live in peace till strong enough to wage jihad, says UK Deoband scholar to Muslims
London, Sept.8 [2007]
A Deobandi scholar believes Muslims should *preach* peace till they are strong enough to undertake a jihad, or a holy war.
Justice Muhammad Taqi Usmani was quoted by the BBC as saying that Muslims should live peacefully in countries such as Britain, where they have the freedom to practise Islam, *only until* they gain enough power to engage in battle.

December 31, 2007
Pakistani cleric: "We want Islamic law for all Pakistan and then the world. We would like to do this by preaching. But if not then we would use force."


Slow Jihad = = Is where an informal truce with non-moslem jurisdictions is maintained, by moslems living within those non-moslem jurisdictions.
This truce will be maintained, so long as non-moslems continue to accede to empowering moslem influence, within the non-moslem jurisdiction.

Tipping point = = This is the point where moslems within non-moslem jurisdictions abandon Slow Jihad, for Aggressive Jihad, and/or Hot Jihad.
The 'Tipping point' is the point at which 'moderate' moslems 'revert to type' and become good moslems.
It is the point at which moslems abandon the pretence of their tolerance of the authority of the non-moslem jurisdiction.
It is the point at which moslems reveal themselves to be, what they are, what they have always been,
...good moslems.

Once the 'Tipping point' has been reached, moslems engage in;
Aggressive Jihad = = Where moslem communities engage in 'justified' open criticism of, and aggression towards, non-moslems, for their 'oppression' of, and 'discrimination' against moslems.

Hot Jihad = = Open violence against non-moslems, hot fighting in Allah's cause.

Hot Jihad = = where moslems revert to, and reveal, what and who, moslems have always been;
Good moslems.

There are no 'moderate' moslems.

Because,  ...there is no moderate ISLAM.

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"....And he said unto him, If they hear not Moses and the prophets, neither will they be persuaded, though one rose from the dead."
Luke 16:31
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Gold Member

Posts: 21939
A cat with a view
Re: Muslim protesters on trial for burning  poppies
Reply #49 - Mar 23rd, 2011 at 11:43am
Yadda wrote on Mar 23rd, 2011 at 10:54am:

"Five Australian jihadists convicted - Sister, 'its not fair' "

"..The sister for one of the convicted men said...that the sentence is not fair to her community or religion."

It was reported, that her brother liked to watch videos of moslems beheading non-moslems, and now he can't,
...for a very long time.

And it's just not fair!!

Australians laws are so unfair.


This woman clearly identifies herself as a *moslem*.
And has clearly declared that *she believes*,
"...that the sentence is not fair to her community or religion."


That this moslem woman [above] expresses no remorse or regret, from her family, or from the moslem community, for the violent intent of her Jihadist brother.

Rather, this moslem woman projects all guilt in the affair, onto the non-moslem jurisdiction.


The exact same response was seen in the incident with the NSW police officer, who was accused by a moslem woman of racism, and of trying to rip away her face covering, when he stopped her vehicle.

And after having being shown to have lied [video evidence], that second moslem woman also, expressed absolutely no remorse or contrition.

As per usual, when you confront moslems with their blatant wrong doing...

It was all someone else's fault.

"...the story of the Sydney policeman who happened to stop a veiled lady.
[the moslem woman, accused that...] the policeman was a racist, shouted at her, grabbed her veil and wanted to pull it off.
[But...] it appears the policeman spoke very politely to the lady from beginning to end."

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"....And he said unto him, If they hear not Moses and the prophets, neither will they be persuaded, though one rose from the dead."
Luke 16:31
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Australian Politics

Posts: 1403
Re: Muslim protesters on trial for burning  poppies
Reply #50 - Mar 24th, 2011 at 8:02am
Soren wrote on Mar 23rd, 2011 at 9:38am:
Lestat wrote on Mar 22nd, 2011 at 12:21pm:
I heard a rumour that being such the supporter of democracy that you claim you are, that you support the rights of people to protest...and that you believe that freedom of expression is a central tenet in a democratic society.

I guess it was just a rumour eh.....

You dimwits make it too highlight the faults and hypocricy of democracy. You do more to damage the idealism of democracy then any jihadists could hope for....all you have to do, well...just be yourself.


AN excellent example of how the swivel eyed jihadis exploit democracy to provoke - but when growled at, they squeal about democracy.

None of this great awareness of democracy is evident when Islam is criticised. Then it's burn and kill and go apesh!t. For the jihadi sons of Mohammed, it is aLways different standards.

Only the swivel eyes are a constant.

Not exploiting Soreass...just exposing your hypocricy. And you dimwitted fools make it far to easy.

Though I'd hardly expect you to understand...thats the beauty of it. You play into our hands, and your too dumb to know it. Cheesy

Keep up the good work Soreass....
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Australian Politics

Posts: 1403
Re: Muslim protesters on trial for burning  poppies
Reply #51 - Mar 24th, 2011 at 8:03am
chicken_lipsforme wrote on Mar 23rd, 2011 at 9:07am:
Lestat wrote on Mar 22nd, 2011 at 12:21pm:
chicken_lipsforme wrote on Mar 22nd, 2011 at 8:54am:
GH wrote on Feb 24th, 2011 at 10:55pm:
TWO Muslim protesters set fire to giant poppies at the end of a two-minute silence on Armistice Day as a crowd chanted “British soldiers burn in hell”, a court heard yesterday.

Mohammed Haque, 30, and Emdadur Choudhury, 26, were at the demonstration by Muslims Against Crusaders near the end of a charity walk for service personnel.

Haque and Choudhury were filmed unfurling plastic poppies and burning them at the end of a silence close to London’s Royal Albert Hall on November 11 last year, the court heard.

Witness Tony Kibble told police: “I felt sick inside. It is something that means so much to me. So to see what I believed was a wreath of poppies fall to the ground, it was despicable.”

Prosecutor Simon Ray said: “The actions went far beyond the boundaries of political protest and freedom of expression.”

He said the protesters were close to serving and former members of the armed forces and their relatives attending the Walk For Heroes event.

The case is being heard by Belmarsh magistrates, but at Woolwich crown court, amid tight security due to protests from the far right English Defence League and MAC.

Haque, of Bethnal Green and Choudhury, of Whitechapel, both East London, deny using ­threatening, abusive or insulting words or behaviour.The trial continues.

Read more:

It's a pity the stocks went out of fashion where the public could gather around and throw rotten fruit at the heads of those held.
These halfwits burning poppies don't realise that Armistice Day has no relevance to todays war on terror.
The British should just deport the scum.

I heard a rumour that being such the supporter of democracy that you claim you are, that you support the rights of people to protest...and that you believe that freedom of expression is a central tenet in a democratic society.

I guess it was just a rumour eh.....

You dimwits make it too highlight the faults and hypocricy of democracy. You do more to damage the idealism of democracy then any jihadists could hope for....all you have to do, well...just be yourself.


And these scum use the veil of democracy as a cloak to shield them from critisism for their disgusting acts.
Their actions has nothing to do with the right to protest.
They went their to cause trouble and they found it.
Their 'protest' had no bearing on Armistice Day.
It's a pity the servicemen and ex-servicemen didn't take to these Islamic maggots with clubs.

So your belief in democracy and its 'central tenets of freedom' is nothing but a veil. Thanks for sharing with us what we already know.

Keep up the good work.....

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Posts: 21939
A cat with a view
Re: Muslim protesters on trial for burning
Reply #52 - Mar 24th, 2011 at 9:35am
Lestat wrote on Mar 24th, 2011 at 8:03am:
chicken_lipsforme wrote on Mar 23rd, 2011 at 9:07am:
And these scum use the veil of democracy as a cloak to shield them from critisism for their disgusting acts.
Their actions has nothing to do with the right to protest.
They went their to cause trouble and they found it.
Their 'protest' had no bearing on Armistice Day.
It's a pity the servicemen and ex-servicemen didn't take to these Islamic maggots with clubs.

So your belief in democracy and its 'central tenets of freedom' is nothing but a veil. Thanks for sharing with us what we already know.

Keep up the good work.....


Many people like Lestat would propose that people who claim to embrace democracy, must therefore also embrace all other political systems, because they must prove their commitment to democratic ideals of tolerance and freedom of expression, and that they extend principle of freedom, and justice to all others.

They would propose that the who embrace democracy, must prove that they are 'tolerant' of all other men [and women].

Such 'logic' is like proposing that because we humans are animals, that we must treat all 'creatures' equally, no matter their specific habits and specific 'inclinations' towards other creatures.

And perhaps down at the zoo, perhaps we should propose that wolves and sheep could be kept together in the same enclosure ???

And perhaps those who vehemently  argue for the tolerance of all other 'creatures' should, perhaps, go to a crocodile park and jump the fence, and so thereby express their 'tolerance' of the crocodiles, by warmly embracing them.
Perhaps such people could start their expression of creaturely 'tolerance', by seeking to embrace 1st the leader of the crocodiles [i.e. the largest crocodile].
/sarc off

We all understand that in the world of animals so 'creatures' have differing characteristics and 'inclinations' towards other creatures.
Therefore some creatures wisely choose to separate themselves from other creatures.

There are also 'creatures' of differing characteristics and 'inclinations' within the world of men.

And even though i consider myself to be a tolerant person, i would not wish to associate closely, with some others,
NOT EVEN with those 'wolves' who were wearing sheep's clothing.

That, is not an expression of intolerance.
It is merely an expression of my sanity, in recognising that some creatures prey upon other creatures, and that likewise, some men, choose to prey upon their fellows.


And imo, all moslems are fascist ideologues, because;
All moslems, themselves, choose to embrace a philosophy [ISLAM] which tells moslems that it is 'lawful' for moslems, to kill human beings who do not believe, as they believe.

And imo, a group of people who embrace the ideals of democracy, and another group of people who embrace the ideals of fascism, cannot co-exist together.

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"....And he said unto him, If they hear not Moses and the prophets, neither will they be persuaded, though one rose from the dead."
Luke 16:31
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Australian Politics

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Gender: female
Re: Muslim protesters on trial for burning
Reply #53 - Mar 24th, 2011 at 3:51pm
Yadda wrote on Mar 24th, 2011 at 9:35am:
Lestat wrote on Mar 24th, 2011 at 8:03am:
chicken_lipsforme wrote on Mar 23rd, 2011 at 9:07am:
And these scum use the veil of democracy as a cloak to shield them from critisism for their disgusting acts.
Their actions has nothing to do with the right to protest.
They went their to cause trouble and they found it.
Their 'protest' had no bearing on Armistice Day.
It's a pity the servicemen and ex-servicemen didn't take to these Islamic maggots with clubs.

So your belief in democracy and its 'central tenets of freedom' is nothing but a veil. Thanks for sharing with us what we already know.

Keep up the good work.....


Many people like Lestat would propose that people who claim to embrace democracy, must therefore also embrace all other political systems, because they must prove their commitment to democratic ideals of tolerance and freedom of expression, and that they extend principle of freedom, and justice to all others.

They would propose that the who embrace democracy, must prove that they are 'tolerant' of all other men [and women].

Such 'logic' is like proposing that because we humans are animals, that we must treat all 'creatures' equally, no matter their specific habits and specific 'inclinations' towards other creatures.

And perhaps down at the zoo, perhaps we should propose that wolves and sheep could be kept together in the same enclosure ???

And perhaps those who vehemently  argue for the tolerance of all other 'creatures' should, perhaps, go to a crocodile park and jump the fence, and so thereby express their 'tolerance' of the crocodiles, by warmly embracing them.
Perhaps such people could start their expression of creaturely 'tolerance', by seeking to embrace 1st the leader of the crocodiles [i.e. the largest crocodile].
/sarc off

We all understand that in the world of animals so 'creatures' have differing characteristics and 'inclinations' towards other creatures.
Therefore some creatures wisely choose to separate themselves from other creatures.

There are also 'creatures' of differing characteristics and 'inclinations' within the world of men.

And even though i consider myself to be a tolerant person, i would not wish to associate closely, with some others,
NOT EVEN with those 'wolves' who were wearing sheep's clothing.

That, is not an expression of intolerance.
It is merely an expression of my sanity, in recognising that some creatures prey upon other creatures, and that likewise, some men, choose to prey upon their fellows.


And imo, all moslems are fascist ideologues, because;
All moslems, themselves, choose to embrace a philosophy [ISLAM] which tells moslems that it is 'lawful' for moslems, to kill human beings who do not believe, as they believe.

And imo, a group of people who embrace the ideals of democracy, and another group of people who embrace the ideals of fascism, cannot co-exist together.


You didnt cite anything from the scriptures
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Posts: 21939
A cat with a view
Re: Muslim protesters on trial for burning
Reply #54 - Mar 25th, 2011 at 7:49am
Foolosophy wrote on Mar 24th, 2011 at 3:51pm:


You didnt cite anything from the scriptures

Damned if i do, and damned if i don't.

Just for you Foolosophy....

Matthew 11:16
But whereunto shall I liken this generation? It is like unto children sitting in the markets, and calling unto their fellows,
17  And saying, We have piped unto you, and ye have not danced; we have mourned unto you, and ye have not lamented.
18  For John came neither eating nor drinking, and they say, He hath a devil.
19  The Son of man came eating and drinking, and they say, Behold a man gluttonous, and a winebibber, a friend of publicans and sinners. But wisdom is justified of her children.

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"....And he said unto him, If they hear not Moses and the prophets, neither will they be persuaded, though one rose from the dead."
Luke 16:31
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Re: Muslim protesters on trial for burning  poppies
Reply #55 - Apr 28th, 2011 at 11:23am
A glimpse into Lestat's mind :

Re: Muslims: think first before you immigrate
Reply #28 - Today at 9:08am

I never knew that a rubber doll could make anyone where anything. Oh well, each to there own.

Nice rubber doll you are whereing there. There?? Yeah, there castle!!!
WHose castle? There castle!!
Why do you talk like that? Well, it's all insh'allah, innit, infidel pigdog.

Drive, Lestat, drive!

Grin Grin
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Australian Politics

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Re: Muslim protesters on trial for burning
Reply #56 - Apr 28th, 2011 at 12:11pm
Yadda wrote on Mar 25th, 2011 at 7:49am:
Foolosophy wrote on Mar 24th, 2011 at 3:51pm:


You didnt cite anything from the scriptures

Damned if i do, and damned if i don't.

Just for you Foolosophy....

Matthew 11:16
But whereunto shall I liken this generation? It is like unto children sitting in the markets, and calling unto their fellows,
17  And saying, We have piped unto you, and ye have not danced; we have mourned unto you, and ye have not lamented.
18  For John came neither eating nor drinking, and they say, He hath a devil.
19  The Son of man came eating and drinking, and they say, Behold a man gluttonous, and a winebibber, a friend of publicans and sinners. But wisdom is justified of her children.


Thanks for that citation

DOnt forget to turn the other cheek and to give away ALL of your assets to the poor for they will inherit the earth
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Re: Muslim protesters on trial for burning  poppies
Reply #57 - Apr 29th, 2011 at 12:03pm
What were they charged with, disrespecting war?

If these guys had not been muslims, would the attention be there?

I remember when women's libbers protested at remembrance services laying wreaths for the victims forgotten, the women raped, and murdered in war.

The soldiers and their families present were certainly upset by those protests, but as long as they are peaceful, I do not know what crime they are supposed to have committed?

That comment applies equally to the muslims from this protest, and the women of thirty years ago.

Bad taste and insensitivity has never been a crime as far as I know.
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OOPS!!! My Karma, ran over your Dogma!
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Re: Muslim protesters on trial for burning  poppies
Reply #58 - Apr 29th, 2011 at 3:13pm
mozzaok wrote on Apr 29th, 2011 at 12:03pm:
What were they charged with, disrespecting war?

If these guys had not been muslims, would the attention be there?

I remember when women's libbers protested at remembrance services laying wreaths for the victims forgotten, the women raped, and murdered in war.

The soldiers and their families present were certainly upset by those protests, but as long as they are peaceful, I do not know what crime they are supposed to have committed?

That comment applies equally to the muslims from this protest, and the women of thirty years ago.

Bad taste and insensitivity has never been a crime as far as I know.

We all love a bit of reflex equivocation, Mozz, but to equate the supporters of the headhackers with the bra-burners is comparing bombs with boobs. The jihadis go around 'death to those who disrespect islam' plackards while the girls went around topless, demanding that everybody make love not war.
You must be extremely inattentive not to see glaring differences but to come up, instead, with the lazy 'it's all the same' argument.

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Australian Politics

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Re: Muslim protesters on trial for burning  poppies
Reply #59 - Apr 29th, 2011 at 5:06pm
Soren wrote on Apr 29th, 2011 at 3:13pm:
mozzaok wrote on Apr 29th, 2011 at 12:03pm:

all love a bit of reflex equivocation



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